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摘要: 【目的】海峡周边发育与其限制性地形相关的系列沉积体系,具有独特沉积相特征和分布特点。目前针对浅水海峡沉积的研究聚焦宽度较小(小于50 km)的海峡,这类海峡沉积以潮汐沉积为主。随着海峡宽度增加,海峡动力过程更为复杂,海峡沉积物的沉积过程有待揭示。以渤海海峡(浅水海峡,宽度106 km)为研究对象,阐明渤海海峡限制性地形对现代沉积体系分布的控制作用。【方法】基于大量表层沉积物粒度数据和四条浅地层剖面资料,使用区域海洋动力模型模拟渤海海峡及其邻近海域冬季(2020年12月-2021年2月)流场动力过程,揭示海峡沉积动力如何控制沉积物分布。【结果】海峡南部、北部沉积动力存在明显差异,北部属于高能沉积环境,以侵蚀为主,而南部相对低能,以沉积为主。表层沉积物类型多样,现代沉积物粒径分布呈现北粗南细,海峡狭窄处粗、两边细的分布格局。海峡北部围绕老铁山水道发育大型砂质涨潮三角洲、不发育退潮三角洲,反映了进出老铁山水道的潮流不均一性。海峡南部发育两类沉积体系:(1) 因黄河的巨量供给,在鲁北沿岸流的作用下沿山东半岛形成山东泥楔;(2) 由于海峡南部岛屿的遮挡和充足细粒沉积物供给,导致形成了小型冲刷槽和小型砂质涨潮三角洲。【结论】本文强调了海峡复杂的限制性地形对于区域沉积动力的塑造和沉积体系分布的控制。
Control of Restrictive Topography in the Bohai Strait on Modern Sedimentary System Distribution
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Abstract: [Objective] The formation of sedimentary systems within straits is intricately linked to the unique topographical constraints that influence both facies characteristics and sediment distribution patterns. While current research on shallow-water strait sedimentation focuses primarily on narrower straits (less than 50 km wide) dominated by tidal processes, wider straits present more complex dynamics. This study investigates how the Bohai Strait, a shallow strait with a width of 106 km, utilizes its unique topography to influence the distribution of modern sedimentary systems. [Methods] An extensive dataset of surface sediment grain sizes, combined with four shallow seismic profiles, was used to characterize the sedimentary environment. Additionally, a Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) simulation was employed for winter (December 2020 – February 2021) to better understand the hydrodynamic processes influencing sediment dynamics within and surrounding the Bohai Strait. [Results] Our results reveal significant differences in sediment dynamics between the northern and southern parts of the strait. The northern region exhibits a high-energy environment dominated by erosion, while the southern region displays a lower-energy environment conducive to deposition. Surface sediment types vary spatially, with coarser grains predominating in the north and narrow regions, while finer grains are observed on both sides (east-west) and in the south. A large-scale, sandy flood-tidal delta appears around the Laotieshan Channel in the north. The asymmetric tidal currents flowing in and out of the channel are likely responsible for this feature, with no evidence of an ebb-tidal delta formation. In contrast, the southern part of the strait exhibits two distinct sedimentary systems:(1)Shandong Mud Wedge: This system lies along the Shandong Peninsula's coast, shaped by the substantial sediment supply from the Yellow River and the influence of coastal currents. (2)Scour Troughs and Sandy Tidal Deltas: These smaller features are attributed to the protective effect of islands present in the southern strait, combined with the abundant supply of fine-grained sediments. [Conclusions] This study highlights the critical role of the strait's complex topography of the confinement in shaping regional sediment transport dynamics and the resulting distribution of sedimentary systems.
黄于婷, 单新, 石学法, 乔淑卿, 徐笑梅, 潘海东, 蓝涛, 高建华. 渤海海峡限制性地形对现代沉积体系分布的控制[J]. 沉积学报. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2024.129
Control of Restrictive Topography in the Bohai Strait on Modern Sedimentary System Distribution[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2024.129
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Control of Restrictive Topography in the Bohai Strait on Modern Sedimentary System Distribution[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2024.129