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Volume 42 Issue 5
Oct.  2024
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WANG BaXiu, ZHANG PengHui, LIANG Jie, CHEN JianWen, MENG XiangHao, FU YiLin, BAO YanJun. Biogenic Microcrystalline Quartz and Its Influence on Pore Development in Marine Shale Reservoirs[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(5): 1738-1752. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.143
Citation: WANG BaXiu, ZHANG PengHui, LIANG Jie, CHEN JianWen, MENG XiangHao, FU YiLin, BAO YanJun. Biogenic Microcrystalline Quartz and Its Influence on Pore Development in Marine Shale Reservoirs[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(5): 1738-1752. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.143

Biogenic Microcrystalline Quartz and Its Influence on Pore Development in Marine Shale Reservoirs

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.143

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41702162

National Natural Science Foundation of China 42076220

National Natural Science Foundation of China 42206234

Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences MGE2021KG16

Laoshan Laboratory “14th Five-Year Plan” Major Project 2021QNLM020001-1

China Geological Survey Project DD20190818

China Geological Survey Project DD20160152

China Geological Survey Project DD20221723

China Geological Survey Project DD20230317

China Geological Survey Project DD20230410

Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province ZR2020MD071

Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province ZR2020QD038

  • Received Date: 2022-06-20
  • Accepted Date: 2022-11-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-11-14
  • Available Online: 2022-11-29
  • Publish Date: 2024-10-10
  • Objective Quartz is one of the most important minerals in marine shale and can be found in several forms with multiple origins. In addition, different types of quartz may contribute differently to the geomechanical pro-perties and pore evolution of marine shale, and related research is lacking. It restricts a deep understanding of shale reservoir characteristics. Methods This study briefly reviews recent progress in the classification of quartz in typical marine shales. In order to better understand quartz types, silica sources, and the influence of biogenic microcrystalline quartz on geomechanical properties and pore evolution, marine shale samples were collected from the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation and the Lower Silurian Gaojiabian Formation, specifically well Gudi-1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform. These samples were analyzed using thin section-, X-ray diffraction-, and geochemical analysis, optical microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and field-emission scanning electron microscopy combined with cathodoluminescence. The aim was to further reveal the pore evolution pattern in the Lower Paleozoic marine shales of the Lower Yangtze Platform from a new perspective and to provide a more reliable geological basis for the storage capacity of shale gas reservoirs.Optical microscope evidence was found of siliceous organism fragments, including biogenic silica accounting for approximately 45.17% of the total silica content, as well as characteristics of major and trace elements, such as a non-hydrothermal area located in the Al-Fe-Mn ternary diagram, negative correlations of Zr and SiO2, an Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) ratio of 0.65 to 0.76, and a cross-plot of Si versus Al. Overall, these indicate that siliceous organisms provided an important silica source for microcrystalline quartz. These siliceous organisms provide a relatively rich silica source for the precipitation of authigenic quartz during early diagenesis. Results and Discussions The quartz in well Gudi-1 is mainly detrital, microcrystalline, and organism skeletal quartz. Detrital quartz is of terrigenous origin and is characterized by bright luminescence. Most detrital quartz particles are silt-sized and range from 10-30 µm. Microcrystalline quartz is one of the most common authigenic quartz types and can be found in several marine shale formations. Microcrystalline quartz has no or low luminescence, indicative of authigenic origin. Furthermore, microcrystalline quartz can be divided into three categories: clay matrix-dispersed microcrystalline quartz, euhedral microcrystalline quartz, and amorphous microcrystalline quartz cements. Organism skeletal quartz is widely distributed in the studied shale samples and was mostly found in fragments of siliceous organisms, such as radiolarians and sponge spicules. Most radiolarians are oval and round with diameters of approximately 100 µm. Conclusions This study indicates that biogenic microcrystalline quartz may have implications for rock mechanics and the evolution of porosity. The positive correlation between the silica content and brittleness index of the studied shale reveals that the development of biogenic microcrystalline quartz enhances the brittleness of the shale to a certain extent. Biogenic microcrystalline quartz can be interconnected to form a rigid siliceous matrix framework, which largely promotes the geomechanical properties of the studied shale. Moreover, the positive correlation between the silica content and porosity indicates that the enrichment of biogenic silica is conducive to pore evolution and preservation. Organic matter and clay minerals in shale are susceptible to ductile deformation by compaction, while biogenic microcrystalline quartz can form a rigid framework to enhance its resistance to compaction, which is conducive to the preser-vation of the internal pore space within shale, especially intergranular- and organic matter pores.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2022-06-20
  • Revised:  2022-11-14
  • Accepted:  2022-11-29
  • Published:  2024-10-10

Biogenic Microcrystalline Quartz and Its Influence on Pore Development in Marine Shale Reservoirs

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.143

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41702162

National Natural Science Foundation of China 42076220

National Natural Science Foundation of China 42206234

Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences MGE2021KG16

Laoshan Laboratory “14th Five-Year Plan” Major Project 2021QNLM020001-1

China Geological Survey Project DD20190818

China Geological Survey Project DD20160152

China Geological Survey Project DD20221723

China Geological Survey Project DD20230317

China Geological Survey Project DD20230410

Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province ZR2020MD071

Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province ZR2020QD038

Abstract: Objective Quartz is one of the most important minerals in marine shale and can be found in several forms with multiple origins. In addition, different types of quartz may contribute differently to the geomechanical pro-perties and pore evolution of marine shale, and related research is lacking. It restricts a deep understanding of shale reservoir characteristics. Methods This study briefly reviews recent progress in the classification of quartz in typical marine shales. In order to better understand quartz types, silica sources, and the influence of biogenic microcrystalline quartz on geomechanical properties and pore evolution, marine shale samples were collected from the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation and the Lower Silurian Gaojiabian Formation, specifically well Gudi-1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform. These samples were analyzed using thin section-, X-ray diffraction-, and geochemical analysis, optical microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and field-emission scanning electron microscopy combined with cathodoluminescence. The aim was to further reveal the pore evolution pattern in the Lower Paleozoic marine shales of the Lower Yangtze Platform from a new perspective and to provide a more reliable geological basis for the storage capacity of shale gas reservoirs.Optical microscope evidence was found of siliceous organism fragments, including biogenic silica accounting for approximately 45.17% of the total silica content, as well as characteristics of major and trace elements, such as a non-hydrothermal area located in the Al-Fe-Mn ternary diagram, negative correlations of Zr and SiO2, an Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) ratio of 0.65 to 0.76, and a cross-plot of Si versus Al. Overall, these indicate that siliceous organisms provided an important silica source for microcrystalline quartz. These siliceous organisms provide a relatively rich silica source for the precipitation of authigenic quartz during early diagenesis. Results and Discussions The quartz in well Gudi-1 is mainly detrital, microcrystalline, and organism skeletal quartz. Detrital quartz is of terrigenous origin and is characterized by bright luminescence. Most detrital quartz particles are silt-sized and range from 10-30 µm. Microcrystalline quartz is one of the most common authigenic quartz types and can be found in several marine shale formations. Microcrystalline quartz has no or low luminescence, indicative of authigenic origin. Furthermore, microcrystalline quartz can be divided into three categories: clay matrix-dispersed microcrystalline quartz, euhedral microcrystalline quartz, and amorphous microcrystalline quartz cements. Organism skeletal quartz is widely distributed in the studied shale samples and was mostly found in fragments of siliceous organisms, such as radiolarians and sponge spicules. Most radiolarians are oval and round with diameters of approximately 100 µm. Conclusions This study indicates that biogenic microcrystalline quartz may have implications for rock mechanics and the evolution of porosity. The positive correlation between the silica content and brittleness index of the studied shale reveals that the development of biogenic microcrystalline quartz enhances the brittleness of the shale to a certain extent. Biogenic microcrystalline quartz can be interconnected to form a rigid siliceous matrix framework, which largely promotes the geomechanical properties of the studied shale. Moreover, the positive correlation between the silica content and porosity indicates that the enrichment of biogenic silica is conducive to pore evolution and preservation. Organic matter and clay minerals in shale are susceptible to ductile deformation by compaction, while biogenic microcrystalline quartz can form a rigid framework to enhance its resistance to compaction, which is conducive to the preser-vation of the internal pore space within shale, especially intergranular- and organic matter pores.

WANG BaXiu, ZHANG PengHui, LIANG Jie, CHEN JianWen, MENG XiangHao, FU YiLin, BAO YanJun. Biogenic Microcrystalline Quartz and Its Influence on Pore Development in Marine Shale Reservoirs[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(5): 1738-1752. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.143
Citation: WANG BaXiu, ZHANG PengHui, LIANG Jie, CHEN JianWen, MENG XiangHao, FU YiLin, BAO YanJun. Biogenic Microcrystalline Quartz and Its Influence on Pore Development in Marine Shale Reservoirs[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(5): 1738-1752. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.143
  • 页岩气是一种蕴藏于页岩层系中具有自生自储特征的非常规天然气资源,页岩储层特征不仅影响页岩气的富集程度,而且对于后期勘探开发工作也具有重要影响[16]。页岩储层特征同时受岩石有机质和矿物组分,以及后期成岩作用(如溶蚀作用、胶结作用和压实作用等)的控制[715]。有机质作为页岩储层孔隙的主要载体之一,特别是腐泥型干酪根及固体沥青常含有丰富的纳米级有机质孔隙,早期一些研究普遍认为TOC是影响页岩孔隙度的重要因素[1617]。但近年来进一步的研究表明,TOC与孔隙度的关系是复杂的,二者之间并非一定存在相关关系,这可能与页岩存在显著的无机孔隙(也称基质孔隙)有关[12,1820]。页岩矿物组成不仅是影响储层孔隙发育和保存的重要因素,也是影响页岩气富集的重要因素[2122]。页岩中的脆性矿物能够形成稳定的框架,可以减少有机质颗粒受到的有效应力,有助于减少对有机质孔隙的破坏,进而有利于孔隙的保存[2327]

    石英具有高弹性模量、低泊松比和低韧性的特点,是页岩中最重要的脆性矿物,具有比其他矿物更高的脆性,对岩石强度和储层质量起着至关重要的积极作用[2,12,24,28]。页岩中的脆性矿物(包括石英、长石及碳酸盐矿物等)被广泛用于脆性指数(BI值)的计算[2,2931],但目前关于脆性矿物的形式,尤其是石英中的生物成因微晶石英对于页岩脆性等岩石力学方面影响的研究较少。石英是海相页岩中最重要的矿物组分之一,以多种形式存在,并存在多种硅质来源和成因[3233]。在海洋环境中,硅质来源和石英的形成机制是多样且复杂的,按硅质来源的不同,可分为碎屑硅、生物硅和热液硅三类[3237];此外,次生石英还可在成岩过程中通过多种机制形成,如硅质生物碎片的溶解、碎屑石英和硅酸盐颗粒的溶解或压溶作用,以及黏土矿物的转化等[33,38]。二氧化硅有多种来源,包括初级来源和次级来源,不同来源的石英在形态和大小等方面存在差异。近年来,基于硅质来源和石英晶体形态,并借助偏光显微镜、场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)和阴极发光(SEM-CL)等识别方法,目前已在美国得克萨斯州上白垩统鹰滩组(Eagle Ford)、白垩系莫里组(Mowry)、米德兰盆地宾夕法尼亚系克莱恩组(Cline)、北达科他州威利斯顿盆地上泥盆统—下密西西比统巴肯组(Bakken)、我国上扬子地区上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组、上中扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组和塔里木盆地下寒武统玉尔吐斯组等海相页岩中发现了不同类型的石英[22,25,28,33,3947]。最新研究显示,生物硅含量与页岩孔隙度间可存在较好的正相关关系[12,48],表明生物成因石英对页岩孔隙的保存具有积极作用。


  • 不同类型的石英对于页岩孔隙发育和演化的贡献是不同的,因此识别和分析页岩石英类型至关重要。根据硅质来源和石英晶体形态,并借助偏光显微镜、场发射扫描电镜观察分析、能谱分析和阴极发光等方法手段,近年来在美国上白垩统鹰滩组页岩[40]、中国上扬子下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩[42,46]和上扬子五峰组—龙马溪组页岩[25,33,58]等多套海相页岩层系中发现了不同的石英类型,详细石英分类如表1所示。本文借助偏光显微镜、场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)、能谱(EDS)和阴极发光(SEM-CL)等手段,选取下扬子地区鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组底部黑色富含笔石页岩层段(1 208.0~1 234.0 m),对应晚奥陶世凯迪阶—早志留世鲁丹阶,涵盖Dicellograptus complexus⁃Paraorthograptus pacificus带(WF2~WF3)、Akidograp tus ascensus带(LM2)等笔石带序列[6061],发现该套页岩中广泛存在前期未引起足够重视的多种石英类型,主要包括碎屑石英、微晶石英和生物骨架石英。总体而言,海相页岩中碎屑石英主要通过河流搬运和沉积,主要为陆源输入,由于长距离的搬运,碎屑石英多呈粉砂状和次圆状,在SEM-CL下基本为明亮的颗粒[33,41],鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩中的碎屑石英表现出类似的特征,且粒径多介于10~30 μm(图1)。

    美国德克萨斯上白垩统鹰滩组 (Eagle Ford)页岩FE-SEM、EDS、SEM-CL石英来源、形态和大小、 SEM-CL下的颜色和强度碎屑石英(盆外碎屑石英、盆内碎屑石英)、自生石英(石英胶结物、交代的石英颗粒)据文献[40]
    美国下白垩统莫里组(Mowry)页岩FE-SEM、EDS、SEM-CL石英形态、大小和分布特征、 SEM-CL下的颜色和强度碎屑石英、生物骨架石英、石英次生加大、异化颗粒粒内孔隙填充的石英颗粒、 分散在黏土基质内的微晶石英据文献[41]
    美国侏罗系海恩斯维尔—波西尔(Haynesville-Bossier)页岩偏光显微镜、FE-SEM、 EDS、SEM-CL石英形态、大小和分布特征、 SEM-CL下的强度碎屑石英、交代的石英颗粒、 石英次生加大据文献[59]
    美国得克萨斯州米德兰盆地 宾夕法尼亚系克莱恩(Cline)页岩FE-SEM、EDS、SEM-CL石英形态、大小、 SEM-CL下的颜色和强度碎屑石英、石英次生加大、生物骨架石英、交代的石英颗粒、石英胶结物和黏土大小的微晶石英据文献[44]
    美国北达科他州威利斯顿盆地 上泥盆统—下密西西比统巴肯组 (Bakken)页岩偏光显微镜、SEM、EDS石英晶体形态、 大小和分布方式碎屑石英、生物骨架石英、微晶石英据文献[39]
    偏光显微镜、SEM、EDS石英形态、结构、 大小和分布特征碎屑石英、生物成因石英、 黏土转化形成的石英据文献[43]
    偏光显微镜、FE-SEM、EDS、SEM-CL石英形态和大小、 SEM-CL强度碎屑石英、微晶石英、生物骨架石英据文献[22]
    FE-SEM、EDS、SEM-CL石英形态和大小、SEM-CL强度碎屑石英、生物骨架石英、石英次生加大、分散在黏土基质内的微晶石英、 自形石英聚集体据文献[25]
    偏光显微镜、FE-SEM、SEM-CL石英晶体形态、分布特征、 SEM-CL下的颜色和强度碎屑石英、生物骨架石英、微晶石英、 石英次生加大、石英脉据文献[28]
    偏光显微镜、FE-SEM、SEM-CL石英晶体形态、来源和形成时间、 SEM-CL强度碎屑石英、生物骨架石英、石英次生加大、微晶石英、石英脉据文献[33]
    上、中扬子下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩FE-SEM、EDS、SEM-CL石英形态和大小、SEM-CL强度碎屑石英、石英聚集体、 石英次生加大、微晶石英据文献[42]
    偏光显微镜、FE-SEM、SEM-CL石英大小、形态和分布特征、 SEM-CL强度碎屑石英、生物骨架石英、 微晶石英、自形石英聚集体据文献[46]
    下扬子五峰组—高家边组页岩偏光显微镜、FE-SEM、SEM-CL石英大小、形态和分布特征、 SEM-CL强度碎屑石英、微晶石英、生物骨架石英本次研究

    Table 1.  Classification of quartz in typical marine shales

    Figure 1.  Microscopic characteristics of detrital quartz and microcrystalline quartz in the Gaojiabian shale from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform

    页岩中绝大多数石英可能并非碎屑成因,而主要为自生成因[62]。微晶石英为最常见的自生石英之一,在SEM-CL下不发光,为灰暗的形式[12,25,32],可见于多套海相页岩层系(图2)。根据微晶石英的晶体形态和分布特征,鼓地1井中的微晶石英可进一步细分为3种类型:Ⅰ型,分散于黏土基质中的微晶石英,这类石英在富黏土页岩中较为常见,在黏土矿物附近呈片状或颗粒状分布,多与蒙脱石的伊利石化有关(图2a,g);Ⅱ型,自形微晶石英(图2b,h),具有独特的晶体形态,在抛光样中多呈六边形,形貌样中为六方棱柱状,发育程度好,直径多介于1~2 μm;Ⅲ型,无定形微晶石英(图2c,d),直径从数百纳米到几微米不等,没有特定的形状,发育丰富的粒间孔隙[33]。其中大部分的Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型微晶石英可能来源于放射虫等硅质生物的溶解,即生物成因来源[6263]

    Figure 2.  Scanning electron microscope characteristics of microcrystalline quartz in marine shales


    Figure 3.  Siliceous fossil images of shale in the Wufeng Formation⁃Gaojiabian Formation from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform


    Figure 4.  Quartz overgrowths and veins in marine shales

  • 页岩自生微晶石英的硅质来源较为广泛,包括火山玻璃转化、黏土矿物转化、硅酸盐矿物溶解,以及硅质生物骨架溶解与再沉淀等[33,7173],可通过镜下观察、主微量元素和生物硅含量等多种指标和方法手段来综合判定样品中的硅质来源。

  • 页岩中存在放射虫和海绵骨针等硅质生物骨架,可通过镜下观察来识别,这些硅质生物可为成岩作用早期自生石英的沉淀提供较为丰富的硅质来源[12,28,66,74]。鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩镜下可见放射虫(图3a,b)和海绵骨针(图3c,d),其中放射虫多呈纺锤形、椭圆形和圆形,直径大多在100 µm左右,显微镜下部分样品可见放射状结构。

  • Al/ (Fe+Al+Mn)比值通常用于评估热液活动对于海洋沉积物的影响,且比值随着热液输入的减少而增加[75],可以作为确定硅质成因的一项关键指标。其中,纯热液的Al/(Fe+Al+Mn)比值小于0.01,而日本半深海Kamiaso生物燧石的Al/(Fe+Al+Mn)比值为0.60[35,66,7576]。鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩的Al/(Fe+Al+Mn)比值为0.65~0.76,平均为0.70(表2),表明硅质为非热液成因。

    1 208.069.8412.105.390.050.5532.2146.120.65
    1 210.263.3116.635.330.030.7011.5918.310.72
    1 213.562.0314.486.140.040.6416.9827.380.66
    1 222.068.1211.985.380.030.5430.8645.300.65
    1 228.172.7610.273.490.030.4540.8356.120.71
    1 231.071.2011.263.800.040.5136.1750.800.71
    1 232.868.7113.213.850.040.5527.6340.210.74
    1 233.461.0613.805.320.060.6518.1529.730.68
    1 234.067.2614.673.930.030.7321.6432.180.75

    Table 2.  Major elements analysis of shale in the Wufeng Formation⁃Gaojiabian Formation from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform


    Figure 5.  Al⁃Fe⁃Mn ternary diagram in the marine shales of the Yangtze Platform (after references [35,75])

    Figure 6.  Relationship between SiO2 and Zr in the Lower Paleozoic marine shale of the Yangtze Platform

  • 陆壳中SiO2/Al2O3值约为3.6[8182],即若SiO2/Al2O3值位于3.6附近,则表明页岩中的硅质均为陆源输入。鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩SiO2/Al2O3值介于3.81~11.98,平均为6.25,反映明显存在其他硅质来源。此外,在Si含量与Al含量交汇图中,位于伊利石Si/Al线之上的样品表明其存在过量硅[83]。鼓地1井页岩样品均位于伊利石Si/Al线的上方区域(图7),由于前文已排除硅质的热液来源,故过量硅可视为生物硅。因此,生物硅可通过总硅含量减去碎屑硅含量来估计[21],其含量可通过公式(1)进行计算:

    SiO2bio=Sisample-[Alsample×(Si/Al)background]  (1)


    Figure 7.  Cross⁃plot of Si versus Al in the marine shales of the Yangtze Platform (after reference [83])

  • 页岩组分与结构是控制其力学性能的重要因素,高脆性的矿物(包括石英、长石、黄铁矿和碳酸盐矿物)对岩石的力学强度具有积极的贡献[8485]。脆性指数(BI值),已被广泛用于表征页岩的脆性,主要包括基于岩石力学弹性系数(杨氏模量和泊松比)的力学BI值和脆性矿物含量的矿物BI值两种。力学BI值需要大量样品的岩石力学分析测试和昂贵的成本,而矿物BI值往往导致岩石脆性的人为优化,为此,本文借助矿物组成和力学性能相结合的方法来计算鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩的BI值(表3),计算方法见公式2[31]

    1 208.047.6026.6011.407.9006.500.4755.84
    1 210.251.4019.5014.904.5009.700.5859.690.53
    1 213.548.6026.6010.405.
    1 222.061.6020.908.2005.603.701.4973.56
    1 228.170.2019.405.001.502.201.602.1376.521.21
    1 229.177.407.402.208.703.900.402.2787.34
    1 231.071.8017.805.401.203.8001.7279.780.81
    1 232.863.5023.406.901.6004.600.7867.970.67
    1 233.464.3023.105.601.6005.500.9268.84
    1 234.065.5022.406.90005.201.5169.621.18

    Table 3.  X⁃ray diffraction (XRD), total organic carbon (TOC), brittleness index (BI), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) porosity results of shale in the Wufeng Formation⁃Gaojiabian Formation from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform

    BI=M石英+0.36×M白云+1.46×M黄铁+0.17×M斜长+0.05×M黏土矿物+0.32×M菱铁+0.19×                    M方解+0.03×2.215×M有机  (2)



    Figure 8.  Relationship between SiO2bio and BI of shale in the Wufeng Formation⁃Gaojiabian Formation from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform

  • 核磁共振(NMR)是一种快速、无创、无损的技术,近年来已被初步应用于测定页岩的孔隙类型、孔径分布以及孔隙度等[48,86]。通过分析鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩核磁共振孔隙度与岩石组成的关系可知,孔隙度与TOC具有一定的正相关性,与生物硅具有较好的正相关性,而与伊利石之间具有较好的负相关性(图9),表明TOC对孔隙度具有一定的促进作用,而生物硅的富集有利于孔隙的发育与保存。鼓地1井页岩样品中的黏土矿物主要为伊利石,相对含量占97.75%,填充粒间孔隙而导致孔隙度降低。此外,孔隙度分量与孔径曲线显示,鼓地1井页岩中低生物硅含量的样品以直径为10 nm(绿色条带)为主,而较高生物硅含量的样品在10~100 nm的范围(蓝色条带)内孔隙度有所增加且孔径分布更为均匀。这可能是随着生物硅含量的增加,处于10~100 nm的微晶石英粒间孔隙和有机质孔隙得以更好的发育与保存。

    Figure 9.  Rock composition with NMR porosity of shale in the Wufeng Formation⁃Gaojiabian Formation from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform

    生物成因微晶石英来源于硅质生物的溶解和再沉淀,硅质生物的原始成分一般为蛋白石-A,蛋白石-A是一种高度无序的非晶态硅质物质且性质不稳定,在40 ℃~50 ℃时会发生快速溶解—脱水—再沉淀反应,生成蛋白石-CT,并在60 ℃~75 ℃时会进一步发生溶解—再沉淀反应,逐渐形成高硬度结构的隐晶质和微晶石英集合体[32,48,8788]。由于蛋白石-A和蛋白石-CT的稳定性均不高,其成岩的温度和压力相对较低,在成岩作用早期便完成向更为稳定的生物成因微晶石英的转变[63,89]。蛋白石-A向蛋白石-CT转化阶段,孔隙度损失率高;而蛋白石-CT向微晶石英转化阶段,孔隙度损失率低,且损失幅度显著减小[89]。因而这些形成于成岩作用早期的生物成因微晶石英便构成了刚性框架,提高了页岩的抗压实能力,并有效抑制原生孔隙在埋藏压实过程中的进一步减小,从而使原生孔隙得以良好保存,且在发生显著的孔隙度损失之前就已开始保持孔隙度[48,89]。而在成岩作用晚期,压实作用对页岩原生孔隙的破坏程度较为有限,孔隙度损失极为缓慢[89]。在一些生物硅对总硅贡献较大的海相页岩中,常见次生有机质填充生物成因微晶石英粒间孔隙空间,且这些有机质内部有机质孔隙较为发育[12,25,33,37,48]。下扬子地区鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩Ro值介于1.67%~2.11%,平均为1.83%,大多处于高成熟阶段,同样可见有机质填充于生物成因微晶石英粒间孔隙空间,且有机质孔隙发育较为广泛(图10)。页岩中有机质和黏土矿物受压实作用影响易发生塑性变形,而生物成因微晶石英则可形成刚性框架,增强其抗压实能力,使其内部的有机质孔隙得以保存[33]。近年来越来越多的研究表明,在刚性框架存在的情况下,页岩原生粒间孔隙和有机质孔隙往往得以较好的保存[1718,2425]。对鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组底部页岩的研究进一步表明,生物成因微晶石英可在下扬子地区古生界海相页岩中广泛发育,有利于孔隙的保存,有助于进一步揭示下扬子地区古生界海相页岩孔隙发育与演化规律,为寻找页岩气有利赋存区提供进一步的地质依据。

    Figure 10.  Scanning electron microscope characteristics of microcrystalline quartz and its internal organic pores in the Gaojiabian shale from well Gudi⁃1 of the Lower Yangtze Platform

  • (1) 海相页岩石英类型可大致划分为碎屑石英、自生微晶石英、石英次生加大、生物骨架石英和石英脉五种类型;其中微晶石英作为最常见的一种自生石英类型,基于其晶体形态和分布特征的差异,可细分为分散于黏土基质中的微晶石英、自形微晶石英和无定形微晶石英共3种类型。下扬子地区鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩石英类型主要为碎屑石英、微晶石英和生物骨架石英,其中碎屑石英在阴极发光下显示为明亮的颗粒,而微晶石英呈现为在阴极发光下不发光或暗发光的自生来源特征,生物骨架石英则多为放射虫和海绵骨针的生物碎片。

    (2) 海相页岩中微晶石英可存在多种硅质来源,镜下及地球化学指标指示,生物成因构成了鼓地1井五峰组—高家边组页岩微晶石英重要的硅质来源。

    (3) 生物成因微晶石英对页岩储层发育具有重要的影响,能够增强页岩的脆性并形成刚性框架,提高了页岩的力学性质,使其抗压实能力增强,有利于页岩内部孔隙空间特别是粒间孔隙和有机质孔隙的保存。

Reference (89)



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