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摘要: 细粒沉积物搬运机理研究是细粒沉积物“源-汇”系统理论中的重要一环,对恢复沉积环境、理解细粒沉积物分布和预测非常规油气资源等方面具有重要意义。由于细粒沉积物粒度细小,不便观察,且搬运方式多样,不同搬运方式对应多种沉积构造,因此,细粒沉积物搬运机理的研究进展缓慢。纵观国内外现有的研究成果,目前还缺乏针对细粒沉积物搬运机理研究成果的梳理和总结。本文综合当前的研究成果,系统梳理了细粒沉积物的搬运方式及沉积特征,将细粒沉积物搬运方式分为物理搬运、化学搬运和生物搬运三大类。物理搬运包括河流、大气、底流、羽流和六种重力流搬运,河流和大气搬运依靠流水或风的动力,克服细粒物质的重力作用,实现对细粒物质的搬运,搬运的驱动力主要是推移力和载荷力;底流、羽流和重力流搬运由潮汐、风力、地震、洪水、风暴、火山喷发等方式触发,搬运的驱动力主要是重力。黏土矿物、溶解有机碳、碳酸盐类矿物、铁质矿物等呈胶体溶液或真溶液被搬运;溶解物质受环境的pH值、Eh值、温度、压力、离子浓度或电荷等影响,能够通过化学方式搬运。垂直向上搬运、沉积物-水界面附近的搬运以及多类型生物的综合搬运是生物搬运细粒沉积物的三种形式。本文旨在厘清细粒沉积物的搬运方式,增进对细粒沉积物搬运机制的理解,从而推动细粒沉积学理论的发展,为明确细粒沉积地层的展布特征、预测非常规油气资源的分布提供坚实的理论基础和科学依据。
Current Research Status on the Transportation of Fine-Grained Sediments
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Abstract: The study of fine-grained sediment transport mechanisms is an important part of the "source-to-sink" system theory of fine-grained sediments, which is significant for restoring sedimentary environments, understanding the distribution of fine-grained sediments, and predicting unconventional oil and gas resources. Due to the fine granularity of fine-grained sediments, which makes them difficult to observe, and the rich variety of transport mechanisms, each corresponding to different sedimentary structures, there is currently a lack of summary on the characteristics of fine-grained sediment transport mechanisms. This paper synthesizes current research findings and systematically organizes the transport mechanisms and characteristics of fine-grained sediments, dividing them into three major categories: physical transport, chemical transport, and biological transport. Physical transport includes river flow, wind, bottom flow, plume flow and six types of gravity flow transport, triggered by wind, tides, earthquakes, floods, storms, and volcanic eruptions; dissolved substances such as clay minerals, dissolved organic carbon, carbonate minerals, and iron minerals, which are transported in colloidal solutions or true solutions, are influenced by environmental factors such as pH value, Eh value, temperature, pressure, ion concentration, or charge, and can be transported chemically; vertical upward transport, transport near the sediment-water interface, and comprehensive transport by multiple types of organisms are the three forms of biological transport of fine-grained sediments. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the transportation methods of fine-grained sediments, enhance the understanding of the transportation mechanisms of fine-grained sediments, and thus promote the development of fine-grained sedimentology theory. It provides a solid theoretical foundation and scientific basis for clarifying the distribution characteristics of fine-grained sedimentary strata and predicting the distribution of unconventional oil and gas resources.