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摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地晚三叠延长组长7时期沉积了一套全盆地可连续追踪泥页岩,是目前非常规石油勘探开发的主力层系。长73亚段纹层型页岩油储层横向变化快、纵向叠置,在实践中存在储层展布不明、勘探难度较大、钻遇与率低等问题。为明确纹层型页岩油储层分布规律,本文深入结合地震、地质和测井资料,提出地震前积反射特征+沉积期古底型双重控制的页岩油储层展布规律。首先根据最新三维地震资料,利用地层倾角翻转法恢复沉积期古地貌。然后结合地质背景和测井结果,以湖泛泥岩地震反射同相轴为标志开展地震地层对比划分,给出古隆起导向前积斜坡四期期次划分结果和页岩油储层展布规律。最后从结论分析了沉积期长73亚段纹层型页岩油储层的深水重力流沉积成因,并探讨了本次研究成果对鄂尔多斯盆地非常规油气勘探开发的启示。
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Abstract: During the Chang 7 period of the Yanchang Formation, Late Triassic in Ordos Basin, a set of continuously traceable shale was deposited, and the shale is currently the main stratigraphic strata for unconventional oil exploration and development. The shale oil reservoir at Chang 73 sub-member has features of fast lateral changing fast and vertical stacking, which make problems in practice such as unclear reservoir distribution, high exploration difficulty, and low drilling rate, etc. In order to clarify the distribution pattern of laminated-type shale oil reservoirs, we propose a shale oil reservoir distribution pattern controlled by seismic reflection characteristics of progradations and sedimentary paleogeomorphology by using seismic, geological, and logging data deeply. Firstly, through the latest 3D seismic data, the stratigraphic dip flipping method is used to recover sedimentary paleogeomorphology. Then, we mark the seismic reflection of lacustrine mudstones and make seismic stratigraphic comparison and division, and propose a four stage progradational clinoforms and distribution patterns of shale oil reservoir based on the sedimentary paleogeomorphology. Finally, the deep-water gravity flow sedimentary process of the Chang 73 sub-member laminated shale oil reservoir is inferred from above conclusions, and the inspiration of this research for unconventional oil and gas exploration and development in the Ordos Basin is discussed.