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CHEN Fang-wen, LU Shuang-fang, Ding Xue. Evaluation on Hydrocarbon-generation Amount of Middle-shallow Source Rocks of Qijia-Gulong Depression in Songliao Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1181-1187.
Citation: CHEN Fang-wen, LU Shuang-fang, Ding Xue. Evaluation on Hydrocarbon-generation Amount of Middle-shallow Source Rocks of Qijia-Gulong Depression in Songliao Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1181-1187.

Evaluation on Hydrocarbon-generation Amount of Middle-shallow Source Rocks of Qijia-Gulong Depression in Songliao Basin

  • Received Date: 2013-09-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-01-21
  • Publish Date: 2014-12-10
  • In recent years, the analysis on core samples from the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression of Songliao Basin are getting more and more, it's necessary to re-evaluate the hydrocarbon-generation amount of the middle-shallow source rocks. The geochemical characteristics of core samples from the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression were collected and analyzed. The hydrocarbon generated transformation ratio with depth of the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression was calculated using the chemical kinetics method, which is based on the high temperature thermal simulation of low maturity source rock samples. Then the hydrocarbon-generation amount was evaluated quantitatively. The results show that: the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression of Songliao Basin are extremely rich in organic matter. The organic matter types of them are good. And the thermal evolution stage of them is from immature to mature. The hydrocarbon generation threshold depth of the middle-shallow source rocks is about 1 500 m, and the depth of beginning to quickly generate hydrocarbon is about 1 750 m. The middle-shallow source rocks of the first member of Qingshankou formation (K1qn1), the second and third member of Qingshankou formation (K1qn2+3) and the first member of Nenjiang formation (K1n1) are mainly generated oil associated with a small amount of gas. The amounts of oil generated from them are 195.95×108 t, 241.79×108 t and 134.77×108 t. The amounts of gas generated from them are 36.89×1011 m3, 17.64×1011 m3 and 4.02×1011 m3, respectively. The oil and gas resource are (28.63~57.25) ×108 t and (0.29~0.59) ×1011 m3 in middle-shallow strata of Qijia-Gulong depression in Songliao Basin.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-09-16
  • Revised:  2014-01-21
  • Published:  2014-12-10

Evaluation on Hydrocarbon-generation Amount of Middle-shallow Source Rocks of Qijia-Gulong Depression in Songliao Basin

Abstract: In recent years, the analysis on core samples from the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression of Songliao Basin are getting more and more, it's necessary to re-evaluate the hydrocarbon-generation amount of the middle-shallow source rocks. The geochemical characteristics of core samples from the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression were collected and analyzed. The hydrocarbon generated transformation ratio with depth of the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression was calculated using the chemical kinetics method, which is based on the high temperature thermal simulation of low maturity source rock samples. Then the hydrocarbon-generation amount was evaluated quantitatively. The results show that: the middle-shallow source rocks in Qijia-Gulong Depression of Songliao Basin are extremely rich in organic matter. The organic matter types of them are good. And the thermal evolution stage of them is from immature to mature. The hydrocarbon generation threshold depth of the middle-shallow source rocks is about 1 500 m, and the depth of beginning to quickly generate hydrocarbon is about 1 750 m. The middle-shallow source rocks of the first member of Qingshankou formation (K1qn1), the second and third member of Qingshankou formation (K1qn2+3) and the first member of Nenjiang formation (K1n1) are mainly generated oil associated with a small amount of gas. The amounts of oil generated from them are 195.95×108 t, 241.79×108 t and 134.77×108 t. The amounts of gas generated from them are 36.89×1011 m3, 17.64×1011 m3 and 4.02×1011 m3, respectively. The oil and gas resource are (28.63~57.25) ×108 t and (0.29~0.59) ×1011 m3 in middle-shallow strata of Qijia-Gulong depression in Songliao Basin.

CHEN Fang-wen, LU Shuang-fang, Ding Xue. Evaluation on Hydrocarbon-generation Amount of Middle-shallow Source Rocks of Qijia-Gulong Depression in Songliao Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1181-1187.
Citation: CHEN Fang-wen, LU Shuang-fang, Ding Xue. Evaluation on Hydrocarbon-generation Amount of Middle-shallow Source Rocks of Qijia-Gulong Depression in Songliao Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1181-1187.
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