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SUN Li-chun, WANG Hong-qiang, HE Juan, WANG Long, GUO Li-na, NI Jun-e. Seismic Characteristics and Depositional Model of Near-seabed Submarine Leveed-channel Complexes in Nigeria Offshore Block, West Africa[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1140-1152.
Citation: SUN Li-chun, WANG Hong-qiang, HE Juan, WANG Long, GUO Li-na, NI Jun-e. Seismic Characteristics and Depositional Model of Near-seabed Submarine Leveed-channel Complexes in Nigeria Offshore Block, West Africa[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1140-1152.

Seismic Characteristics and Depositional Model of Near-seabed Submarine Leveed-channel Complexes in Nigeria Offshore Block, West Africa

  • Received Date: 2013-10-24
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-03-11
  • Publish Date: 2014-12-10
  • Submarine leveed-channel complexes on the continental slope in OML130 area of West Africa have been anatomized with high-resolution seismic data near the present seabed. Seismic reflection features for each sedimentary elements of the submarine gravity-flow induced leveed-channel complex has been analyzed and summarized. The geometric outlines and the interior infill characteristics have been introduced in detail. Seismic reflections for single channel have the V-shaped cross-sectional motifs with relatively high amplitudes and low continuities at the lower interval, which indicate the relatively coarse-grained sediments, whilst for the upper part of a channel, seismic reflections have the motifs indicating fine-grained sediments with moderate amplitudes and great continuities and the sinuous ribbon plan form. With the analysis on features of cutting and filling, three stacking patterns of channels in the leveed-channel complexes have been summarized. It is concluded that each later channel develops independently from at most cases the earlier channels in terms of the process compared with the sinuous meandering channels in fluvial systems. So, it leads to the three stacking patterns occurred in the different parts of this submarine leveed-channel system. A depositional model for the continental slope leveed-channel complex in West Africa is envisioned based on the analysis of the controlling factors with the data from near-seabed seismic as well as the deeper hydrocarbon-producing intervals. It is likely that the leveed-channel complexes can be occurred simultaneously with the depositional lobate-fan complexes side by side or alternatively downslope with each other. Near seabed high-resolution seismic data help us gain a much more insight than ever into the characteristics of the deep-water depositional systems and build the more rational and applicable models, which will enhance the related studies more successfully.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-10-24
  • Revised:  2014-03-11
  • Published:  2014-12-10

Seismic Characteristics and Depositional Model of Near-seabed Submarine Leveed-channel Complexes in Nigeria Offshore Block, West Africa

Abstract: Submarine leveed-channel complexes on the continental slope in OML130 area of West Africa have been anatomized with high-resolution seismic data near the present seabed. Seismic reflection features for each sedimentary elements of the submarine gravity-flow induced leveed-channel complex has been analyzed and summarized. The geometric outlines and the interior infill characteristics have been introduced in detail. Seismic reflections for single channel have the V-shaped cross-sectional motifs with relatively high amplitudes and low continuities at the lower interval, which indicate the relatively coarse-grained sediments, whilst for the upper part of a channel, seismic reflections have the motifs indicating fine-grained sediments with moderate amplitudes and great continuities and the sinuous ribbon plan form. With the analysis on features of cutting and filling, three stacking patterns of channels in the leveed-channel complexes have been summarized. It is concluded that each later channel develops independently from at most cases the earlier channels in terms of the process compared with the sinuous meandering channels in fluvial systems. So, it leads to the three stacking patterns occurred in the different parts of this submarine leveed-channel system. A depositional model for the continental slope leveed-channel complex in West Africa is envisioned based on the analysis of the controlling factors with the data from near-seabed seismic as well as the deeper hydrocarbon-producing intervals. It is likely that the leveed-channel complexes can be occurred simultaneously with the depositional lobate-fan complexes side by side or alternatively downslope with each other. Near seabed high-resolution seismic data help us gain a much more insight than ever into the characteristics of the deep-water depositional systems and build the more rational and applicable models, which will enhance the related studies more successfully.

SUN Li-chun, WANG Hong-qiang, HE Juan, WANG Long, GUO Li-na, NI Jun-e. Seismic Characteristics and Depositional Model of Near-seabed Submarine Leveed-channel Complexes in Nigeria Offshore Block, West Africa[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1140-1152.
Citation: SUN Li-chun, WANG Hong-qiang, HE Juan, WANG Long, GUO Li-na, NI Jun-e. Seismic Characteristics and Depositional Model of Near-seabed Submarine Leveed-channel Complexes in Nigeria Offshore Block, West Africa[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1140-1152.
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