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GAO Zhi-yong, FENG Jia-rui, ZHOU Chuan-min, CUI Jing-gang, LI Xiao-pei, ZHAO Xue-song, GUO Mei-li, WU Hao. Arid Climate Seasonal Rivers Deposition: A case of Lower Cretaceous in Kuche river outcrop[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1060-1071.
Citation: GAO Zhi-yong, FENG Jia-rui, ZHOU Chuan-min, CUI Jing-gang, LI Xiao-pei, ZHAO Xue-song, GUO Mei-li, WU Hao. Arid Climate Seasonal Rivers Deposition: A case of Lower Cretaceous in Kuche river outcrop[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1060-1071.

Arid Climate Seasonal Rivers Deposition: A case of Lower Cretaceous in Kuche river outcrop

  • Received Date: 2013-09-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2013-12-12
  • Publish Date: 2014-12-10
  • Through the restructuring of the Kuche river section of Lower Cretaceous-Paleogene Kumugeliemu group sedimentary outcrop observation, analysis of sandstone lithology combination, sedimentary structure, gravel characteristics and sedimentary environment, combined with the sedimentary features of seasonal river in Tianshan north and south. It is an important depositional system that the seasonal rivers and seasonal river delta developed under arid climatic conditions in Cretaceous of Kuche depression. The seasonal river sedimentary characteristics of the lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation and the extensive development is very similar, both typical fluvial facies sedimentary rhythm sand body is widespread, the river bottom mud gravel and detritus thick massive large-scale cross bedding sandstone, but also show a high-energy fine sandstones and silty sandstone, with higher structural maturity and lower compositional maturity. On this basis, the establishment of the Kuche river section of Lower Cretaceous Basi Group restructuring of sedimentary facies model. In Baxigai Formation sedimentary period, development area wide shallow lakes larger in Kuche depression, the development of seasonal rivers into the lakes formed seasonal rivers Delta. In Bashijiqike Formation sedimentary period, a number of small lakes emergence in front of the ancient Tianshan Mountains, ancient Tianshan Piedmont seasonal braided river and a large number of multiple seasonal small braided delta were deposited.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-09-16
  • Revised:  2013-12-12
  • Published:  2014-12-10

Arid Climate Seasonal Rivers Deposition: A case of Lower Cretaceous in Kuche river outcrop

Abstract: Through the restructuring of the Kuche river section of Lower Cretaceous-Paleogene Kumugeliemu group sedimentary outcrop observation, analysis of sandstone lithology combination, sedimentary structure, gravel characteristics and sedimentary environment, combined with the sedimentary features of seasonal river in Tianshan north and south. It is an important depositional system that the seasonal rivers and seasonal river delta developed under arid climatic conditions in Cretaceous of Kuche depression. The seasonal river sedimentary characteristics of the lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation and the extensive development is very similar, both typical fluvial facies sedimentary rhythm sand body is widespread, the river bottom mud gravel and detritus thick massive large-scale cross bedding sandstone, but also show a high-energy fine sandstones and silty sandstone, with higher structural maturity and lower compositional maturity. On this basis, the establishment of the Kuche river section of Lower Cretaceous Basi Group restructuring of sedimentary facies model. In Baxigai Formation sedimentary period, development area wide shallow lakes larger in Kuche depression, the development of seasonal rivers into the lakes formed seasonal rivers Delta. In Bashijiqike Formation sedimentary period, a number of small lakes emergence in front of the ancient Tianshan Mountains, ancient Tianshan Piedmont seasonal braided river and a large number of multiple seasonal small braided delta were deposited.

GAO Zhi-yong, FENG Jia-rui, ZHOU Chuan-min, CUI Jing-gang, LI Xiao-pei, ZHAO Xue-song, GUO Mei-li, WU Hao. Arid Climate Seasonal Rivers Deposition: A case of Lower Cretaceous in Kuche river outcrop[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1060-1071.
Citation: GAO Zhi-yong, FENG Jia-rui, ZHOU Chuan-min, CUI Jing-gang, LI Xiao-pei, ZHAO Xue-song, GUO Mei-li, WU Hao. Arid Climate Seasonal Rivers Deposition: A case of Lower Cretaceous in Kuche river outcrop[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1060-1071.
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