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Lin Qi, Wang Jia-sheng, Bu Qing-tao, Li Chao, Lin Rong-xiao, Sun Fei, Zhang Wei-kun. Method Comparison of Authigenic Pyrite Analysis between the Handpicking under Binocular Microscope and the CRS in Shallow Cored Marine Sediments: An example from the Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1052-1059.
Citation: Lin Qi, Wang Jia-sheng, Bu Qing-tao, Li Chao, Lin Rong-xiao, Sun Fei, Zhang Wei-kun. Method Comparison of Authigenic Pyrite Analysis between the Handpicking under Binocular Microscope and the CRS in Shallow Cored Marine Sediments: An example from the Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1052-1059.

Method Comparison of Authigenic Pyrite Analysis between the Handpicking under Binocular Microscope and the CRS in Shallow Cored Marine Sediments: An example from the Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea

  • Received Date: 2013-12-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-03-06
  • Publish Date: 2014-12-10
  • As one of the most common authigenic minerals in continental margin sediments, pyrite has been proved as an important indicator of sedimentary environment, early diagenesis and gas hydrates. So far, the identification and handpicking under binocular microscope and the analysis of Chromium reduction sulfur (CRS) are the two most commonly used methods for the analysis of authigenic pyrite in marine sediments, however there is yet rare study made for comparisons of those two methods. In this paper, both methods are employed to the shallow sediments of Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea for comparison in authigenic pyrite analysis. The results show that 1) the pyrite contents and their sulfur isotopic values obtained by both methods exhibit great synchronicity in the major variations; 2) the discrepancies between two methods are limited to a certain small range with little changes throughout the sampled interval. Therefore, both methods can inform us of the major changes of pyrite contents and their sulfur isotopic values in the studied sediments. However, both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. While theoretically, CRS seems more scientific and accurate, observation and recognition under the binocular microscope are much easier operated and more economical and practical. We suggest that it might be a better choice to combine both methods in the practice of analyzing authigenic pyrite in marine sediments, which means that the binocular microscope for the overall variation of pyrite concentration and CRS for more precise and versatile analysis within the critical intervals with major changes.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-12-18
  • Revised:  2014-03-06
  • Published:  2014-12-10

Method Comparison of Authigenic Pyrite Analysis between the Handpicking under Binocular Microscope and the CRS in Shallow Cored Marine Sediments: An example from the Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea

Abstract: As one of the most common authigenic minerals in continental margin sediments, pyrite has been proved as an important indicator of sedimentary environment, early diagenesis and gas hydrates. So far, the identification and handpicking under binocular microscope and the analysis of Chromium reduction sulfur (CRS) are the two most commonly used methods for the analysis of authigenic pyrite in marine sediments, however there is yet rare study made for comparisons of those two methods. In this paper, both methods are employed to the shallow sediments of Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea for comparison in authigenic pyrite analysis. The results show that 1) the pyrite contents and their sulfur isotopic values obtained by both methods exhibit great synchronicity in the major variations; 2) the discrepancies between two methods are limited to a certain small range with little changes throughout the sampled interval. Therefore, both methods can inform us of the major changes of pyrite contents and their sulfur isotopic values in the studied sediments. However, both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. While theoretically, CRS seems more scientific and accurate, observation and recognition under the binocular microscope are much easier operated and more economical and practical. We suggest that it might be a better choice to combine both methods in the practice of analyzing authigenic pyrite in marine sediments, which means that the binocular microscope for the overall variation of pyrite concentration and CRS for more precise and versatile analysis within the critical intervals with major changes.

Lin Qi, Wang Jia-sheng, Bu Qing-tao, Li Chao, Lin Rong-xiao, Sun Fei, Zhang Wei-kun. Method Comparison of Authigenic Pyrite Analysis between the Handpicking under Binocular Microscope and the CRS in Shallow Cored Marine Sediments: An example from the Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1052-1059.
Citation: Lin Qi, Wang Jia-sheng, Bu Qing-tao, Li Chao, Lin Rong-xiao, Sun Fei, Zhang Wei-kun. Method Comparison of Authigenic Pyrite Analysis between the Handpicking under Binocular Microscope and the CRS in Shallow Cored Marine Sediments: An example from the Site 4B, northern continental slope of the South China Sea[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1052-1059.
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