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LIU Qun, YUAN Xuan-jun, LIN Sen-hu, WANG Lan, GUO Hao, PAN Song-qi, YAO Jing-li. The Classification of Lacustrine Mudrock and Research on Its' Depositional Environment[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1016-1025.
Citation: LIU Qun, YUAN Xuan-jun, LIN Sen-hu, WANG Lan, GUO Hao, PAN Song-qi, YAO Jing-li. The Classification of Lacustrine Mudrock and Research on Its' Depositional Environment[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1016-1025.

The Classification of Lacustrine Mudrock and Research on Its' Depositional Environment

  • Received Date: 2013-12-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-03-21
  • Publish Date: 2014-12-10
  • The deep lacustrine mudrock are the important source rock as well as self-stored reservoirs. The exploration of unconventional resources has been a hot topic at present. Being the main target of tight oil and shale oil, it's characteristics and formation mechanism have been paid great attention. Chang 7 member of Yanchang Formation, which is deposited in the late Triassic, is the main source rock of Ordos Basin.
    A classification scheme based on the constituents and texture is proposed. The research of the lacustrine mudstone of Chang 7 member indicates that the deep lacustrine mudstone comprises at least 5 lithofacies: massive mudstone, graded laminated mudstone, wavy laminated shale, even laminated shale, and block-like laminated shale. These mudstone facies assemble two categories on the basis of self-generating characteristics, i.e. allogenous mudrock, including massive mudstone, graded laminated mudstone; autogenic mudrock, including wavy laminated shale, even laminated shale, block-like shale.
    This classification is associated with sedimentary environment. Shallow lake which is influenced by delta is dominated by massive mudstone; shallow-semi shallow lake being influenced by lake currents and waves is mainly deposited with wavy laminated shale; deep quite lake is associated with even laminated shale; deep lake depression is dominated by graded mudstone; block-like shale mainly appears in the period of volcano eruption.
    However, the mudstone lithology is changing with the evolution of the lake and thus one interval has different types of mudrock. The lithology can be changed within centimeters. We can conclude in this way that the mudrock interval is highly heterogeneous, which makes our prediction much more difficult. As a whole, graded mudstone is the interval of tight oil and the block-like shale is the main source rock and contains shale oil.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-12-16
  • Revised:  2014-03-21
  • Published:  2014-12-10

The Classification of Lacustrine Mudrock and Research on Its' Depositional Environment

Abstract: The deep lacustrine mudrock are the important source rock as well as self-stored reservoirs. The exploration of unconventional resources has been a hot topic at present. Being the main target of tight oil and shale oil, it's characteristics and formation mechanism have been paid great attention. Chang 7 member of Yanchang Formation, which is deposited in the late Triassic, is the main source rock of Ordos Basin.
A classification scheme based on the constituents and texture is proposed. The research of the lacustrine mudstone of Chang 7 member indicates that the deep lacustrine mudstone comprises at least 5 lithofacies: massive mudstone, graded laminated mudstone, wavy laminated shale, even laminated shale, and block-like laminated shale. These mudstone facies assemble two categories on the basis of self-generating characteristics, i.e. allogenous mudrock, including massive mudstone, graded laminated mudstone; autogenic mudrock, including wavy laminated shale, even laminated shale, block-like shale.
This classification is associated with sedimentary environment. Shallow lake which is influenced by delta is dominated by massive mudstone; shallow-semi shallow lake being influenced by lake currents and waves is mainly deposited with wavy laminated shale; deep quite lake is associated with even laminated shale; deep lake depression is dominated by graded mudstone; block-like shale mainly appears in the period of volcano eruption.
However, the mudstone lithology is changing with the evolution of the lake and thus one interval has different types of mudrock. The lithology can be changed within centimeters. We can conclude in this way that the mudrock interval is highly heterogeneous, which makes our prediction much more difficult. As a whole, graded mudstone is the interval of tight oil and the block-like shale is the main source rock and contains shale oil.

LIU Qun, YUAN Xuan-jun, LIN Sen-hu, WANG Lan, GUO Hao, PAN Song-qi, YAO Jing-li. The Classification of Lacustrine Mudrock and Research on Its' Depositional Environment[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1016-1025.
Citation: LIU Qun, YUAN Xuan-jun, LIN Sen-hu, WANG Lan, GUO Hao, PAN Song-qi, YAO Jing-li. The Classification of Lacustrine Mudrock and Research on Its' Depositional Environment[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(6): 1016-1025.
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