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Li Sitian. Current Review of Sedimentary Basin Analysis[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1992, 10(3): 10-15.
Citation: Li Sitian. Current Review of Sedimentary Basin Analysis[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1992, 10(3): 10-15.

Current Review of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

  • Publish Date: 1992-09-10
  • Sequence stratigraphy, an important and significant development in sedimentology and stratigraphy, has made the sedimentary basin filling analysis both theoretical and methodological. Setting up the chronstratigraphic framework and determinging the building blocks have: now become the major'tasks in basin analysis. This paper describes the rapid development in sequence stratigraphy and its relationship with other subjects such as depositional system analysis, tectono-stratigraphy and event stratigraphy. The inter-relationship among these subjects will become the basis for a new genetic stratigraphy system that centents the sequence stratigraphy. This system will strongly support the research in sedimentay basin anaiysis. Studies in sandbody architectural units, the basis for sedimentology of oil reservoir is also part of the research in building blocks of basin filling. This paper discussed the construction of sequence stratigraphic models for various basins, especially the intraplate paralic basins and the inland basius, both being the major types in China. The paper also discusses problems in theoretical research in China related to sequence stratigraphy, suggestions are as follows: 1. Based upon the sedimentology, micropaleontology and magnetostratigraphy research of the South China sea basis and East China sea basin, the Cenozoic sea level changes scheme could be constructed firstly, also the generalized schemes of sea level changes of the other periods in mainland could be put forward. 2.There are optimum conditions for the studies of Paleozoic seqquence stratigraphy from intracontinent to continent margin of the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons. 3. Mesozoic and Cenozoic inland basins cover vast area of China continent. To strudy sequence stratigraphy in the lacustrine basins is of great significance, and the indirect efficacy of sea level changes to lacustrine basin may be a key problem. Tectonism has great influence on the extensional and flexural basins in the continental area so tectono-stratigraphy analysis has more importance in the basin research.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Published:  1992-09-10

Current Review of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Abstract: Sequence stratigraphy, an important and significant development in sedimentology and stratigraphy, has made the sedimentary basin filling analysis both theoretical and methodological. Setting up the chronstratigraphic framework and determinging the building blocks have: now become the major'tasks in basin analysis. This paper describes the rapid development in sequence stratigraphy and its relationship with other subjects such as depositional system analysis, tectono-stratigraphy and event stratigraphy. The inter-relationship among these subjects will become the basis for a new genetic stratigraphy system that centents the sequence stratigraphy. This system will strongly support the research in sedimentay basin anaiysis. Studies in sandbody architectural units, the basis for sedimentology of oil reservoir is also part of the research in building blocks of basin filling. This paper discussed the construction of sequence stratigraphic models for various basins, especially the intraplate paralic basins and the inland basius, both being the major types in China. The paper also discusses problems in theoretical research in China related to sequence stratigraphy, suggestions are as follows: 1. Based upon the sedimentology, micropaleontology and magnetostratigraphy research of the South China sea basis and East China sea basin, the Cenozoic sea level changes scheme could be constructed firstly, also the generalized schemes of sea level changes of the other periods in mainland could be put forward. 2.There are optimum conditions for the studies of Paleozoic seqquence stratigraphy from intracontinent to continent margin of the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons. 3. Mesozoic and Cenozoic inland basins cover vast area of China continent. To strudy sequence stratigraphy in the lacustrine basins is of great significance, and the indirect efficacy of sea level changes to lacustrine basin may be a key problem. Tectonism has great influence on the extensional and flexural basins in the continental area so tectono-stratigraphy analysis has more importance in the basin research.

Li Sitian. Current Review of Sedimentary Basin Analysis[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1992, 10(3): 10-15.
Citation: Li Sitian. Current Review of Sedimentary Basin Analysis[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1992, 10(3): 10-15.
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