Analysis of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Fractured Continental Margin, Late Maok ouian, Early Permian, Central Guizhou Province
- Received Date: 1995-12-05
- Publish Date: 1997-03-10
Abstract: Silliceous rocks, carbonate rocks and volcanic rocks are widespread in the upper Maokou formationof Early Perenan in the centry part of Guizhou Province. Based on the synthetic analysis of tectorrics,petrology geocchemistry and sequence stratigraphy,the tectonic setting is supposed to be fault-con-trololed continental margin. Under the condition of this tectonic setting, the characteristics of sequencestratigraphy is different from those of passive continental margins and foreland basins aswell as from theother tectonic unit. The sequencoe bounding surface of the fault ontrol ed continental margin can bedlis-tinguished by the sudden lithologic mange, which implies tectonic changes. The tiferal differentiation ofthe depositional system tract in each sequence has a relationship with the strength of upper crustult caused by deep magmatism. Based on the basic characteristics of tectonics and sedimentology,the secondmember of the Maokou formation could be clasisfied into one parasequence group with two parase-quences, and each of them takes the amfs as its base, including condensed section and progradationalhighstand system tract; it is explained as a sequence stratigraphic architecture of the broken carbonateplatform w hich can be further divided into remnant platform, prograd ational isolated platform,platfo rmtrough of fault trough and ramp facies, etc·The example of the sepuence stratigraphic analysis on thefault ontrolled continental margin is raised by combining tectonism,of sedimentary sysyten together.the formation of sequence stratigraphic architecture and the variation.
Citation: | Zhao Xikui, Zhu Lichun, Zhao Guanjun, Wang Yong. Analysis of Sequence Stratigraphy in the Fractured Continental Margin, Late Maok ouian, Early Permian, Central Guizhou Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(1): 92-97. |