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Chen Jianqiang, Li Zhiming, Gong Shuyun, Li Quanguo, Su Wenbo. Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Yangtze Region, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(3): 58-65.
Citation: Chen Jianqiang, Li Zhiming, Gong Shuyun, Li Quanguo, Su Wenbo. Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Yangtze Region, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(3): 58-65.

Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Yangtze Region, China

  • Received Date: 1997-05-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 1997-09-18
  • Publish Date: 1998-12-10
  • The northeastern Guizhou and the eastern Yunnan are located on the Upper Yangtze Platform. The present study on seven sections in the region has established nine 3rd order sequences from the Llan-dovery (439 Ma) to the Pridoli (409 Ma), with an average duration of 3.3 Ma. The nine 3rd order se-quences have constituted two 2nd order sequences. The first sequence consists of Longmaxi Fm. and Xi-angshuyuan Fm., extending chronologically from Rhuddanian to Early Telychian, with a distinct type-Ⅰ sequence boundary at the bottom. Basinward, the bottom boundary shows as continuity at Tongzi belong-ing to Gui zhou, while landward to the central Gui zhou old land it becomes an overlap disconformity. Two 3rd order sequences have been recognized in the Lei jiatun Fm. The Majiaochong Fm. (TST) and Rongxi Fm. (HST) make up the fourth sequence. The fifth and the sixth sequences are represented by the Xiushan Fm. and Huixingshao Fm. respectively. The sequence boundary between them, however, is notconcurring with the boundary of the formations. The second to fifth sequences are within the Telychian, and the sixth sequence is early Sheinwoodian in age. The seven to the ninth sequences are represented by the Guandi Fm. the Miaogao Fm. and the Yulongsi Fm. extending chronologically from the Homerian stage belonging to Wenlock to Pridoli. The first sequence and the seventh sequence among these nine se-quences are type-Ⅰ sequences, the others type-Ⅱ sequences. The above mentioned nine sequences are basically controlled by eustatic changes. Owing to the ef-fects of the Caledonian movement, the steady uplifting of the Yangtze Platform during Silurian had ap-parent lyexerted an influence on the formation and the characters of the sequences. From the bottom up-ward, in each of the 3rd order sequences, the ratio of siliciclastics increases continuously with a corre-sponding increase in the thickness of sequence. In all of the third-order sequences, TST and HST are well displayed, but without LST and SMST.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  1997-05-10
  • Revised:  1997-09-18
  • Published:  1998-12-10

Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Yangtze Region, China

Abstract: The northeastern Guizhou and the eastern Yunnan are located on the Upper Yangtze Platform. The present study on seven sections in the region has established nine 3rd order sequences from the Llan-dovery (439 Ma) to the Pridoli (409 Ma), with an average duration of 3.3 Ma. The nine 3rd order se-quences have constituted two 2nd order sequences. The first sequence consists of Longmaxi Fm. and Xi-angshuyuan Fm., extending chronologically from Rhuddanian to Early Telychian, with a distinct type-Ⅰ sequence boundary at the bottom. Basinward, the bottom boundary shows as continuity at Tongzi belong-ing to Gui zhou, while landward to the central Gui zhou old land it becomes an overlap disconformity. Two 3rd order sequences have been recognized in the Lei jiatun Fm. The Majiaochong Fm. (TST) and Rongxi Fm. (HST) make up the fourth sequence. The fifth and the sixth sequences are represented by the Xiushan Fm. and Huixingshao Fm. respectively. The sequence boundary between them, however, is notconcurring with the boundary of the formations. The second to fifth sequences are within the Telychian, and the sixth sequence is early Sheinwoodian in age. The seven to the ninth sequences are represented by the Guandi Fm. the Miaogao Fm. and the Yulongsi Fm. extending chronologically from the Homerian stage belonging to Wenlock to Pridoli. The first sequence and the seventh sequence among these nine se-quences are type-Ⅰ sequences, the others type-Ⅱ sequences. The above mentioned nine sequences are basically controlled by eustatic changes. Owing to the ef-fects of the Caledonian movement, the steady uplifting of the Yangtze Platform during Silurian had ap-parent lyexerted an influence on the formation and the characters of the sequences. From the bottom up-ward, in each of the 3rd order sequences, the ratio of siliciclastics increases continuously with a corre-sponding increase in the thickness of sequence. In all of the third-order sequences, TST and HST are well displayed, but without LST and SMST.

Chen Jianqiang, Li Zhiming, Gong Shuyun, Li Quanguo, Su Wenbo. Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Yangtze Region, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(3): 58-65.
Citation: Chen Jianqiang, Li Zhiming, Gong Shuyun, Li Quanguo, Su Wenbo. Silurian Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Yangtze Region, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(3): 58-65.
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