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Zhang Mingjie, Wang Xianbin. The Mössbauer Spectra Characteristics in Weathering of Sulfide Deposits in Drought District-A Case Study of Xitieshan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Qinghai Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(4): 153-157.
Citation: Zhang Mingjie, Wang Xianbin. The Mössbauer Spectra Characteristics in Weathering of Sulfide Deposits in Drought District-A Case Study of Xitieshan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Qinghai Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(4): 153-157.

The Mössbauer Spectra Characteristics in Weathering of Sulfide Deposits in Drought District-A Case Study of Xitieshan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Qinghai Province

  • Received Date: 1998-09-18
  • Publish Date: 1998-08-10
  • The 57 Fe Mössbauer spectra of sulphate minerals from oxiydationzone of sulfide deposit in drought district have been determined at normal temperature in the paper.The results show that their Mössbauer spectra arecharacterized by the smaller isomer shifts, a w ider distribution range of quadrupole splittings, and no magnetic hyperfine splitting, etc.. Based on the research results obtained previously, the oxidation zone of sulfide deposit with clear zonality have been divided into Fe-M n gossan subzone, ferric vitriol subzone (subdivided into single-peak type, double- peak type, and triple-peak type etc.), ferriferous vitriol subzone and prim ary sulfide zone etc. vertical zones, according to their Mössbauer spectra at different vertical position, every subzone imply a certain physicochem ical condition and oxidation stage of sulfide deposit.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  1998-09-18
  • Published:  1998-08-10

The Mössbauer Spectra Characteristics in Weathering of Sulfide Deposits in Drought District-A Case Study of Xitieshan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Qinghai Province

Abstract: The 57 Fe Mössbauer spectra of sulphate minerals from oxiydationzone of sulfide deposit in drought district have been determined at normal temperature in the paper.The results show that their Mössbauer spectra arecharacterized by the smaller isomer shifts, a w ider distribution range of quadrupole splittings, and no magnetic hyperfine splitting, etc.. Based on the research results obtained previously, the oxidation zone of sulfide deposit with clear zonality have been divided into Fe-M n gossan subzone, ferric vitriol subzone (subdivided into single-peak type, double- peak type, and triple-peak type etc.), ferriferous vitriol subzone and prim ary sulfide zone etc. vertical zones, according to their Mössbauer spectra at different vertical position, every subzone imply a certain physicochem ical condition and oxidation stage of sulfide deposit.

Zhang Mingjie, Wang Xianbin. The Mössbauer Spectra Characteristics in Weathering of Sulfide Deposits in Drought District-A Case Study of Xitieshan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Qinghai Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(4): 153-157.
Citation: Zhang Mingjie, Wang Xianbin. The Mössbauer Spectra Characteristics in Weathering of Sulfide Deposits in Drought District-A Case Study of Xitieshan Lead-Zinc Deposit, Qinghai Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1998, 16(4): 153-157.
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