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WANG Cheng shan, CHEN Hong de, SHOU Jian feng, LI Xiang hui, TIAN Jing chun, QIN Jian xiong. Characteristics and Correlation of Permian Depositional Sequences in South China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1999, 17(4): 499-508.
Citation: WANG Cheng shan, CHEN Hong de, SHOU Jian feng, LI Xiang hui, TIAN Jing chun, QIN Jian xiong. Characteristics and Correlation of Permian Depositional Sequences in South China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1999, 17(4): 499-508.

Characteristics and Correlation of Permian Depositional Sequences in South China

  • Received Date: 1998-11-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 1999-01-02
  • Publish Date: 1999-12-10
  • Permian sequence stratigraphy in different kinds of sedimentary basins in South China is discussed in this paper,which is based on the great geological investigation on a large scale and analyses of previous works. Eleven depositional sequences S1 S11 are recognized in Permian in most Parts of South China,in which the S1 S3,S4 S6,S7 9 are determined in Qixia Stage,Maokou Stage and Wujiaping Stage respectively,and the S 10 S 11 are limited in Changxiny Stage.of them,the depositional sequences S1,S6,S7,S11 have a feature of the type-Ⅰ sequence boundary surface,and others have a feature of the type-Ⅱ surface.S 1 or S 2 depositional sequences could not be deposited somewhere between the Carboniferous and Permian,also S3 or S5 could not be between the Lower and Upper Permian. There are variable indicators for distinguishing the boundary surface types in all of the upper,middle and lower Yangtze Craton accoriding to comparison in South China.Clay layers with high Fe and Al,paleokarst fills with meteoric dolomite,and dolomitic caps are easily found on both type-Ⅰand type-Ⅱ boundary surfaces in the upper Yangtze Craton and its margins,and isolated carbonate platform.There are little exposure markers on boundary surfaces of most depositional sequences in the middle and lower Yangtze Craton except the basal boundary surface of the S7 in the middle craton and the S9 in the lower eraton.We think it might be related to the different tectonic settings of sedimentary basins. Loss of depositional sequences is also characterized by another way. S3 to S5 depositional sequences are difficult to be found out in most basins nearby paleocontinents.One example is that S4 or S5 in the S7 S11 could not be tracked at Hechi,Guangxi,and Xishui,Guizhou in the north of the Daxin paleocontinent.It is proposed that this could be the result of the Dongwu Movement,which leaded to the formation of Daxin Paleocontinent,South Yangtze River Paleocontinent and Yunkai Paleocontinent. It is supposed that the HSTTST pattern of depositional sequences in Yangtze Craton and its margins.western Cathayan Craton margin was influenced by tectonism of the Pacific tectonic field.And the HSTTST pattern in Youjiang Basin and Qingzhou-Haifang Strike-slip Basin,and host Cathayan Craton to a great extent was controlled by the Tethys tectonic field. It can be correlative on the amount,hierarchy,and boundary surface of the depositional sequences in the Lower Permian among North America,Russia,and South China,but not be the depositional sequences in the Upper Permian among them.It is inferred that the divergence of Pangea could be responsible for the situation.Any of the depositional sequences in South China has no analogues in North China.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  1998-11-26
  • Revised:  1999-01-02
  • Published:  1999-12-10

Characteristics and Correlation of Permian Depositional Sequences in South China

Abstract: Permian sequence stratigraphy in different kinds of sedimentary basins in South China is discussed in this paper,which is based on the great geological investigation on a large scale and analyses of previous works. Eleven depositional sequences S1 S11 are recognized in Permian in most Parts of South China,in which the S1 S3,S4 S6,S7 9 are determined in Qixia Stage,Maokou Stage and Wujiaping Stage respectively,and the S 10 S 11 are limited in Changxiny Stage.of them,the depositional sequences S1,S6,S7,S11 have a feature of the type-Ⅰ sequence boundary surface,and others have a feature of the type-Ⅱ surface.S 1 or S 2 depositional sequences could not be deposited somewhere between the Carboniferous and Permian,also S3 or S5 could not be between the Lower and Upper Permian. There are variable indicators for distinguishing the boundary surface types in all of the upper,middle and lower Yangtze Craton accoriding to comparison in South China.Clay layers with high Fe and Al,paleokarst fills with meteoric dolomite,and dolomitic caps are easily found on both type-Ⅰand type-Ⅱ boundary surfaces in the upper Yangtze Craton and its margins,and isolated carbonate platform.There are little exposure markers on boundary surfaces of most depositional sequences in the middle and lower Yangtze Craton except the basal boundary surface of the S7 in the middle craton and the S9 in the lower eraton.We think it might be related to the different tectonic settings of sedimentary basins. Loss of depositional sequences is also characterized by another way. S3 to S5 depositional sequences are difficult to be found out in most basins nearby paleocontinents.One example is that S4 or S5 in the S7 S11 could not be tracked at Hechi,Guangxi,and Xishui,Guizhou in the north of the Daxin paleocontinent.It is proposed that this could be the result of the Dongwu Movement,which leaded to the formation of Daxin Paleocontinent,South Yangtze River Paleocontinent and Yunkai Paleocontinent. It is supposed that the HSTTST pattern of depositional sequences in Yangtze Craton and its margins.western Cathayan Craton margin was influenced by tectonism of the Pacific tectonic field.And the HSTTST pattern in Youjiang Basin and Qingzhou-Haifang Strike-slip Basin,and host Cathayan Craton to a great extent was controlled by the Tethys tectonic field. It can be correlative on the amount,hierarchy,and boundary surface of the depositional sequences in the Lower Permian among North America,Russia,and South China,but not be the depositional sequences in the Upper Permian among them.It is inferred that the divergence of Pangea could be responsible for the situation.Any of the depositional sequences in South China has no analogues in North China.

WANG Cheng shan, CHEN Hong de, SHOU Jian feng, LI Xiang hui, TIAN Jing chun, QIN Jian xiong. Characteristics and Correlation of Permian Depositional Sequences in South China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1999, 17(4): 499-508.
Citation: WANG Cheng shan, CHEN Hong de, SHOU Jian feng, LI Xiang hui, TIAN Jing chun, QIN Jian xiong. Characteristics and Correlation of Permian Depositional Sequences in South China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1999, 17(4): 499-508.
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