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A Preliminary Study of Rill Marks in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(4): 527-533.
Citation: A Preliminary Study of Rill Marks in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(4): 527-533.

A Preliminary Study of Rill Marks in the Yellow River Delta

  • Received Date: 1999-07-22
  • Rev Recd Date: 2000-02-22
  • Publish Date: 2000-08-10
  • In recent years, the flow of the Yellow River has often been interrupted, which has resulted in exposure of channel bars and point bars, and even extensive exposure of the riverbed. Consequently, a large number of rill marks have developed. They are diverse in morphology. According to the hydrodynamic types of their formation, they can be grouped into 6 categories, i. e. the wave-eroded, backwash, seepage, rain-eroded, water-drainage and runoff rill marks. Morphologically, they can be divided into more than ten types: the linear, tooth-shaped, comb-shaped, fence-like, ear-like, braided, branched, leaf-like, flower-like, root-like, dendritic, net-like, radial etc. Their cross sections include the broad-u type (the width/depth ratio is over 2, and may reach 10-20), U-type (width/depth ratio from 1 to 2), V-type, Ω-type and (-type. Their occurrences may be attributed to the variations in composition, grain-size, color, fabric and morphology. They have 5 scales: the micro-scale (length and width within 1 cm), small-scale (length and width within 10 cm), medium-scale (length and width ranging from 10-100cm), large-scale (length and width 1-5 m) and giant- scale (length or width over 5 m).
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  1999-07-22
  • Revised:  2000-02-22
  • Published:  2000-08-10

A Preliminary Study of Rill Marks in the Yellow River Delta

Abstract: In recent years, the flow of the Yellow River has often been interrupted, which has resulted in exposure of channel bars and point bars, and even extensive exposure of the riverbed. Consequently, a large number of rill marks have developed. They are diverse in morphology. According to the hydrodynamic types of their formation, they can be grouped into 6 categories, i. e. the wave-eroded, backwash, seepage, rain-eroded, water-drainage and runoff rill marks. Morphologically, they can be divided into more than ten types: the linear, tooth-shaped, comb-shaped, fence-like, ear-like, braided, branched, leaf-like, flower-like, root-like, dendritic, net-like, radial etc. Their cross sections include the broad-u type (the width/depth ratio is over 2, and may reach 10-20), U-type (width/depth ratio from 1 to 2), V-type, Ω-type and (-type. Their occurrences may be attributed to the variations in composition, grain-size, color, fabric and morphology. They have 5 scales: the micro-scale (length and width within 1 cm), small-scale (length and width within 10 cm), medium-scale (length and width ranging from 10-100cm), large-scale (length and width 1-5 m) and giant- scale (length or width over 5 m).

A Preliminary Study of Rill Marks in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(4): 527-533.
Citation: A Preliminary Study of Rill Marks in the Yellow River Delta[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(4): 527-533.
Reference (22)



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