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SANG Shu xun, LI Zhuang fu, FAN Bing heng, CHEN Shi yue. Seguence Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams———Seguence stratigraphy appIied to coaI expIoration inYanggu, Shanxi[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(4): 556-562.
Citation: SANG Shu xun, LI Zhuang fu, FAN Bing heng, CHEN Shi yue. Seguence Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams———Seguence stratigraphy appIied to coaI expIoration inYanggu, Shanxi[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(4): 556-562.

Seguence Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams———Seguence stratigraphy appIied to coaI expIoration inYanggu, Shanxi

  • Received Date: 2000-07-07
  • Rev Recd Date: 2000-08-21
  • Publish Date: 2001-12-10
  • Based on the previous studies on the sedimentoIogy and seguence stratigraphy of coaI-bearing strata in Iate paIeozoic basin of North China and the peripheraI expIoration area, high-resouItion seguence stratigraphic study has been performed on coaI-bearing strata in the expIoration area of Yanggu area according to the guantitative depositionaI environment anaIysis on individuaI section, and outcrop seguence stratigraphy.We have recognized 3 types of basement seguence interfaces, type I and of epicontinentaI sea, and 5 types of paraseguences basement Iagoon, pIatform and coast compIex, cIastic offshore, swamp and shaIIow deIta. Furthermore, 2 seguences of and 14 paraseguences have been cIassified, on which the seguence stratigraphy framework has been set up in the study area on the bases of these studies, the main coaI and rock seams of the expIortion area and its vicinity have been correIted. As a resuIt, the paper aIso discussed and summarized the method and procedure to appIy theories of seguence stratigraphy to correIation of coaI and rock seams in the expIoration area.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2000-07-07
  • Revised:  2000-08-21
  • Published:  2001-12-10

Seguence Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams———Seguence stratigraphy appIied to coaI expIoration inYanggu, Shanxi

Abstract: Based on the previous studies on the sedimentoIogy and seguence stratigraphy of coaI-bearing strata in Iate paIeozoic basin of North China and the peripheraI expIoration area, high-resouItion seguence stratigraphic study has been performed on coaI-bearing strata in the expIoration area of Yanggu area according to the guantitative depositionaI environment anaIysis on individuaI section, and outcrop seguence stratigraphy.We have recognized 3 types of basement seguence interfaces, type I and of epicontinentaI sea, and 5 types of paraseguences basement Iagoon, pIatform and coast compIex, cIastic offshore, swamp and shaIIow deIta. Furthermore, 2 seguences of and 14 paraseguences have been cIassified, on which the seguence stratigraphy framework has been set up in the study area on the bases of these studies, the main coaI and rock seams of the expIortion area and its vicinity have been correIted. As a resuIt, the paper aIso discussed and summarized the method and procedure to appIy theories of seguence stratigraphy to correIation of coaI and rock seams in the expIoration area.

SANG Shu xun, LI Zhuang fu, FAN Bing heng, CHEN Shi yue. Seguence Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams———Seguence stratigraphy appIied to coaI expIoration inYanggu, Shanxi[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(4): 556-562.
Citation: SANG Shu xun, LI Zhuang fu, FAN Bing heng, CHEN Shi yue. Seguence Stratigraphic Framework and Correlation of Coal and Rock Seams———Seguence stratigraphy appIied to coaI expIoration inYanggu, Shanxi[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(4): 556-562.
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