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ZHANG Qiang, ZHU Cheng, FANG Ying san. Sedimentological Record of Environmental Evolution in the Mid-Pleistocene in Ningzheng Area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(2): 307-313.
Citation: ZHANG Qiang, ZHU Cheng, FANG Ying san. Sedimentological Record of Environmental Evolution in the Mid-Pleistocene in Ningzheng Area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(2): 307-313.

Sedimentological Record of Environmental Evolution in the Mid-Pleistocene in Ningzheng Area

  • Received Date: 2001-05-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2001-08-29
  • Publish Date: 2002-04-10
  • ESR dating, grain size and magnetic susceptibility measurements indicated that there exists a great difference in properties between the Xiashu loess, a kind of aeolian sediments, and the loess in the north China.The evidence showed that there are more clay particles in the Xiashu loess. Kd, frequency-dependent susceptibility and other environmental indicators suggested 5 relatively warm and humid climatic periods in the mid-Pleistocene: 159~163ka,192ka,195~198ka,203~230ka and 311~350ka. The first warmer climatic period was corresponding to the slightly relative warmer climatic period shawed in the deep-sea oxygen isotope (V21-146 hole) stages 6 and the 2~ nd , 3~ rd and 4~ th warmer climatic periods were corresponding to the warmer climatic event reflected by S2 and to the marine oxygen isotope stage 7. There existed a good relation between the four buried palaeosol layers of Laohushan Xiashu loess section and the four warm, humid climatic periods of the Jurong section. Paleolithic excavation shows a certain amount of stone implements in the 6 and 7 layer, indicating human activities at that time. Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size records suggested a warm and humid environment at that time, which was suitable for the human activity. And, this was in good agreement with the research result from pithecanthrope cave of Tangshan in Nanjing. The stone implements of the Miaohoushan culture in North east China were similar in features to those from North China and Jurong Paleolithic site, probably suggesting that the channel of the Yangtze River used to lie in the south of Jurong, Ningzheng Region.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2001-05-18
  • Revised:  2001-08-29
  • Published:  2002-04-10

Sedimentological Record of Environmental Evolution in the Mid-Pleistocene in Ningzheng Area

Abstract: ESR dating, grain size and magnetic susceptibility measurements indicated that there exists a great difference in properties between the Xiashu loess, a kind of aeolian sediments, and the loess in the north China.The evidence showed that there are more clay particles in the Xiashu loess. Kd, frequency-dependent susceptibility and other environmental indicators suggested 5 relatively warm and humid climatic periods in the mid-Pleistocene: 159~163ka,192ka,195~198ka,203~230ka and 311~350ka. The first warmer climatic period was corresponding to the slightly relative warmer climatic period shawed in the deep-sea oxygen isotope (V21-146 hole) stages 6 and the 2~ nd , 3~ rd and 4~ th warmer climatic periods were corresponding to the warmer climatic event reflected by S2 and to the marine oxygen isotope stage 7. There existed a good relation between the four buried palaeosol layers of Laohushan Xiashu loess section and the four warm, humid climatic periods of the Jurong section. Paleolithic excavation shows a certain amount of stone implements in the 6 and 7 layer, indicating human activities at that time. Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size records suggested a warm and humid environment at that time, which was suitable for the human activity. And, this was in good agreement with the research result from pithecanthrope cave of Tangshan in Nanjing. The stone implements of the Miaohoushan culture in North east China were similar in features to those from North China and Jurong Paleolithic site, probably suggesting that the channel of the Yangtze River used to lie in the south of Jurong, Ningzheng Region.

ZHANG Qiang, ZHU Cheng, FANG Ying san. Sedimentological Record of Environmental Evolution in the Mid-Pleistocene in Ningzheng Area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(2): 307-313.
Citation: ZHANG Qiang, ZHU Cheng, FANG Ying san. Sedimentological Record of Environmental Evolution in the Mid-Pleistocene in Ningzheng Area[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(2): 307-313.
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