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YE Xian ren, REN Jian guo, TAO Ming xin, WANG Zong li. Helium Isotope Tracing on Depositional Events[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(4): 640-647.
Citation: YE Xian ren, REN Jian guo, TAO Ming xin, WANG Zong li. Helium Isotope Tracing on Depositional Events[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(4): 640-647.

Helium Isotope Tracing on Depositional Events

  • Received Date: 2003-01-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-05-15
  • Publish Date: 2003-12-10
  • There are diffrent marks on depositional events which are caused by physical, chemical, or/and biological events in the sediment sequences.The suddenness on event deposits will contain various materials from different sources into sediment sequences.Terrest rial 4He abundance in the marine sediments is dominated by old continental dusts.Helium in seafloor sediments is predominantly derived from old continetal material with lower 3He/4He ratio.It is shown by the oretical calculationg that there is a considerable correlation between the bulk mass accumulation rates (MAR)of Asian Aeolian dust and 4He flux in the ocean basins.The onset of 100 kyr glacial-interglacial cycling in the oxygen isotope record clearly matches with the onset of 100 kyr periodicity in the crustal 4 He flux.Testing the IDP accretion rate by using extraterrest rial 3He flux in the samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), It can be seen that the burial flux of extraterrest rial 3He is also associated with glacial-interglacial cycles. The fact that a high ex traterrestrial 3He ([ 3He] Et)found in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB)clay implies a short duration of the KTB event.The high 3He/4He ratios found in the fullerenes from Meishan (China) and Sasayama (Japan)should reveal that the fullerene carriers are formed in an extraterrest rial environment.In the cosmos, the difference of helium content and isotopic composition in various sources and the high helium preservation in the seafloor sediments may provide a high sensitivity means for exploring depositional events.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2003-01-14
  • Revised:  2003-05-15
  • Published:  2003-12-10

Helium Isotope Tracing on Depositional Events

Abstract: There are diffrent marks on depositional events which are caused by physical, chemical, or/and biological events in the sediment sequences.The suddenness on event deposits will contain various materials from different sources into sediment sequences.Terrest rial 4He abundance in the marine sediments is dominated by old continental dusts.Helium in seafloor sediments is predominantly derived from old continetal material with lower 3He/4He ratio.It is shown by the oretical calculationg that there is a considerable correlation between the bulk mass accumulation rates (MAR)of Asian Aeolian dust and 4He flux in the ocean basins.The onset of 100 kyr glacial-interglacial cycling in the oxygen isotope record clearly matches with the onset of 100 kyr periodicity in the crustal 4 He flux.Testing the IDP accretion rate by using extraterrest rial 3He flux in the samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), It can be seen that the burial flux of extraterrest rial 3He is also associated with glacial-interglacial cycles. The fact that a high ex traterrestrial 3He ([ 3He] Et)found in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB)clay implies a short duration of the KTB event.The high 3He/4He ratios found in the fullerenes from Meishan (China) and Sasayama (Japan)should reveal that the fullerene carriers are formed in an extraterrest rial environment.In the cosmos, the difference of helium content and isotopic composition in various sources and the high helium preservation in the seafloor sediments may provide a high sensitivity means for exploring depositional events.

YE Xian ren, REN Jian guo, TAO Ming xin, WANG Zong li. Helium Isotope Tracing on Depositional Events[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(4): 640-647.
Citation: YE Xian ren, REN Jian guo, TAO Ming xin, WANG Zong li. Helium Isotope Tracing on Depositional Events[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(4): 640-647.
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