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LIN Jin hui, YI Hai sheng, LI Yong, WANG Cheng shan, PENG Ping an. Characteristics of Biomarker Compounds and Its Implication of Middle Jurassic Oil Shale Seguence in Shuanghu Area,Northern Tibet Plateau[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(2): 287-292.
Citation: LIN Jin hui, YI Hai sheng, LI Yong, WANG Cheng shan, PENG Ping an. Characteristics of Biomarker Compounds and Its Implication of Middle Jurassic Oil Shale Seguence in Shuanghu Area,Northern Tibet Plateau[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(2): 287-292.

Characteristics of Biomarker Compounds and Its Implication of Middle Jurassic Oil Shale Seguence in Shuanghu Area,Northern Tibet Plateau

  • Received Date: 2000-05-09
  • Abundant hiomarkcrs, including n-alkancs, isoprcnoid, stcrancs and tcrpancs, have been detected by GC-MS from the middle Jurassic oil shalcs in the Shuanghu area northern Tibet plateau.N-alkancs contain carbon number nC12-nC35 with a rclativclv wide range,nC15,nC16 or nC17 as the highest peak.Examination of the relative abundance show a dominancc of low carbon molecular components in the n-alkanc.Pr/Ph ratio in oil shalcs range from 0.77 to 1.59, and it fluetuatcs in the vertical section.The upper and lower part of the oil shalcs have slight predominance of pristanc, whereas phytune dominates in the middle part of the oil shale sequence.C30-hopanc is the most abundant in the hopanc series.According to the rclativclv abundance, pcntacvclic tritcrpanc>tricvclic tcrpanc>quartcvclic tcrpanc.Stcranc ∑C27/C29 ratio ranges from 0.79 to 1.20} and ∑(C27+C28)>∑C29.The carbon number distribution of the stcrancs show a slight predominance of C27 components over C29 in the lower part of the oil shalcs and a slight dominance of C29 component over C27 in the upper part of the oil shalcs sequence.C27-diastcranc/ C27-stcranc ratio range from 0.51 to 3.63,which also fluctuate in the vertical section.It indicates organic matter of algacl origin with proper ratio contribution from terrestrial sources.The organic matter in the oil shalcs is mature.Different Pr/Ph and C27-diastcrancs/C27-stcrancs proved cspcciallv useful in asscssing variation in dcpositional environment and recognizing preservation potential of the organic matter.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2000-05-09

Characteristics of Biomarker Compounds and Its Implication of Middle Jurassic Oil Shale Seguence in Shuanghu Area,Northern Tibet Plateau

Abstract: Abundant hiomarkcrs, including n-alkancs, isoprcnoid, stcrancs and tcrpancs, have been detected by GC-MS from the middle Jurassic oil shalcs in the Shuanghu area northern Tibet plateau.N-alkancs contain carbon number nC12-nC35 with a rclativclv wide range,nC15,nC16 or nC17 as the highest peak.Examination of the relative abundance show a dominancc of low carbon molecular components in the n-alkanc.Pr/Ph ratio in oil shalcs range from 0.77 to 1.59, and it fluetuatcs in the vertical section.The upper and lower part of the oil shalcs have slight predominance of pristanc, whereas phytune dominates in the middle part of the oil shale sequence.C30-hopanc is the most abundant in the hopanc series.According to the rclativclv abundance, pcntacvclic tritcrpanc>tricvclic tcrpanc>quartcvclic tcrpanc.Stcranc ∑C27/C29 ratio ranges from 0.79 to 1.20} and ∑(C27+C28)>∑C29.The carbon number distribution of the stcrancs show a slight predominance of C27 components over C29 in the lower part of the oil shalcs and a slight dominance of C29 component over C27 in the upper part of the oil shalcs sequence.C27-diastcranc/ C27-stcranc ratio range from 0.51 to 3.63,which also fluctuate in the vertical section.It indicates organic matter of algacl origin with proper ratio contribution from terrestrial sources.The organic matter in the oil shalcs is mature.Different Pr/Ph and C27-diastcrancs/C27-stcrancs proved cspcciallv useful in asscssing variation in dcpositional environment and recognizing preservation potential of the organic matter.

LIN Jin hui, YI Hai sheng, LI Yong, WANG Cheng shan, PENG Ping an. Characteristics of Biomarker Compounds and Its Implication of Middle Jurassic Oil Shale Seguence in Shuanghu Area,Northern Tibet Plateau[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(2): 287-292.
Citation: LIN Jin hui, YI Hai sheng, LI Yong, WANG Cheng shan, PENG Ping an. Characteristics of Biomarker Compounds and Its Implication of Middle Jurassic Oil Shale Seguence in Shuanghu Area,Northern Tibet Plateau[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2001, 19(2): 287-292.
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