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Yu Bingsiong, Qiu Yuzhuo, Li Juan. Sedimentary Geochemical Evolution from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Massif[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(4): 127-133,147.
Citation: Yu Bingsiong, Qiu Yuzhuo, Li Juan. Sedimentary Geochemical Evolution from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Massif[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(4): 127-133,147.

Sedimentary Geochemical Evolution from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Massif

  • Received Date: 1996-02-29
  • Publish Date: 1997-12-10
  • Through the systematic study of trace elements and REE geochemistry of mudstones deposited inthe basin and lower slope environments from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the SouthwestYangtze Massif, three geochemical abnormal horizons, Lower Cambrian, Upper Devonian and Upper Per-mian, were discovered.Because of the alternate occurrence of three geochemical abnormal horizons, threegeochemical cycles in geological history were distinguished.The geochemical cycles are corresponding tothe geotectonic ones in this area.The geochemical abnormal horizons are corresponding to the pull-apartstages of geotectonic cycles and to a series of geological events, such as hydrothermal sedimentaryevents, anoxic events, extinct events of living things and so on.That so many events occur red in the geo-chemical abnormal horizons at the same time indicated these geochemical anomalies are the result ofearth evolution.They are the products originating in the particular stages of earth evolution.So thesegeochemical anomalies, conversely, are the effective geochemical tracer to understand the earth, especiallythe crustal evolution.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  1996-02-29
  • Published:  1997-12-10

Sedimentary Geochemical Evolution from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Massif

Abstract: Through the systematic study of trace elements and REE geochemistry of mudstones deposited inthe basin and lower slope environments from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the SouthwestYangtze Massif, three geochemical abnormal horizons, Lower Cambrian, Upper Devonian and Upper Per-mian, were discovered.Because of the alternate occurrence of three geochemical abnormal horizons, threegeochemical cycles in geological history were distinguished.The geochemical cycles are corresponding tothe geotectonic ones in this area.The geochemical abnormal horizons are corresponding to the pull-apartstages of geotectonic cycles and to a series of geological events, such as hydrothermal sedimentaryevents, anoxic events, extinct events of living things and so on.That so many events occur red in the geo-chemical abnormal horizons at the same time indicated these geochemical anomalies are the result ofearth evolution.They are the products originating in the particular stages of earth evolution.So thesegeochemical anomalies, conversely, are the effective geochemical tracer to understand the earth, especiallythe crustal evolution.

Yu Bingsiong, Qiu Yuzhuo, Li Juan. Sedimentary Geochemical Evolution from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Massif[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(4): 127-133,147.
Citation: Yu Bingsiong, Qiu Yuzhuo, Li Juan. Sedimentary Geochemical Evolution from the Upper Proterozoic to the Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Massif[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(4): 127-133,147.
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