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Wang Wanchun, Xu Yongchang, Manfred Schidlowski, Echhard Faber, Wolfgang Stahl. The Geochemical Characteristics of Carbonand Hydrogen Isotopes of Kerogens of Various Maturity and Depositional Environments[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(S1): 132-137.
Citation: Wang Wanchun, Xu Yongchang, Manfred Schidlowski, Echhard Faber, Wolfgang Stahl. The Geochemical Characteristics of Carbonand Hydrogen Isotopes of Kerogens of Various Maturity and Depositional Environments[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(S1): 132-137.

The Geochemical Characteristics of Carbonand Hydrogen Isotopes of Kerogens of Various Maturity and Depositional Environments

  • Received Date: 1996-06-12
  • 40 kerogen samples were collected from 12 regions ( basins) in China. Three of them have been heated for 40 hours at 8 differ-ent temperatures from 250℃ to 700℃.respectively. And 24 heated kerogen samples have been obtained. All these 64 kerogensamples were analysed for their carbon isotopic compositions and 50 of them were analysed for their hydrogen isotopic compositionsA few of the samples were analysed for the C, H, O, N elemental compositions. The carbon isotope compositions of the analysedkerogens range from -23. 0 to -31.2‰(PDB), the hydrogen isotopic compositions of the kerogens range from -94 to-159‰(SMOW ).The research indicated that: 1 .in the terrestrial depositional environments, the carbon isotope composition of kerogenis mainly controlled by the types of kerogen, i. e. the sapropelic type of kerogen has lighter carbon isotope composition (13C<-28.0‰ ) , and the humic type of kerogen has heavier carbon isotope composition ( 13C> -26.0‰) , and the sapropelic-humic or hu-mic-sapropelic types of kerogens have the carbon isotope compositions ranging from -26. 0 to -28. 0‰.2. The effect of the thermalmaturation on the carbon isotope composition of kerogen is not obvious in the oil and gas generation maturation stage. On the con-trary, the H/C atomic ratio of kerogen decreases with the increasing maturity of source rocks. Consequently, in the higher thermalmaturation stage, the carbon isotope composition of kerogen is more effective than the H/C atomic ratio of kerogen to differentiatethe types of kerogens. 3. The hdyrogen isotope composition of kerogen mainly reflects the salinity of the depositional medium inwhich the source rocks were deposited. The kerogens of the source rocks deposited in the fresh water environments have the hydro-gen isotope compositions lighter than-130‰, and the kerogens of the source rocks deposited in the brackish to salt water environ-menu have the hydrogen isotope compositions heavier than-130‰
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  1996-06-12

The Geochemical Characteristics of Carbonand Hydrogen Isotopes of Kerogens of Various Maturity and Depositional Environments

Abstract: 40 kerogen samples were collected from 12 regions ( basins) in China. Three of them have been heated for 40 hours at 8 differ-ent temperatures from 250℃ to 700℃.respectively. And 24 heated kerogen samples have been obtained. All these 64 kerogensamples were analysed for their carbon isotopic compositions and 50 of them were analysed for their hydrogen isotopic compositionsA few of the samples were analysed for the C, H, O, N elemental compositions. The carbon isotope compositions of the analysedkerogens range from -23. 0 to -31.2‰(PDB), the hydrogen isotopic compositions of the kerogens range from -94 to-159‰(SMOW ).The research indicated that: 1 .in the terrestrial depositional environments, the carbon isotope composition of kerogenis mainly controlled by the types of kerogen, i. e. the sapropelic type of kerogen has lighter carbon isotope composition (13C<-28.0‰ ) , and the humic type of kerogen has heavier carbon isotope composition ( 13C> -26.0‰) , and the sapropelic-humic or hu-mic-sapropelic types of kerogens have the carbon isotope compositions ranging from -26. 0 to -28. 0‰.2. The effect of the thermalmaturation on the carbon isotope composition of kerogen is not obvious in the oil and gas generation maturation stage. On the con-trary, the H/C atomic ratio of kerogen decreases with the increasing maturity of source rocks. Consequently, in the higher thermalmaturation stage, the carbon isotope composition of kerogen is more effective than the H/C atomic ratio of kerogen to differentiatethe types of kerogens. 3. The hdyrogen isotope composition of kerogen mainly reflects the salinity of the depositional medium inwhich the source rocks were deposited. The kerogens of the source rocks deposited in the fresh water environments have the hydro-gen isotope compositions lighter than-130‰, and the kerogens of the source rocks deposited in the brackish to salt water environ-menu have the hydrogen isotope compositions heavier than-130‰

Wang Wanchun, Xu Yongchang, Manfred Schidlowski, Echhard Faber, Wolfgang Stahl. The Geochemical Characteristics of Carbonand Hydrogen Isotopes of Kerogens of Various Maturity and Depositional Environments[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(S1): 132-137.
Citation: Wang Wanchun, Xu Yongchang, Manfred Schidlowski, Echhard Faber, Wolfgang Stahl. The Geochemical Characteristics of Carbonand Hydrogen Isotopes of Kerogens of Various Maturity and Depositional Environments[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(S1): 132-137.
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