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Zhu Xiaodong, Shi Bingwen, Zhu Dakui. A New Sediment Grain Size Index Designed for Sedimentological Study of Microfossils—— With Demonstrations of Foraminifera in Jiangsu Coast, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(3): 145-149.
Citation: Zhu Xiaodong, Shi Bingwen, Zhu Dakui. A New Sediment Grain Size Index Designed for Sedimentological Study of Microfossils—— With Demonstrations of Foraminifera in Jiangsu Coast, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(3): 145-149.

A New Sediment Grain Size Index Designed for Sedimentological Study of Microfossils—— With Demonstrations of Foraminifera in Jiangsu Coast, China

  • Received Date: 1996-06-12
  • In this paper, a new sediment grain size index, gsi, is proposed as a supplementary time- savingtool of sedimentological analysis of micro- fossils. The gsi is determined according to the grain size rankand composition of sediment at the time of sampling for microfossils. For example, gsis for clay, silt andfine sand are 1. 0, 2. 0 and 3. 0, respctivly, for silty clay, clayey silt are 1. 2 and 1. 8. The reliability ofthis semi- quantitative index system has been confirmed by using correlation analysis of actural Md datagained through conventional instrument analysis of 20sediment samples with their corresiponding gsi da-ta.The correlation coefficient is as high as 0. 9312. As demonstration for practical use of gsi, sedimnto-logical foraminiferal analysis was prformed on 90 samples from Yangtze River mouth and Jiangsu coastalzone where taphonomic processes of foraminiferal taphocoeenoses are important. The demonstration in-dicated the gsi is useful and time- saving for sedimentological study on the base of microfossil.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  1996-06-12

A New Sediment Grain Size Index Designed for Sedimentological Study of Microfossils—— With Demonstrations of Foraminifera in Jiangsu Coast, China

Abstract: In this paper, a new sediment grain size index, gsi, is proposed as a supplementary time- savingtool of sedimentological analysis of micro- fossils. The gsi is determined according to the grain size rankand composition of sediment at the time of sampling for microfossils. For example, gsis for clay, silt andfine sand are 1. 0, 2. 0 and 3. 0, respctivly, for silty clay, clayey silt are 1. 2 and 1. 8. The reliability ofthis semi- quantitative index system has been confirmed by using correlation analysis of actural Md datagained through conventional instrument analysis of 20sediment samples with their corresiponding gsi da-ta.The correlation coefficient is as high as 0. 9312. As demonstration for practical use of gsi, sedimnto-logical foraminiferal analysis was prformed on 90 samples from Yangtze River mouth and Jiangsu coastalzone where taphonomic processes of foraminiferal taphocoeenoses are important. The demonstration in-dicated the gsi is useful and time- saving for sedimentological study on the base of microfossil.

Zhu Xiaodong, Shi Bingwen, Zhu Dakui. A New Sediment Grain Size Index Designed for Sedimentological Study of Microfossils—— With Demonstrations of Foraminifera in Jiangsu Coast, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(3): 145-149.
Citation: Zhu Xiaodong, Shi Bingwen, Zhu Dakui. A New Sediment Grain Size Index Designed for Sedimentological Study of Microfossils—— With Demonstrations of Foraminifera in Jiangsu Coast, China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1997, 15(3): 145-149.
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