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WANG Ping-zai, WANG Jun-ling. Sedimentary Sequence and Model of Modern Nenjiang River[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(2): 228-233.
Citation: WANG Ping-zai, WANG Jun-ling. Sedimentary Sequence and Model of Modern Nenjiang River[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(2): 228-233.

Sedimentary Sequence and Model of Modern Nenjiang River

  • Received Date: 2001-11-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2002-04-08
  • Publish Date: 2003-06-10
  • Taking modern deposit of Nenjiang river at Damagang,Fuyu,Heilongjiang,as an example,this paper studied in detail the intrior lithofacies,sedimentary microfacies,sedimentary sequences and model of modern deposit of Nenjiang river at Damagang,by fine dissection of digging exploration troughs and pits and densely collecting samples. The study indicates that Damagang deposit is a complex consisting of sediments from the braided stream and meandering river,with pebby bar of the braided stream in the lower and the low-energy meandering river deposit in the upper.There are 16 kinds of lithofacies identified in Damagang deposit of modern Nenjiang river:Gm,St1,St2,Ft,Ssd,Sh,St,Stcb,Shcs,Sw,Sm,Fw,Fm,Fsc1,Fsc2,Mm and Mpr.Five kinds of subfacies and six kinds of sedimentary microfacies were developed well,including fluvial flood-plain microfacies,crevasse-splay microfacies,natural levee microfacies,point bar microfacies of the meandering river,and flood-plain microfacies and mid-channel bar microfacies of the braided river.These sedimentary microfacies form three sets of different sedimentary sequences in vertical in Damagang deposit,i.e. the lower sequence consist mainly of pebby sediments of braided river the middle sequence is an integrated meandering river deposit,consisting of sand of point-bar and shale of flood-plain of meandering river,and the upper sequence consists of flodd-plain and crevasses-splay of meandering river.By analysing sedimentary microfacise and sedimentary sequences,this paper built a new fluvial complex sedimentary model and it will contribute to the theory of fluvial sedimentology.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2001-11-13
  • Revised:  2002-04-08
  • Published:  2003-06-10

Sedimentary Sequence and Model of Modern Nenjiang River

Abstract: Taking modern deposit of Nenjiang river at Damagang,Fuyu,Heilongjiang,as an example,this paper studied in detail the intrior lithofacies,sedimentary microfacies,sedimentary sequences and model of modern deposit of Nenjiang river at Damagang,by fine dissection of digging exploration troughs and pits and densely collecting samples. The study indicates that Damagang deposit is a complex consisting of sediments from the braided stream and meandering river,with pebby bar of the braided stream in the lower and the low-energy meandering river deposit in the upper.There are 16 kinds of lithofacies identified in Damagang deposit of modern Nenjiang river:Gm,St1,St2,Ft,Ssd,Sh,St,Stcb,Shcs,Sw,Sm,Fw,Fm,Fsc1,Fsc2,Mm and Mpr.Five kinds of subfacies and six kinds of sedimentary microfacies were developed well,including fluvial flood-plain microfacies,crevasse-splay microfacies,natural levee microfacies,point bar microfacies of the meandering river,and flood-plain microfacies and mid-channel bar microfacies of the braided river.These sedimentary microfacies form three sets of different sedimentary sequences in vertical in Damagang deposit,i.e. the lower sequence consist mainly of pebby sediments of braided river the middle sequence is an integrated meandering river deposit,consisting of sand of point-bar and shale of flood-plain of meandering river,and the upper sequence consists of flodd-plain and crevasses-splay of meandering river.By analysing sedimentary microfacise and sedimentary sequences,this paper built a new fluvial complex sedimentary model and it will contribute to the theory of fluvial sedimentology.

WANG Ping-zai, WANG Jun-ling. Sedimentary Sequence and Model of Modern Nenjiang River[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(2): 228-233.
Citation: WANG Ping-zai, WANG Jun-ling. Sedimentary Sequence and Model of Modern Nenjiang River[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(2): 228-233.
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