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GE Ming, MENG Xiang-hua, KUANG Hong-wei, CAI Guo-yin, LIU Yan-xue, Liu Wei-fu. Molar-tooth Carboantes: Carbonate Research Highlight of the World in the 21st Century[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(1): 81-89.
Citation: GE Ming, MENG Xiang-hua, KUANG Hong-wei, CAI Guo-yin, LIU Yan-xue, Liu Wei-fu. Molar-tooth Carboantes: Carbonate Research Highlight of the World in the 21st Century[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(1): 81-89.

Molar-tooth Carboantes: Carbonate Research Highlight of the World in the 21st Century

  • Received Date: 2002-12-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-01-10
  • Publish Date: 2003-03-10
  • The IGCP 447 (Proterozoic Molar tooth Carbonates and the Evolution of the Earth) was approved in February, 2001 by the International Geological Correlation Program Scientific Board and marked the new progress of this field. The IGCP project 447 a successor of IGCP 319, aims to investigate the origin and structures of Middle to Late Precambrian microsparites and to assess their global correlation by stressing depositional, palaeoenvironmental, biogeochemical, geotectonical and stratigraphical significance (Episodes, New IGCP Projects was accepted and started in 2001). Molar-tooth carbonates are specialized and peculiarly named early diagenetic sedimentary features. The name of ‘Molar-tooth’ carbonates originated from their tapered, ptygmatically folded texture comparable to an elephant's tooth. Molar-tooth structures (MTS) have a specified time range of 1900 to 550 Ma - (mainly developed in Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic era), To try our best to interpret the origin of these enigmatic structures and their possible use in correlation is a significant object of this research. This project will undertake a thorough survey of the Proterozoic carbonates in China, Arctic Europe (Spitsbergen), Russia (South Siberia), North America (Mackenzie Mountains/Victoria Island.), West Africa and so on. MTS are significant for serving as the key Precambrian biological and geochemical events. They might be a link in the revolutionary changes of the biosphere, which heralded the appearance of the complex multi-cellular animals of the late Precambrian. There are more and more evidences which suggest that MTS probably originated from organic substance. Like a bridge, MTS connected the inorganic world with the organic one and is closely related to the evolution of the paleoseas, the atmosphere and the biosphere. Their development and/or recession are related to the origin of life and the abruption of sedimentary geochemistry of marine carbonates. It was proved by the isotopic age of 87Sr/ 86Sr that the disappearance of the MT carbonate might be possibly occurred in 750 Ma. Based on the research of home and abroad, the Meso-neoproterozoic strata might be of important potential of hydrocarbon generation, and of a better reservoir as well.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2002-12-26
  • Revised:  2003-01-10
  • Published:  2003-03-10

Molar-tooth Carboantes: Carbonate Research Highlight of the World in the 21st Century

Abstract: The IGCP 447 (Proterozoic Molar tooth Carbonates and the Evolution of the Earth) was approved in February, 2001 by the International Geological Correlation Program Scientific Board and marked the new progress of this field. The IGCP project 447 a successor of IGCP 319, aims to investigate the origin and structures of Middle to Late Precambrian microsparites and to assess their global correlation by stressing depositional, palaeoenvironmental, biogeochemical, geotectonical and stratigraphical significance (Episodes, New IGCP Projects was accepted and started in 2001). Molar-tooth carbonates are specialized and peculiarly named early diagenetic sedimentary features. The name of ‘Molar-tooth’ carbonates originated from their tapered, ptygmatically folded texture comparable to an elephant's tooth. Molar-tooth structures (MTS) have a specified time range of 1900 to 550 Ma - (mainly developed in Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic era), To try our best to interpret the origin of these enigmatic structures and their possible use in correlation is a significant object of this research. This project will undertake a thorough survey of the Proterozoic carbonates in China, Arctic Europe (Spitsbergen), Russia (South Siberia), North America (Mackenzie Mountains/Victoria Island.), West Africa and so on. MTS are significant for serving as the key Precambrian biological and geochemical events. They might be a link in the revolutionary changes of the biosphere, which heralded the appearance of the complex multi-cellular animals of the late Precambrian. There are more and more evidences which suggest that MTS probably originated from organic substance. Like a bridge, MTS connected the inorganic world with the organic one and is closely related to the evolution of the paleoseas, the atmosphere and the biosphere. Their development and/or recession are related to the origin of life and the abruption of sedimentary geochemistry of marine carbonates. It was proved by the isotopic age of 87Sr/ 86Sr that the disappearance of the MT carbonate might be possibly occurred in 750 Ma. Based on the research of home and abroad, the Meso-neoproterozoic strata might be of important potential of hydrocarbon generation, and of a better reservoir as well.

GE Ming, MENG Xiang-hua, KUANG Hong-wei, CAI Guo-yin, LIU Yan-xue, Liu Wei-fu. Molar-tooth Carboantes: Carbonate Research Highlight of the World in the 21st Century[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(1): 81-89.
Citation: GE Ming, MENG Xiang-hua, KUANG Hong-wei, CAI Guo-yin, LIU Yan-xue, Liu Wei-fu. Molar-tooth Carboantes: Carbonate Research Highlight of the World in the 21st Century[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2003, 21(1): 81-89.
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