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ZHANG Guo-cheng, ZENG Yu-feng, Buatois L A, Mangano M G. Lacustrine Deposits and Associated Trace Fossils in the Upper Part of the Tanzhuang Formation ( T2-3 ), Jiyuan Basin, Henan Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(1): 99-107.
Citation: ZHANG Guo-cheng, ZENG Yu-feng, Buatois L A, Mangano M G. Lacustrine Deposits and Associated Trace Fossils in the Upper Part of the Tanzhuang Formation ( T2-3 ), Jiyuan Basin, Henan Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(1): 99-107.

Lacustrine Deposits and Associated Trace Fossils in the Upper Part of the Tanzhuang Formation ( T2-3 ), Jiyuan Basin, Henan Province

  • Received Date: 2004-04-15
  • Rev Recd Date: 2004-07-12
  • Publish Date: 2005-03-10
  • The Middle to Upper Triassic Tanzhuang Form ation, being well cropped out near Jiyuan City, Henan Province,represents a part of the infill of the earlyMesozoic Jiyuan-Yima Basin. The upper part of this stratigraphic unit records deposition with in prevailing shallow lake conditions. S ix sedim entary facies clustered into two facies assemb lages were recognized in the lacustrine section. Facies assemb lage 1 consists of the stacked coarsening-upward sequences composed, from base to top, of organic-rich shale ( facies E, typeⅠ), laminated siltstones (facies A) and current-rippled laminated sandstones (facies B). Units of assemb lages 1 record progradat ion o f smallmouth-bar de ltas with in a perennial open lacustr ine system under temperate and humid cond itions. Facies assemb lage 2 lacks a clear vertical prograd ition pattern and consists of in terbedded f ine-grained carbonates and siltstones ( facies C ); de formed and wave-rewo rked sandstones ( fac ies D ) ; organic-rich shales ( facies E, type Ⅱ ) and clayey mudstones ( facies F). The assemb lage also represents a perennia,l hydro log ica lly open, shallow lacustrine system, but characterized by strong seasona l climatic control. The Skolithos linearismonospecific assemb lagema in ly occurred abundantly in faciesC suggests the substrates contro lled by seasona l climate. Water strat ification probably occurred in severa l periods of the lake history. Pangaean megamonsoonal influence is env isaged to expla in the strong seasonality imprint evidenced tow ard the upper part of the Tanzhuang lacustrine co lumn.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2004-04-15
  • Revised:  2004-07-12
  • Published:  2005-03-10

Lacustrine Deposits and Associated Trace Fossils in the Upper Part of the Tanzhuang Formation ( T2-3 ), Jiyuan Basin, Henan Province

Abstract: The Middle to Upper Triassic Tanzhuang Form ation, being well cropped out near Jiyuan City, Henan Province,represents a part of the infill of the earlyMesozoic Jiyuan-Yima Basin. The upper part of this stratigraphic unit records deposition with in prevailing shallow lake conditions. S ix sedim entary facies clustered into two facies assemb lages were recognized in the lacustrine section. Facies assemb lage 1 consists of the stacked coarsening-upward sequences composed, from base to top, of organic-rich shale ( facies E, typeⅠ), laminated siltstones (facies A) and current-rippled laminated sandstones (facies B). Units of assemb lages 1 record progradat ion o f smallmouth-bar de ltas with in a perennial open lacustr ine system under temperate and humid cond itions. Facies assemb lage 2 lacks a clear vertical prograd ition pattern and consists of in terbedded f ine-grained carbonates and siltstones ( facies C ); de formed and wave-rewo rked sandstones ( fac ies D ) ; organic-rich shales ( facies E, type Ⅱ ) and clayey mudstones ( facies F). The assemb lage also represents a perennia,l hydro log ica lly open, shallow lacustrine system, but characterized by strong seasona l climatic control. The Skolithos linearismonospecific assemb lagema in ly occurred abundantly in faciesC suggests the substrates contro lled by seasona l climate. Water strat ification probably occurred in severa l periods of the lake history. Pangaean megamonsoonal influence is env isaged to expla in the strong seasonality imprint evidenced tow ard the upper part of the Tanzhuang lacustrine co lumn.

ZHANG Guo-cheng, ZENG Yu-feng, Buatois L A, Mangano M G. Lacustrine Deposits and Associated Trace Fossils in the Upper Part of the Tanzhuang Formation ( T2-3 ), Jiyuan Basin, Henan Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(1): 99-107.
Citation: ZHANG Guo-cheng, ZENG Yu-feng, Buatois L A, Mangano M G. Lacustrine Deposits and Associated Trace Fossils in the Upper Part of the Tanzhuang Formation ( T2-3 ), Jiyuan Basin, Henan Province[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(1): 99-107.
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