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ZHANG Ke, LIU Kai-yu, WU Jia-min, YANG Jin-chun, CAI Jian-bo. Depositional Features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and Its Implications for Neotectonic Movements[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(3): 465-473.
Citation: ZHANG Ke, LIU Kai-yu, WU Jia-min, YANG Jin-chun, CAI Jian-bo. Depositional Features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and Its Implications for Neotectonic Movements[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(3): 465-473.

Depositional Features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and Its Implications for Neotectonic Movements

  • Received Date: 2003-07-02
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-09-03
  • Publish Date: 2004-09-10
  • The Zhongwei Basin is the largest compressional basin situated between the arc-form mountains along the northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau. Based upon our investigation in the field and in borehole data, depositional features and their variations in space and time are analyzed in this paper. In the Pliocene, the Xiangshan Mountain began to thrust northeast strongly along the Xiangshan-Tianjingshan fault zone, resulting in the depression in foreland and formation of the Zhongwei Basin. The strong compression also made some earlier sediments in the southern part of the basin thrust and uplift northward along some south-dip imbricate faults, producing wedge-like basin in the north-south profile with deep southward and shallow northward. Combing the thrusting, later sedimentation, including the one of the Yellow River, which flew through the basin from the west to east, had continuously moved northwards, occurring in diachronism of the sediments. Approximately in the end of the middle Pleistocene, the Zhongwei Basin was elevated responsible for strong activities of Yantongshan fault zone situated in the northeast of the basin, resulting in the down-cutting of the Yellow River, which ended the depositional process of the Zhongwei Basin. The end of depositional process of the Zhongwei Basin possibly means the starting of the strong activities of the Yantonshan fault zone rather than the end of the activities of the Xiangshan Tianjingshan fault zone. The process above probably implies the shifting processes of the strong compressional deformation from southwest to northeast along the northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2003-07-02
  • Revised:  2003-09-03
  • Published:  2004-09-10

Depositional Features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and Its Implications for Neotectonic Movements

Abstract: The Zhongwei Basin is the largest compressional basin situated between the arc-form mountains along the northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau. Based upon our investigation in the field and in borehole data, depositional features and their variations in space and time are analyzed in this paper. In the Pliocene, the Xiangshan Mountain began to thrust northeast strongly along the Xiangshan-Tianjingshan fault zone, resulting in the depression in foreland and formation of the Zhongwei Basin. The strong compression also made some earlier sediments in the southern part of the basin thrust and uplift northward along some south-dip imbricate faults, producing wedge-like basin in the north-south profile with deep southward and shallow northward. Combing the thrusting, later sedimentation, including the one of the Yellow River, which flew through the basin from the west to east, had continuously moved northwards, occurring in diachronism of the sediments. Approximately in the end of the middle Pleistocene, the Zhongwei Basin was elevated responsible for strong activities of Yantongshan fault zone situated in the northeast of the basin, resulting in the down-cutting of the Yellow River, which ended the depositional process of the Zhongwei Basin. The end of depositional process of the Zhongwei Basin possibly means the starting of the strong activities of the Yantonshan fault zone rather than the end of the activities of the Xiangshan Tianjingshan fault zone. The process above probably implies the shifting processes of the strong compressional deformation from southwest to northeast along the northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau.

ZHANG Ke, LIU Kai-yu, WU Jia-min, YANG Jin-chun, CAI Jian-bo. Depositional Features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and Its Implications for Neotectonic Movements[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(3): 465-473.
Citation: ZHANG Ke, LIU Kai-yu, WU Jia-min, YANG Jin-chun, CAI Jian-bo. Depositional Features of the Zhongwei Basin, Ningxia, and Its Implications for Neotectonic Movements[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(3): 465-473.
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