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JIANG Dong hui, GAO Shu. Relationship between the Tidally-induced Near-bed Shear Stress and the Distribution of Surficial Sediments in the Bohai Strait[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 663-667.
Citation: JIANG Dong hui, GAO Shu. Relationship between the Tidally-induced Near-bed Shear Stress and the Distribution of Surficial Sediments in the Bohai Strait[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 663-667.

Relationship between the Tidally-induced Near-bed Shear Stress and the Distribution of Surficial Sediments in the Bohai Strait

  • Received Date: 2001-10-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2002-05-18
  • A 2-D ho rizontal numerical model is used to simulate maximum and mean tidally-induce near-bed shear stresses and the corresponding mobile layer thicknesses in the Bohai Strai t region.At the same t ime, the cri tical near-bed shear st ress was calculated using the g rain size parameters.An analysis of the results show s that :(1)the seabed sediment types are related to the dif ference between the t idally-induced shear stress and the cri tical shear stress (a larger difference is associated w ith a coarser bed material);(2)in some places (e.g.the northeastern part of the Strait and the near-sho re areas of the northern Shandong Peninsula)the tidally-induced shear st ress is smaller than the critical shear st ress, but the seabed sediment is relatively coarse, indicating that the sediment may represent relict materials (this hypothesis should be tested by the result s f rom future investig at ions into the Holocene sea level changes, paleo-hydrody namic conditions and the evolution of the sedimentary environment);and (3)a good correlation betw een the mobile layer thickness and the sediment type exists, i.e., a large mobile layer thickness is associated with relatively coarse sediments, and a small thickness is associated with fine-grained sediments.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2001-10-29
  • Revised:  2002-05-18

Relationship between the Tidally-induced Near-bed Shear Stress and the Distribution of Surficial Sediments in the Bohai Strait

Abstract: A 2-D ho rizontal numerical model is used to simulate maximum and mean tidally-induce near-bed shear stresses and the corresponding mobile layer thicknesses in the Bohai Strai t region.At the same t ime, the cri tical near-bed shear st ress was calculated using the g rain size parameters.An analysis of the results show s that :(1)the seabed sediment types are related to the dif ference between the t idally-induced shear stress and the cri tical shear stress (a larger difference is associated w ith a coarser bed material);(2)in some places (e.g.the northeastern part of the Strait and the near-sho re areas of the northern Shandong Peninsula)the tidally-induced shear st ress is smaller than the critical shear st ress, but the seabed sediment is relatively coarse, indicating that the sediment may represent relict materials (this hypothesis should be tested by the result s f rom future investig at ions into the Holocene sea level changes, paleo-hydrody namic conditions and the evolution of the sedimentary environment);and (3)a good correlation betw een the mobile layer thickness and the sediment type exists, i.e., a large mobile layer thickness is associated with relatively coarse sediments, and a small thickness is associated with fine-grained sediments.

JIANG Dong hui, GAO Shu. Relationship between the Tidally-induced Near-bed Shear Stress and the Distribution of Surficial Sediments in the Bohai Strait[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 663-667.
Citation: JIANG Dong hui, GAO Shu. Relationship between the Tidally-induced Near-bed Shear Stress and the Distribution of Surficial Sediments in the Bohai Strait[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 663-667.
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