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DONG Yu xiang. Characteristics of Grain Size Parameters of Modern Coastal Aeolian Sands in Temperate Coastal Region in China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 656-662.
Citation: DONG Yu xiang. Characteristics of Grain Size Parameters of Modern Coastal Aeolian Sands in Temperate Coastal Region in China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 656-662.

Characteristics of Grain Size Parameters of Modern Coastal Aeolian Sands in Temperate Coastal Region in China

  • Received Date: 2001-11-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2002-06-25
  • The characteristics of grain size parameters of modern coastal aeolian sands are the basic problems of coastal aeolian sand research. This paper, taking the temperate coastal zone in China as an example, makes use of the grain size parameter such as component of grain size, mean size, standard deviation, skewnss and kurtosis to study the characteristics of grain size parameters of modern coastal aeolian sands on the basis of data of 136 grain size samples. The research results can be concluded that the modern coastal aeolian sands in the temperate coastal zone in China are not all composed of fine sands with high sorting degree which were thought as before. Most are positively skewed. The parameters of grain size clearly change in different coastal zones and change with different sand dune type and dune size as well as distance from coastal line. Compared with beach sands, dune sands have the characteristics of contenting silt, thinner, more positive skewness and sharper kurtosis, but the beach sands and the dune sands in the temperate coastal zone in China can not be distinguished by use of the parameter plot of grain size and component analysis method. These characteristics of modern dune sands in the temperate coastal zone in China are connected with the special physical conditions and evolution process of the temperate coastal zone in China, in which the clear monsoon climate and short formation time as well as narrow space for aeolian activities play leading role in the formation of characteristics above.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2001-11-12
  • Revised:  2002-06-25

Characteristics of Grain Size Parameters of Modern Coastal Aeolian Sands in Temperate Coastal Region in China

Abstract: The characteristics of grain size parameters of modern coastal aeolian sands are the basic problems of coastal aeolian sand research. This paper, taking the temperate coastal zone in China as an example, makes use of the grain size parameter such as component of grain size, mean size, standard deviation, skewnss and kurtosis to study the characteristics of grain size parameters of modern coastal aeolian sands on the basis of data of 136 grain size samples. The research results can be concluded that the modern coastal aeolian sands in the temperate coastal zone in China are not all composed of fine sands with high sorting degree which were thought as before. Most are positively skewed. The parameters of grain size clearly change in different coastal zones and change with different sand dune type and dune size as well as distance from coastal line. Compared with beach sands, dune sands have the characteristics of contenting silt, thinner, more positive skewness and sharper kurtosis, but the beach sands and the dune sands in the temperate coastal zone in China can not be distinguished by use of the parameter plot of grain size and component analysis method. These characteristics of modern dune sands in the temperate coastal zone in China are connected with the special physical conditions and evolution process of the temperate coastal zone in China, in which the clear monsoon climate and short formation time as well as narrow space for aeolian activities play leading role in the formation of characteristics above.

DONG Yu xiang. Characteristics of Grain Size Parameters of Modern Coastal Aeolian Sands in Temperate Coastal Region in China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 656-662.
Citation: DONG Yu xiang. Characteristics of Grain Size Parameters of Modern Coastal Aeolian Sands in Temperate Coastal Region in China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(4): 656-662.
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