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HE Wei-hong, WANG Xiao-feng, BU Jian-jun. The Eustatic Cycles and the Depth of Water Mass of the Latest Ordovician Wufengian in the Yangtse Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(3): 367-375.
Citation: HE Wei-hong, WANG Xiao-feng, BU Jian-jun. The Eustatic Cycles and the Depth of Water Mass of the Latest Ordovician Wufengian in the Yangtse Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(3): 367-375.

The Eustatic Cycles and the Depth of Water Mass of the Latest Ordovician Wufengian in the Yangtse Basin

  • Received Date: 2001-08-09
  • Rev Recd Date: 2002-11-08
  • Publish Date: 2002-09-10
  • On the basis of discussing the paleogeographic reconstruction,the change of lithology and biota through t he section,the cycles of Ce anormaly and the indicating biota for depth of water mass fromt he latest Ordovician in the Yangtze Basin,the author holds that 5 eustatic cycles in the latest Ordovician Wufengian and that,the depth of water mass is at least 50 to 80 metres(respect to Guanyinqiao Bed)and at most 500 metres or so.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2001-08-09
  • Revised:  2002-11-08
  • Published:  2002-09-10

The Eustatic Cycles and the Depth of Water Mass of the Latest Ordovician Wufengian in the Yangtse Basin

Abstract: On the basis of discussing the paleogeographic reconstruction,the change of lithology and biota through t he section,the cycles of Ce anormaly and the indicating biota for depth of water mass fromt he latest Ordovician in the Yangtze Basin,the author holds that 5 eustatic cycles in the latest Ordovician Wufengian and that,the depth of water mass is at least 50 to 80 metres(respect to Guanyinqiao Bed)and at most 500 metres or so.

HE Wei-hong, WANG Xiao-feng, BU Jian-jun. The Eustatic Cycles and the Depth of Water Mass of the Latest Ordovician Wufengian in the Yangtse Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(3): 367-375.
Citation: HE Wei-hong, WANG Xiao-feng, BU Jian-jun. The Eustatic Cycles and the Depth of Water Mass of the Latest Ordovician Wufengian in the Yangtse Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2002, 20(3): 367-375.
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