The Novel Approach of the Correlation between Paleozoic Natural Gas and Source Rock in Ordos Basin
- Received Date: 1999-08-31
- Publish Date: 1999-12-10
Key words:
- Ordos Basin /
- thermal stimulation/on一line stable carbon mass spectrum /
- thermal stimulation/gas caromatography /
- benzene'carbon isotope /
- toluene'carbon isotope
Abstract: The advanced analytic techniques of thermal stimulation/on-line stable carbon mass spectrum and thermal stimulation/gas chromatography have been used to determine the light hydrocarbon distribution and the δ13C ratio of benzene and toluene of source rock and natural gas. The analytic results indicate that I、Ⅱ-type kerogen of lower Paleozoic limestone can generate more abundant benzene and touene of light hydrocarbon at the high stage of evolution .The δ13C ratios of benzene and toluene of light hydrocarbon mainly vary with kerogen type and have little relation to the maturity. The δ13C ratios of benzene and toluene of light hydrocarbon of source rock between Lower Paleozoic and Upper Paleozoic in Erdos basin are about-27‰ and- 22‰,Vrespectively. It indicates that the δ13C ratios of benzene and toluene vary apparently. The δ13C ratios of benzene and toluene of natural gas between Lower Paleozoic and Upper Paleozoic are-18.64‰--18. 61‰ and-23.71‰--17.15‰,-28.99‰--20.09‰ and-26.59‰--22.03‰ respectively .The direct correlation between source rock and natural gas has been taken according to the characteristics of light hydrocarbon distribution and δ13C ratios of benzene and toluene .Natural gas of Lower Paleozoic sources from source rock of Lower Paleozoic mainly.
Citation: | JIANG Zhu-sheng, HU Guo-yi, LI Zhi-sheng, LUO Xia, ZHANG Ying, LI Jian, XIE Zeng-ye. The Novel Approach of the Correlation between Paleozoic Natural Gas and Source Rock in Ordos Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1999, 17(S1): 820-824. |