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MA Su-ping, HE Jian-qiao, XIA Yan-qing. An Obvious Example of Redox Reaction in the Process of Oil and Gas Generation-the formation of carotane[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(S1): 124-128.
Citation: MA Su-ping, HE Jian-qiao, XIA Yan-qing. An Obvious Example of Redox Reaction in the Process of Oil and Gas Generation-the formation of carotane[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(S1): 124-128.

An Obvious Example of Redox Reaction in the Process of Oil and Gas Generation-the formation of carotane

  • Received Date: 2003-11-29
  • Publish Date: 2004-12-10
  • In the whole process of forming hydrocarbon, there exist the joining and removal of hydrogen or oxygen atom and heteroatom from the beginning to end. Therefore, redox reaction takes place in the whole process. The formation of carotane is the result of the hydrogen addition of carotene, and this process is very typical redox reaction, which needs plenty of hydrogen. Through the pyrolysis experiments, it is discovered that the carotane formation demands ample reductant. If absent, even the environment does not belong to oxidation environment, the carotene also can not form carotane. Saturated cyclic steroid and terpenoid compound is the better reductant. Carotane has the very close relation with cricoids biomarkers. Therefore, we can affirm that saturated cyclic steroid and terpenoid compound is the reductant in the formation process of the carotane. Actually, the carotene which can be oxidized very easily to be the oxidant in some environments. So, organic acid, alcohol and ketone etc.,can be reduced and form hydrocarbon, which should not be problematic.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2003-11-29
  • Published:  2004-12-10

An Obvious Example of Redox Reaction in the Process of Oil and Gas Generation-the formation of carotane

Abstract: In the whole process of forming hydrocarbon, there exist the joining and removal of hydrogen or oxygen atom and heteroatom from the beginning to end. Therefore, redox reaction takes place in the whole process. The formation of carotane is the result of the hydrogen addition of carotene, and this process is very typical redox reaction, which needs plenty of hydrogen. Through the pyrolysis experiments, it is discovered that the carotane formation demands ample reductant. If absent, even the environment does not belong to oxidation environment, the carotene also can not form carotane. Saturated cyclic steroid and terpenoid compound is the better reductant. Carotane has the very close relation with cricoids biomarkers. Therefore, we can affirm that saturated cyclic steroid and terpenoid compound is the reductant in the formation process of the carotane. Actually, the carotene which can be oxidized very easily to be the oxidant in some environments. So, organic acid, alcohol and ketone etc.,can be reduced and form hydrocarbon, which should not be problematic.

MA Su-ping, HE Jian-qiao, XIA Yan-qing. An Obvious Example of Redox Reaction in the Process of Oil and Gas Generation-the formation of carotane[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(S1): 124-128.
Citation: MA Su-ping, HE Jian-qiao, XIA Yan-qing. An Obvious Example of Redox Reaction in the Process of Oil and Gas Generation-the formation of carotane[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(S1): 124-128.
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