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LI Bao sheng, JIN He ling, ZHU Yi zhi, DONG Guang rong, WEN Xiao hao. The Quaternary Lithostrata in Salawusu River Valley and Their Geochronology[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 676-682.
Citation: LI Bao sheng, JIN He ling, ZHU Yi zhi, DONG Guang rong, WEN Xiao hao. The Quaternary Lithostrata in Salawusu River Valley and Their Geochronology[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 676-682.

The Quaternary Lithostrata in Salawusu River Valley and Their Geochronology

  • Received Date: 2004-02-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2004-06-03
  • Publish Date: 2004-12-10
  • Based on the lithostratigraphical subdivision with reference to the chronological data in the Milanggouwan section located at Salawusu River Valley of the southeastern margin of Mu Us Desert, Ordos Plateau, China, some ideas have been put forward in the paper: 1 The sedimentary ages of the lithostratigraphical units as indicated by formations in the section are that Lishi Formation was formed at 150000a B. P., Salawusu Formation 150000 75000a B. P., Chengchuan Formation 75000-10000a B. P., Dagouwan and Dishaogouwan Formations 10000 1000a B. P. and Fanjiagouwan Formation 1000a B. P. to present. 2 Geochronologically, the above mentioned lithostratigraphical units can be well correla ted with those in the Loess Plateau, China. Lishi Formation\Salawusu Formation, Salawusu Formation\Chengchuan Formation and Chengchuan Formation\Dagouwan and Dishaogouwan and Fanjiagouwan Formations correspond in succession to L2 \S1 (the time limit is 140000 a B. P.), S1 \L1 (80000 a B. P.) and L 1 \S0 (11000 10000 a B. P.). 3 In light of the past global variation, the lithostratigraphical units, at present, can assuredly be compared with the recent several oxygen-isotop stages in the deep sea and continental glacier regions, which are showed by ""as: Lishi Formation  MIS6, Salawusu Formation  MIS5, Chengchuan Formation  MIS2~MIS4, Dagouwan, Dishaogouwan and Fanjiagouwan Formations  MIS1. The correlative relation clearly indicates that the environmental evolution in 10000a scale in Chinese desert, like the Chinese loess, were affected to a great extent by the climatic fluctuations between glacial and interglacial periods in the Northern Hemisphere. According to climate stratigraphy, hereby,the Formations of Lishi, Salawusu, Chengchuan, Dagouwan and Dishaogouwan and Fanjiagouwan may be regarded as Riss Glacial Period, Riss Würm Interglacial Period (Last Interglacial Period), Würm Glacial Period (Last Glacial Period) and Post Glacial Period.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2004-02-10
  • Revised:  2004-06-03
  • Published:  2004-12-10

The Quaternary Lithostrata in Salawusu River Valley and Their Geochronology

Abstract: Based on the lithostratigraphical subdivision with reference to the chronological data in the Milanggouwan section located at Salawusu River Valley of the southeastern margin of Mu Us Desert, Ordos Plateau, China, some ideas have been put forward in the paper: 1 The sedimentary ages of the lithostratigraphical units as indicated by formations in the section are that Lishi Formation was formed at 150000a B. P., Salawusu Formation 150000 75000a B. P., Chengchuan Formation 75000-10000a B. P., Dagouwan and Dishaogouwan Formations 10000 1000a B. P. and Fanjiagouwan Formation 1000a B. P. to present. 2 Geochronologically, the above mentioned lithostratigraphical units can be well correla ted with those in the Loess Plateau, China. Lishi Formation\Salawusu Formation, Salawusu Formation\Chengchuan Formation and Chengchuan Formation\Dagouwan and Dishaogouwan and Fanjiagouwan Formations correspond in succession to L2 \S1 (the time limit is 140000 a B. P.), S1 \L1 (80000 a B. P.) and L 1 \S0 (11000 10000 a B. P.). 3 In light of the past global variation, the lithostratigraphical units, at present, can assuredly be compared with the recent several oxygen-isotop stages in the deep sea and continental glacier regions, which are showed by ""as: Lishi Formation  MIS6, Salawusu Formation  MIS5, Chengchuan Formation  MIS2~MIS4, Dagouwan, Dishaogouwan and Fanjiagouwan Formations  MIS1. The correlative relation clearly indicates that the environmental evolution in 10000a scale in Chinese desert, like the Chinese loess, were affected to a great extent by the climatic fluctuations between glacial and interglacial periods in the Northern Hemisphere. According to climate stratigraphy, hereby,the Formations of Lishi, Salawusu, Chengchuan, Dagouwan and Dishaogouwan and Fanjiagouwan may be regarded as Riss Glacial Period, Riss Würm Interglacial Period (Last Interglacial Period), Würm Glacial Period (Last Glacial Period) and Post Glacial Period.

LI Bao sheng, JIN He ling, ZHU Yi zhi, DONG Guang rong, WEN Xiao hao. The Quaternary Lithostrata in Salawusu River Valley and Their Geochronology[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 676-682.
Citation: LI Bao sheng, JIN He ling, ZHU Yi zhi, DONG Guang rong, WEN Xiao hao. The Quaternary Lithostrata in Salawusu River Valley and Their Geochronology[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 676-682.
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