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YAN Jia xin. Origin of Permian Chihsian Carbonates from South China and Its Geological Implications[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 579-587.
Citation: YAN Jia xin. Origin of Permian Chihsian Carbonates from South China and Its Geological Implications[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 579-587.

Origin of Permian Chihsian Carbonates from South China and Its Geological Implications

  • Received Date: 2003-10-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2004-03-26
  • Publish Date: 2004-12-10
  • The Permian Chihsia Formation of South China is a unique carbonate succession, which is rich in organic matter and chert nodule, and is characterized by the great lateral persistence with little variation in lithofacies and strata thickness. Two special diagenetic minerals, nodular celestite and sepiolite, are developed in the carbonate succession. Comprehensions on the origin of the above mentioned features implied that oxygen deficient environmental condition was a critical controlling factor among these features. Based on sedimentary features of the carbonate succession, it was proposed that the Chihsian deficient environments were derived from relatively high bioproductivity. This explanation is compatible with recent advancements in the Permian paleocliamatology and paleoceanography, but further work on the origin of the high bioproductivity is still desired.
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  • Received:  2003-10-30
  • Revised:  2004-03-26
  • Published:  2004-12-10

Origin of Permian Chihsian Carbonates from South China and Its Geological Implications

Abstract: The Permian Chihsia Formation of South China is a unique carbonate succession, which is rich in organic matter and chert nodule, and is characterized by the great lateral persistence with little variation in lithofacies and strata thickness. Two special diagenetic minerals, nodular celestite and sepiolite, are developed in the carbonate succession. Comprehensions on the origin of the above mentioned features implied that oxygen deficient environmental condition was a critical controlling factor among these features. Based on sedimentary features of the carbonate succession, it was proposed that the Chihsian deficient environments were derived from relatively high bioproductivity. This explanation is compatible with recent advancements in the Permian paleocliamatology and paleoceanography, but further work on the origin of the high bioproductivity is still desired.

YAN Jia xin. Origin of Permian Chihsian Carbonates from South China and Its Geological Implications[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 579-587.
Citation: YAN Jia xin. Origin of Permian Chihsian Carbonates from South China and Its Geological Implications[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(4): 579-587.
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