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TANG Song, SHAO Lei, ZHAO Quan-hong. Characteristics of Clay Mineral in South China Sea since Oligocene and Its Significance[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 337-342.
Citation: TANG Song, SHAO Lei, ZHAO Quan-hong. Characteristics of Clay Mineral in South China Sea since Oligocene and Its Significance[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 337-342.

Characteristics of Clay Mineral in South China Sea since Oligocene and Its Significance

  • Received Date: 2003-05-28
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-11-24
  • Publish Date: 2004-06-10
  • The distribution of clay mineral in the sediments of ODP Leg 184 Site 1148, located on the north slope of the South China Sea and recovered 32.8Ma sediments,shows different character between 32.8-15.5 Ma and since 15.5-0Ma periods. In 32.8-15.5 Ma the sediments are dominated by smectite,whose relative abundance is as high as 70 percent,while the abundance of illite and chlorite increase gradually with the decrease of smectite into the last 15.5 Ma. Thus, the evolution of clay mineral in the sediments can be divided into two stages. 32.8-15.5 Ma is tectonic-controlled stage,in which the clay mineral record the speading history of South China Sea.Whereas the climate controlled the distribution of clay mineral since last 15.5 Ma.In this climate-controlled stage the distribution of clay mineral indicated that the temperature decreased gradually and droped rapidly at 3Ma.This result is well consistent with that of δ18O of benthic foraminifera.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2003-05-28
  • Revised:  2003-11-24
  • Published:  2004-06-10

Characteristics of Clay Mineral in South China Sea since Oligocene and Its Significance

Abstract: The distribution of clay mineral in the sediments of ODP Leg 184 Site 1148, located on the north slope of the South China Sea and recovered 32.8Ma sediments,shows different character between 32.8-15.5 Ma and since 15.5-0Ma periods. In 32.8-15.5 Ma the sediments are dominated by smectite,whose relative abundance is as high as 70 percent,while the abundance of illite and chlorite increase gradually with the decrease of smectite into the last 15.5 Ma. Thus, the evolution of clay mineral in the sediments can be divided into two stages. 32.8-15.5 Ma is tectonic-controlled stage,in which the clay mineral record the speading history of South China Sea.Whereas the climate controlled the distribution of clay mineral since last 15.5 Ma.In this climate-controlled stage the distribution of clay mineral indicated that the temperature decreased gradually and droped rapidly at 3Ma.This result is well consistent with that of δ18O of benthic foraminifera.

TANG Song, SHAO Lei, ZHAO Quan-hong. Characteristics of Clay Mineral in South China Sea since Oligocene and Its Significance[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 337-342.
Citation: TANG Song, SHAO Lei, ZHAO Quan-hong. Characteristics of Clay Mineral in South China Sea since Oligocene and Its Significance[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 337-342.
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