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ZHANG Chang-min, ZHANG Shang-feng, LI Shao-hua, DAN Wei-dong, HOU Lu. Advances in Chinese Fluvial Sedimentology from 1983 to 2003[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 183-192.
Citation: ZHANG Chang-min, ZHANG Shang-feng, LI Shao-hua, DAN Wei-dong, HOU Lu. Advances in Chinese Fluvial Sedimentology from 1983 to 2003[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 183-192.

Advances in Chinese Fluvial Sedimentology from 1983 to 2003

  • Received Date: 2003-06-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-07-26
  • Publish Date: 2004-06-10
  • Progress in Chinese fluvial sedimentology, beginning with the initial issue of ACTA SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA in 1983, have been reviewed respectively from the aspects of classification of stream, modern present deposits investigation, fluvial facies and depositional models, fluvial deposits sequence stratigraphy, fluvial architecture element analysis and fluvial sedimentological simulation. The great achievements, which have been made in this duration by Chinese fluvial sedimentologists, including the application of the new concepts of anastomosing stream, architecture element analysis, lithofacies and facies assemblages, sedimentary structure research, outcrop investigation, physical and digital simulation of fluvial sedimentology and fluvial sequence stratigraphy, have been concluded in this paper. However, there are no our own new theory which has been known worldwide.To make Chinese fluvial sedimentology front rank in the world fluvial sedimentology, the organization of such research should be reinforced, achievements in geography and hydrology should be absorbed, the domain of the research should be expanded with the demanding of the gradual development of the social economy , international exchange activities should be encouraged positively.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2003-06-19
  • Revised:  2003-07-26
  • Published:  2004-06-10

Advances in Chinese Fluvial Sedimentology from 1983 to 2003

Abstract: Progress in Chinese fluvial sedimentology, beginning with the initial issue of ACTA SEDIMENTOLOGICA SINICA in 1983, have been reviewed respectively from the aspects of classification of stream, modern present deposits investigation, fluvial facies and depositional models, fluvial deposits sequence stratigraphy, fluvial architecture element analysis and fluvial sedimentological simulation. The great achievements, which have been made in this duration by Chinese fluvial sedimentologists, including the application of the new concepts of anastomosing stream, architecture element analysis, lithofacies and facies assemblages, sedimentary structure research, outcrop investigation, physical and digital simulation of fluvial sedimentology and fluvial sequence stratigraphy, have been concluded in this paper. However, there are no our own new theory which has been known worldwide.To make Chinese fluvial sedimentology front rank in the world fluvial sedimentology, the organization of such research should be reinforced, achievements in geography and hydrology should be absorbed, the domain of the research should be expanded with the demanding of the gradual development of the social economy , international exchange activities should be encouraged positively.

ZHANG Chang-min, ZHANG Shang-feng, LI Shao-hua, DAN Wei-dong, HOU Lu. Advances in Chinese Fluvial Sedimentology from 1983 to 2003[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 183-192.
Citation: ZHANG Chang-min, ZHANG Shang-feng, LI Shao-hua, DAN Wei-dong, HOU Lu. Advances in Chinese Fluvial Sedimentology from 1983 to 2003[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(2): 183-192.
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