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MIAO Jian yu, ZHU Zong qi, LIU Wen rong, LU Huan yong. Relationship betweenOccurrence of Organic Matter and the Primary Migration of the Hydrocarbon in Argillaceous Rock[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 169-175.
Citation: MIAO Jian yu, ZHU Zong qi, LIU Wen rong, LU Huan yong. Relationship betweenOccurrence of Organic Matter and the Primary Migration of the Hydrocarbon in Argillaceous Rock[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 169-175.

Relationship betweenOccurrence of Organic Matter and the Primary Migration of the Hydrocarbon in Argillaceous Rock

  • Received Date: 2003-02-18
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-06-07
  • Publish Date: 2004-03-10
  • Based on the research of the living examples of argillaceous rock in the Paleogene Neogene in Jiyang depression, both the occurrence of the organic matters and the characteristics of the pore structure are analysed. Then the pattern of the relationship between the expulsion path and the primary migration of hydrocarbon in the rock has been observed. The study shows that the pores are small but numerous, and the throats are narrow and thin in argillaceous rock, in which there is better sorting of pore throats, and a better interconnecting as well, besides, there are microfractures frequently observed there. When the argillaceous rocks containing more organic matter enter maturity stage, they are helpful to form thicker dissolved pores, and may easily produce more microfractures. This does not only favor the formation of abnormal pressure, but can delay the process of compact as well, therefore, which may protect the pore system. The occurrence of the organic matters in argillaceous rock can be classified into three types: the Enrichment Type, the Dispersion Type and the Partial Enrichment Type.(a) The Enrichment Type means that the organic matters are distributed plentifully along the bedding plane in the rock which deposited mainly in the finer clay particle and fewer detrital material (15%),and are rich in organic matter; (b) The Dispersion Type means that the organic matters are scattered respectively in the rock which deposited in the coarser clay particle and more detrital material (15%). This type of deposit of organic matters is various in abundance; (c) The Partial Enrichment Type has the properties of both the Enrichment Type and the Dispersion Type. By means of thicker pore throat system it becomes one of the ways through which the mature hydrocarbon can be exported from source rock when the organic matters occurred in Dispersion Type in argillaceous rock.When the organic matters are richer and occurred in the Enrichment Type in argillaceous rock,the binding and cementing of detritus and rock are weaker,besides,the fluid pressures are higher and can easily produce more microfractures. Therefore,they become the major path for primary migration of the mature hydrocarbon.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2003-02-18
  • Revised:  2003-06-07
  • Published:  2004-03-10

Relationship betweenOccurrence of Organic Matter and the Primary Migration of the Hydrocarbon in Argillaceous Rock

Abstract: Based on the research of the living examples of argillaceous rock in the Paleogene Neogene in Jiyang depression, both the occurrence of the organic matters and the characteristics of the pore structure are analysed. Then the pattern of the relationship between the expulsion path and the primary migration of hydrocarbon in the rock has been observed. The study shows that the pores are small but numerous, and the throats are narrow and thin in argillaceous rock, in which there is better sorting of pore throats, and a better interconnecting as well, besides, there are microfractures frequently observed there. When the argillaceous rocks containing more organic matter enter maturity stage, they are helpful to form thicker dissolved pores, and may easily produce more microfractures. This does not only favor the formation of abnormal pressure, but can delay the process of compact as well, therefore, which may protect the pore system. The occurrence of the organic matters in argillaceous rock can be classified into three types: the Enrichment Type, the Dispersion Type and the Partial Enrichment Type.(a) The Enrichment Type means that the organic matters are distributed plentifully along the bedding plane in the rock which deposited mainly in the finer clay particle and fewer detrital material (15%),and are rich in organic matter; (b) The Dispersion Type means that the organic matters are scattered respectively in the rock which deposited in the coarser clay particle and more detrital material (15%). This type of deposit of organic matters is various in abundance; (c) The Partial Enrichment Type has the properties of both the Enrichment Type and the Dispersion Type. By means of thicker pore throat system it becomes one of the ways through which the mature hydrocarbon can be exported from source rock when the organic matters occurred in Dispersion Type in argillaceous rock.When the organic matters are richer and occurred in the Enrichment Type in argillaceous rock,the binding and cementing of detritus and rock are weaker,besides,the fluid pressures are higher and can easily produce more microfractures. Therefore,they become the major path for primary migration of the mature hydrocarbon.

MIAO Jian yu, ZHU Zong qi, LIU Wen rong, LU Huan yong. Relationship betweenOccurrence of Organic Matter and the Primary Migration of the Hydrocarbon in Argillaceous Rock[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 169-175.
Citation: MIAO Jian yu, ZHU Zong qi, LIU Wen rong, LU Huan yong. Relationship betweenOccurrence of Organic Matter and the Primary Migration of the Hydrocarbon in Argillaceous Rock[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 169-175.
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