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LI Su mei, PANG Xiong qi, JIN Zhi jun, MAXiao chang, JULi rong. Discussion of Hydrocarbons Expulsion from Less Mature Source Rocks in the Niuzhuang South Slope of Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 161-168.
Citation: LI Su mei, PANG Xiong qi, JIN Zhi jun, MAXiao chang, JULi rong. Discussion of Hydrocarbons Expulsion from Less Mature Source Rocks in the Niuzhuang South Slope of Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 161-168.

Discussion of Hydrocarbons Expulsion from Less Mature Source Rocks in the Niuzhuang South Slope of Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

  • Received Date: 2003-06-02
  • Publish Date: 2004-03-10
  • It was suggested that 2 600 m is the boundary of early and later stage of diagenesis in Niuzhuang South Slope, Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin according to porosity, illite/montmorillonite ratio and acoustic transit time, and no abnormal formation pressure was observed from Es4 intervals located in the Niuzhuang South Slope. It was proved that 2 700 m is oil generation threshold (Ro=0.5%) of normal oil window based on vitrinite reflectance and thermal evaluation of biomarkers as well as oil source rock correlation results previously. No solid proofs support the opinion that Es4 shales located in the Niuzhuang South Slope should be the main source rock of oil pools in Bamihe oilfield. It was assumed that less mature oils with small amount as suggested by our recent reinvestigation were expelled through faults, shale layer under formation pressure of overlying intervals periodically. Particularly, deeper fluid pressure was suggested to play active roles in hydrocarbons expulsion of shall intervals indirectly, which is created by large amount of generated and expelled hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons generated by source rocks with wide range of thermal maturity were expelled by abnormal fluid pressure periodically and contemporaneously leading to mixing of the oils with different maturity during primary migration. Relative small amount of hydrocarbons generated and low efficiency of hydrocarbons expulsion are responsible for low immature petroleum resource of Bamihe oilfield.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2003-06-02
  • Published:  2004-03-10

Discussion of Hydrocarbons Expulsion from Less Mature Source Rocks in the Niuzhuang South Slope of Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

Abstract: It was suggested that 2 600 m is the boundary of early and later stage of diagenesis in Niuzhuang South Slope, Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin according to porosity, illite/montmorillonite ratio and acoustic transit time, and no abnormal formation pressure was observed from Es4 intervals located in the Niuzhuang South Slope. It was proved that 2 700 m is oil generation threshold (Ro=0.5%) of normal oil window based on vitrinite reflectance and thermal evaluation of biomarkers as well as oil source rock correlation results previously. No solid proofs support the opinion that Es4 shales located in the Niuzhuang South Slope should be the main source rock of oil pools in Bamihe oilfield. It was assumed that less mature oils with small amount as suggested by our recent reinvestigation were expelled through faults, shale layer under formation pressure of overlying intervals periodically. Particularly, deeper fluid pressure was suggested to play active roles in hydrocarbons expulsion of shall intervals indirectly, which is created by large amount of generated and expelled hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons generated by source rocks with wide range of thermal maturity were expelled by abnormal fluid pressure periodically and contemporaneously leading to mixing of the oils with different maturity during primary migration. Relative small amount of hydrocarbons generated and low efficiency of hydrocarbons expulsion are responsible for low immature petroleum resource of Bamihe oilfield.

LI Su mei, PANG Xiong qi, JIN Zhi jun, MAXiao chang, JULi rong. Discussion of Hydrocarbons Expulsion from Less Mature Source Rocks in the Niuzhuang South Slope of Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 161-168.
Citation: LI Su mei, PANG Xiong qi, JIN Zhi jun, MAXiao chang, JULi rong. Discussion of Hydrocarbons Expulsion from Less Mature Source Rocks in the Niuzhuang South Slope of Dongyi Depression, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 161-168.
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