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GUOZe qing, ZHONGJian hua, LIU Wei hong, YANG Shu feng, CHENHan lin. Application of EASY% R_o Method to Simulating Maturation History of Source Rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 154-160.
Citation: GUOZe qing, ZHONGJian hua, LIU Wei hong, YANG Shu feng, CHENHan lin. Application of EASY% R_o Method to Simulating Maturation History of Source Rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 154-160.

Application of EASY% R_o Method to Simulating Maturation History of Source Rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin

  • Received Date: 2003-03-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2003-05-20
  • Publish Date: 2004-03-10
  • On the exploration basis of detailed explanation of EASY%R o method, the process of maturation history computation, takingWell You 14 for an example,is illustrated and the maturation historyof source rocks in the 31 important exploration wells in the Western Qaidam Basin is simulated. Therefore, maturity contour diagramsof 5 series of source rock layers from lower member of lower Ganchaigou formation(E31)to upper Youshashan formation(N22) are drawn, and maturation historyof each source rocksis furthermore discussed in detail for these figures. This study has some significance for hydrocarbon accumulation investigation and oil exploration.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2003-03-12
  • Revised:  2003-05-20
  • Published:  2004-03-10

Application of EASY% R_o Method to Simulating Maturation History of Source Rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin

Abstract: On the exploration basis of detailed explanation of EASY%R o method, the process of maturation history computation, takingWell You 14 for an example,is illustrated and the maturation historyof source rocks in the 31 important exploration wells in the Western Qaidam Basin is simulated. Therefore, maturity contour diagramsof 5 series of source rock layers from lower member of lower Ganchaigou formation(E31)to upper Youshashan formation(N22) are drawn, and maturation historyof each source rocksis furthermore discussed in detail for these figures. This study has some significance for hydrocarbon accumulation investigation and oil exploration.

GUOZe qing, ZHONGJian hua, LIU Wei hong, YANG Shu feng, CHENHan lin. Application of EASY% R_o Method to Simulating Maturation History of Source Rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 154-160.
Citation: GUOZe qing, ZHONGJian hua, LIU Wei hong, YANG Shu feng, CHENHan lin. Application of EASY% R_o Method to Simulating Maturation History of Source Rocks in the Western Qaidam Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2004, 22(1): 154-160.
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