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ZHAO Jun-qing, XIA Bin, JI You-liang, JIANG Zai-xing, ZHANG Shan-wen. Analysis of the High Resolution Sequence of Lacuatr ine Carbonate[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 646-656.
Citation: ZHAO Jun-qing, XIA Bin, JI You-liang, JIANG Zai-xing, ZHANG Shan-wen. Analysis of the High Resolution Sequence of Lacuatr ine Carbonate[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 646-656.

Analysis of the High Resolution Sequence of Lacuatr ine Carbonate

  • Received Date: 2004-08-31
  • Rev Recd Date: 2004-12-23
  • Publish Date: 2005-12-10
  • In sp ite of great economic sigificance, very little is known about the lacustrine carbonate rocks both at home and abroad. By the method of app lying sequence stratigraphy, this paper particularly analyses the sequence develop ing model, sequence gradation division and controlling factors on lacustrine carbonate rocks, and put emphasis on parasequence types, distinguishing symbol, forming mechanism and correlation model. As a result, the sequence model of lacustrine carbonate rocks is summed up as steep slope model and gentle slope model. The units of high-2resolution sequence are divided into sequence, tract system, parasequence sets, parasequence and microsequence. The parasequnce types are divided into steep slope type, gentle slope type and deep sag type, also divided into limestone-marl, shore, slipp ing and deep-water evaporate, and the controlling factor of different kinds of parasequence is different. The contrasting models of parasequence are summed up as abruptly changingmodel of steep slope and gradually changing model of gentle slope, parasequence can regularly charge under differentmodels.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2004-08-31
  • Revised:  2004-12-23
  • Published:  2005-12-10

Analysis of the High Resolution Sequence of Lacuatr ine Carbonate

Abstract: In sp ite of great economic sigificance, very little is known about the lacustrine carbonate rocks both at home and abroad. By the method of app lying sequence stratigraphy, this paper particularly analyses the sequence develop ing model, sequence gradation division and controlling factors on lacustrine carbonate rocks, and put emphasis on parasequence types, distinguishing symbol, forming mechanism and correlation model. As a result, the sequence model of lacustrine carbonate rocks is summed up as steep slope model and gentle slope model. The units of high-2resolution sequence are divided into sequence, tract system, parasequence sets, parasequence and microsequence. The parasequnce types are divided into steep slope type, gentle slope type and deep sag type, also divided into limestone-marl, shore, slipp ing and deep-water evaporate, and the controlling factor of different kinds of parasequence is different. The contrasting models of parasequence are summed up as abruptly changingmodel of steep slope and gradually changing model of gentle slope, parasequence can regularly charge under differentmodels.

ZHAO Jun-qing, XIA Bin, JI You-liang, JIANG Zai-xing, ZHANG Shan-wen. Analysis of the High Resolution Sequence of Lacuatr ine Carbonate[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 646-656.
Citation: ZHAO Jun-qing, XIA Bin, JI You-liang, JIANG Zai-xing, ZHANG Shan-wen. Analysis of the High Resolution Sequence of Lacuatr ine Carbonate[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 646-656.
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