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YUAN Wen-fang, CHEN Shi-yue, ZENG Chang-min. Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 604-612.
Citation: YUAN Wen-fang, CHEN Shi-yue, ZENG Chang-min. Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 604-612.

Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin

  • Received Date: 2005-01-07
  • Rev Recd Date: 2005-03-21
  • Publish Date: 2005-12-10
  • The question whether transgression happened in Paleogene of BohaiBayBasin has been discussed formore than 20 years, yet itwas not resolved. The scholars insisting on transgression p rovided manymarkers such asmineralogy,lithology, paleoecology and geochemistry, but these makers are not completely the same as normalmarine makers, moreover, the passageway and obviously increased makers of transgression have not been discovered, so "marine flooding" , " tsunami" and " terrestrial facies" appear, these viewpoints have coexisted for a long time. Penman considers that the question can be solved by 4 ways: ①The structural setting of BohaiBay Basin should be studied thoroughly to conclude possibility of the transgression's passageway. ②Reliability of marine makers provided should be newly considered. ③New and exclusive evidences are required. ④Similar sediment trap s in correlative strata abroad are collected to research contrastively
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2005-01-07
  • Revised:  2005-03-21
  • Published:  2005-12-10

Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin

Abstract: The question whether transgression happened in Paleogene of BohaiBayBasin has been discussed formore than 20 years, yet itwas not resolved. The scholars insisting on transgression p rovided manymarkers such asmineralogy,lithology, paleoecology and geochemistry, but these makers are not completely the same as normalmarine makers, moreover, the passageway and obviously increased makers of transgression have not been discovered, so "marine flooding" , " tsunami" and " terrestrial facies" appear, these viewpoints have coexisted for a long time. Penman considers that the question can be solved by 4 ways: ①The structural setting of BohaiBay Basin should be studied thoroughly to conclude possibility of the transgression's passageway. ②Reliability of marine makers provided should be newly considered. ③New and exclusive evidences are required. ④Similar sediment trap s in correlative strata abroad are collected to research contrastively

YUAN Wen-fang, CHEN Shi-yue, ZENG Chang-min. Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 604-612.
Citation: YUAN Wen-fang, CHEN Shi-yue, ZENG Chang-min. Research Development and Prospects on Paleogene Sea Transgression in Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(4): 604-612.
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