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TIAN Hong-shui, WANG Jin-guang, LU Ming-ying, WANG Li-fa. Seismic Records in Paleogene Alluvial Layers in Anqiu, Shandong[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(3): 447-453.
Citation: TIAN Hong-shui, WANG Jin-guang, LU Ming-ying, WANG Li-fa. Seismic Records in Paleogene Alluvial Layers in Anqiu, Shandong[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(3): 447-453.

Seismic Records in Paleogene Alluvial Layers in Anqiu, Shandong

  • Received Date: 2004-10-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2004-12-24
  • Publish Date: 2005-09-10
  • Some se ismo-depositional layers are discovered in the alluvial facies of the Paleogene Zhubidian Formation in Yishu fault zone area of Anqiu City, Shandong. They are a set of seismites with seismo-depositional characterist ics such as vibration liquefied sand dykes, liquef ied sand veins, sandy cong lom erate dykes caused by fissure filling, seism ic fallm-asses, seismic small-scale fractures and collapse structures and so on. These Pa leogene seismites indicate that tectonic activity was in tense and strong earthquakesw ere frequently in Yishu Fault Zone during theEarly Cenozoic E ra. Seismic events recorded by these seism ites are the responses to theH imalayan Tectonic Cycle after the Yanshan tectonic cycle. The discovery of seismites in the Paleogene Zhubidian Formation ofAnqiu g ives some new materials for studying the active history of Yishu Fault Zone and regional stratigraphy.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2004-10-14
  • Revised:  2004-12-24
  • Published:  2005-09-10

Seismic Records in Paleogene Alluvial Layers in Anqiu, Shandong

Abstract: Some se ismo-depositional layers are discovered in the alluvial facies of the Paleogene Zhubidian Formation in Yishu fault zone area of Anqiu City, Shandong. They are a set of seismites with seismo-depositional characterist ics such as vibration liquefied sand dykes, liquef ied sand veins, sandy cong lom erate dykes caused by fissure filling, seism ic fallm-asses, seismic small-scale fractures and collapse structures and so on. These Pa leogene seismites indicate that tectonic activity was in tense and strong earthquakesw ere frequently in Yishu Fault Zone during theEarly Cenozoic E ra. Seismic events recorded by these seism ites are the responses to theH imalayan Tectonic Cycle after the Yanshan tectonic cycle. The discovery of seismites in the Paleogene Zhubidian Formation ofAnqiu g ives some new materials for studying the active history of Yishu Fault Zone and regional stratigraphy.

TIAN Hong-shui, WANG Jin-guang, LU Ming-ying, WANG Li-fa. Seismic Records in Paleogene Alluvial Layers in Anqiu, Shandong[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(3): 447-453.
Citation: TIAN Hong-shui, WANG Jin-guang, LU Ming-ying, WANG Li-fa. Seismic Records in Paleogene Alluvial Layers in Anqiu, Shandong[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2005, 23(3): 447-453.
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