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TIAN Jing chun, CHEN Hong de, PENG Jun, QIN Jian xiong, HOU Zhong jian, SHOU Jian feng, YANG Xiao ning, SHENG An jiang, CHEN Zhi liao. Sequence Division,Correlation and Framework of Lower a nd Middle Triassic in Sichuan-Guizhou-Yunnan-Guangxi Region[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(2): 198-204.
Citation: TIAN Jing chun, CHEN Hong de, PENG Jun, QIN Jian xiong, HOU Zhong jian, SHOU Jian feng, YANG Xiao ning, SHENG An jiang, CHEN Zhi liao. Sequence Division,Correlation and Framework of Lower a nd Middle Triassic in Sichuan-Guizhou-Yunnan-Guangxi Region[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(2): 198-204.

Sequence Division,Correlation and Framework of Lower a nd Middle Triassic in Sichuan-Guizhou-Yunnan-Guangxi Region

  • Received Date: 1999-06-30
  • Publish Date: 2000-06-10
  • The study area included Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou and Guangxi, there, the strata of lower and middle Triassic are widely distributed and well dev eloped, it is one of important areas can be used to study the sequence division, correlation and framework of Triassic system. Therefore, the paper based on th esequence stratigraphy theory, discussed in detail the characteristics of thes equence boundary surface which included uncomformity surface, lithologic-charac ter and facies change surface, karst surface and errosion surface, etc. Among them, the uncomformlty surface, errosion surface and karst surface are type-Ⅰ bo undary surface, and lithologic-character and facies change surface are type-Ⅱ boundany surfaces. Based on the above, the paper divided lower and middle Triassic into six third order seauences, which are namedas S The study area included Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou and Guangxi, the re, the strata of lower and middle Triassic are widely distributed and well dev eloped, it is one of important areas can be used to study the sequence division, correlation and framework of Triassic system. Therefore, the paper based on th e sequence stratigraphy theory, discussed in detail the characteristics of the s equence boundary surface which included uncomformity surface, lithologic-charac ter and facies change surface, karst surface and errosion surface, etc. Among th em, the uncomformlty surface, errosion surface and karst surface are type-Ⅰ bo undary surface, and lithologic-character and facies change surface are type-Ⅱ boundany surfaces. Based on the above, the paper divided lower and middle Triassic into six third order seauences, which are namedas S1 to S6, In the view of geologic time, it is known that early Triassic period prolonged 3.9 Ma, S0 S1,S2 and S3 prolonged 1.3 Ma respectively, and middle Tras sic period prolonged 6.1 Ma, S4,S5 and S6 prolonged 2.03 Ma respectively. From the point of sequence boundary surface characteristics, S2,S3,S4 and S5 are type-Ⅰ sequences, and S1 and S6 are type-Ⅱ sequences. The n the paper correlated each sequence from the study area, and built the sequence stratigraphy framework of lower and middle Triassic which showed the evolution of patterns and their relationship of different system tract.1 to S6, In the view of geologic time, it is known that early Triassic period prolonged 3.9 Ma, S0 S1,S2 and S3 prolonged 1.3 Ma respectively, and middle Tras sic period prolonged 6.1 Ma, S4,S5 and S6 prolonged 2.03 Ma respectively. From the point of sequence boundary surface characteristics, S2,S3,S4 a nd S5 are type-Ⅰ sequences, and S1 and S6 are type-Ⅱ sequences. The n the paper correlated each sequence from the study area, and built the sequence stratigraphy framework of lower and middle Triassic which showed the evolution of patterns and their relationship of different system tract.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  1999-06-30
  • Published:  2000-06-10

Sequence Division,Correlation and Framework of Lower a nd Middle Triassic in Sichuan-Guizhou-Yunnan-Guangxi Region

Abstract: The study area included Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou and Guangxi, there, the strata of lower and middle Triassic are widely distributed and well dev eloped, it is one of important areas can be used to study the sequence division, correlation and framework of Triassic system. Therefore, the paper based on th esequence stratigraphy theory, discussed in detail the characteristics of thes equence boundary surface which included uncomformity surface, lithologic-charac ter and facies change surface, karst surface and errosion surface, etc. Among them, the uncomformlty surface, errosion surface and karst surface are type-Ⅰ bo undary surface, and lithologic-character and facies change surface are type-Ⅱ boundany surfaces. Based on the above, the paper divided lower and middle Triassic into six third order seauences, which are namedas S The study area included Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou and Guangxi, the re, the strata of lower and middle Triassic are widely distributed and well dev eloped, it is one of important areas can be used to study the sequence division, correlation and framework of Triassic system. Therefore, the paper based on th e sequence stratigraphy theory, discussed in detail the characteristics of the s equence boundary surface which included uncomformity surface, lithologic-charac ter and facies change surface, karst surface and errosion surface, etc. Among th em, the uncomformlty surface, errosion surface and karst surface are type-Ⅰ bo undary surface, and lithologic-character and facies change surface are type-Ⅱ boundany surfaces. Based on the above, the paper divided lower and middle Triassic into six third order seauences, which are namedas S1 to S6, In the view of geologic time, it is known that early Triassic period prolonged 3.9 Ma, S0 S1,S2 and S3 prolonged 1.3 Ma respectively, and middle Tras sic period prolonged 6.1 Ma, S4,S5 and S6 prolonged 2.03 Ma respectively. From the point of sequence boundary surface characteristics, S2,S3,S4 and S5 are type-Ⅰ sequences, and S1 and S6 are type-Ⅱ sequences. The n the paper correlated each sequence from the study area, and built the sequence stratigraphy framework of lower and middle Triassic which showed the evolution of patterns and their relationship of different system tract.1 to S6, In the view of geologic time, it is known that early Triassic period prolonged 3.9 Ma, S0 S1,S2 and S3 prolonged 1.3 Ma respectively, and middle Tras sic period prolonged 6.1 Ma, S4,S5 and S6 prolonged 2.03 Ma respectively. From the point of sequence boundary surface characteristics, S2,S3,S4 a nd S5 are type-Ⅰ sequences, and S1 and S6 are type-Ⅱ sequences. The n the paper correlated each sequence from the study area, and built the sequence stratigraphy framework of lower and middle Triassic which showed the evolution of patterns and their relationship of different system tract.

TIAN Jing chun, CHEN Hong de, PENG Jun, QIN Jian xiong, HOU Zhong jian, SHOU Jian feng, YANG Xiao ning, SHENG An jiang, CHEN Zhi liao. Sequence Division,Correlation and Framework of Lower a nd Middle Triassic in Sichuan-Guizhou-Yunnan-Guangxi Region[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(2): 198-204.
Citation: TIAN Jing chun, CHEN Hong de, PENG Jun, QIN Jian xiong, HOU Zhong jian, SHOU Jian feng, YANG Xiao ning, SHENG An jiang, CHEN Zhi liao. Sequence Division,Correlation and Framework of Lower a nd Middle Triassic in Sichuan-Guizhou-Yunnan-Guangxi Region[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2000, 18(2): 198-204.
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