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DuanMu Heshun, Zhu lian Fang. GRAVITY- FLOW- SUBMERGED- FAN DEPOSITS OF LOWER CRATACEOUS XIAGOU FORMATION, JIUXI BASIN, GANSU[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1990, 8(2): 75-86.
Citation: DuanMu Heshun, Zhu lian Fang. GRAVITY- FLOW- SUBMERGED- FAN DEPOSITS OF LOWER CRATACEOUS XIAGOU FORMATION, JIUXI BASIN, GANSU[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1990, 8(2): 75-86.


  • Received Date: 1988-01-20
  • Publish Date: 1990-06-10
  • The strata of Lower Crataceous Xiagou Formation, Jiuxi basin, were deposited in the fault subsidence of nomarine.The sedimentation of gravity-now-submerged-fan is studied in this paper.The authors defined the fan-shaped bodies of sand conglomerates interlayer with lacustrine mudstone and not changed to the river deposits, as Igravity-flow-submerged-fan according to the investigating more than one hundred layers of sandy gravel rock and eighty-four pieces of thin section.The submerged-fan consist of four lithofacies ( conglomerate facies, conglomeratic mudstone facies, sandstone facies and silt / mudstone), including fifteen sublithofacies.The analysis of lithofacies show that conglomerate facies were mainly deposited by subaqueous debris flow, sandston facies by high-density turbidite and silt/ mudstone by low-density turbidity currents and lacustrine sedimentation.Conglomeratic mudstone facies is polygenetic, that is , a genetic spectrum was not formed by them. Having analyzed spacial relationship of lithofacies for the genesis, it is proposed thai the events of catasstrophic flood (subaqueous llandslip) , high-density turbidity currents and low-density turbidity currents are the genetic sequence of hydraulic development in the little sized fault-sidence basin it is discussed that the spacial relationship of lithofacies, control factor of tectonic and the environment evolution in the sedimentary context model of the gravity-flow-submerged-fan at last.To make the sedimentological study of suberged-fan is favourable for developing auto-genetic tnd auto-stored oil-reservoir.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  1988-01-20
  • Published:  1990-06-10


Abstract: The strata of Lower Crataceous Xiagou Formation, Jiuxi basin, were deposited in the fault subsidence of nomarine.The sedimentation of gravity-now-submerged-fan is studied in this paper.The authors defined the fan-shaped bodies of sand conglomerates interlayer with lacustrine mudstone and not changed to the river deposits, as Igravity-flow-submerged-fan according to the investigating more than one hundred layers of sandy gravel rock and eighty-four pieces of thin section.The submerged-fan consist of four lithofacies ( conglomerate facies, conglomeratic mudstone facies, sandstone facies and silt / mudstone), including fifteen sublithofacies.The analysis of lithofacies show that conglomerate facies were mainly deposited by subaqueous debris flow, sandston facies by high-density turbidite and silt/ mudstone by low-density turbidity currents and lacustrine sedimentation.Conglomeratic mudstone facies is polygenetic, that is , a genetic spectrum was not formed by them. Having analyzed spacial relationship of lithofacies for the genesis, it is proposed thai the events of catasstrophic flood (subaqueous llandslip) , high-density turbidity currents and low-density turbidity currents are the genetic sequence of hydraulic development in the little sized fault-sidence basin it is discussed that the spacial relationship of lithofacies, control factor of tectonic and the environment evolution in the sedimentary context model of the gravity-flow-submerged-fan at last.To make the sedimentological study of suberged-fan is favourable for developing auto-genetic tnd auto-stored oil-reservoir.

DuanMu Heshun, Zhu lian Fang. GRAVITY- FLOW- SUBMERGED- FAN DEPOSITS OF LOWER CRATACEOUS XIAGOU FORMATION, JIUXI BASIN, GANSU[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1990, 8(2): 75-86.
Citation: DuanMu Heshun, Zhu lian Fang. GRAVITY- FLOW- SUBMERGED- FAN DEPOSITS OF LOWER CRATACEOUS XIAGOU FORMATION, JIUXI BASIN, GANSU[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1990, 8(2): 75-86.
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