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Liu Lijun, Wang Qinghe, Shi Jingkun. Palaeo- Karst Sedimentary Formation of Diwa (Geodepression) Stage in Southern China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1991, 9(1): 44-53.
Citation: Liu Lijun, Wang Qinghe, Shi Jingkun. Palaeo- Karst Sedimentary Formation of Diwa (Geodepression) Stage in Southern China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1991, 9(1): 44-53.

Palaeo- Karst Sedimentary Formation of Diwa (Geodepression) Stage in Southern China

  • Received Date: 1988-10-08
  • Publish Date: 1991-03-10
  • There are a good many geological bodies consist of calcite conglomerate and breccia the carbonate rock region of southern China, which are very complex and appear minor axis and random shapes on horizontal, their diameters reach several tens to thousands of meters, on section, they appear as columnar, tubal of reef-like shape etc. on the basis of detailed research of the geological bodies, the characteristics sedimentogenesis have been recognized in ancient karst depression of caves of Diwa (geodepression) stage. In southern China, the paoaeo-karstification can be devided into two periods: the preliminary-mobile and the climas-mobile period of Diwa development.their characteristics are shown in table 1. Palaeo-karst sedimentary rocks of Diwa stage are a set of unstable diamictite dominated by breccia and psephite.The rocks were formed by collapse, subsurface flow by gravity, underground lake and river and so on sedimentation. Pala -karst sedimentary bodies are dispersed in Diwa, existed in palaeo-superimposed depression which was formed in Diwa stage by multi-karstification.The depression imagines in satellite or aero photograph are as ringlike diagram. Palaeo-karst sedimentary rocks have been widely grown metasomasised by petrogenetic and later period actions, except for syngenetic and petrogenetic dolomitization, auto-silicificatin and calcitization-calcite recrystallization are mainly in them.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
  • 1. 

    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  1988-10-08
  • Published:  1991-03-10

Palaeo- Karst Sedimentary Formation of Diwa (Geodepression) Stage in Southern China

Abstract: There are a good many geological bodies consist of calcite conglomerate and breccia the carbonate rock region of southern China, which are very complex and appear minor axis and random shapes on horizontal, their diameters reach several tens to thousands of meters, on section, they appear as columnar, tubal of reef-like shape etc. on the basis of detailed research of the geological bodies, the characteristics sedimentogenesis have been recognized in ancient karst depression of caves of Diwa (geodepression) stage. In southern China, the paoaeo-karstification can be devided into two periods: the preliminary-mobile and the climas-mobile period of Diwa development.their characteristics are shown in table 1. Palaeo-karst sedimentary rocks of Diwa stage are a set of unstable diamictite dominated by breccia and psephite.The rocks were formed by collapse, subsurface flow by gravity, underground lake and river and so on sedimentation. Pala -karst sedimentary bodies are dispersed in Diwa, existed in palaeo-superimposed depression which was formed in Diwa stage by multi-karstification.The depression imagines in satellite or aero photograph are as ringlike diagram. Palaeo-karst sedimentary rocks have been widely grown metasomasised by petrogenetic and later period actions, except for syngenetic and petrogenetic dolomitization, auto-silicificatin and calcitization-calcite recrystallization are mainly in them.

Liu Lijun, Wang Qinghe, Shi Jingkun. Palaeo- Karst Sedimentary Formation of Diwa (Geodepression) Stage in Southern China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1991, 9(1): 44-53.
Citation: Liu Lijun, Wang Qinghe, Shi Jingkun. Palaeo- Karst Sedimentary Formation of Diwa (Geodepression) Stage in Southern China[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 1991, 9(1): 44-53.
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