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ZHAO Guo-xiang, WANG Qing-bin, YANG Bo, LIU Feng, WANG Fei-long. The Effect of Diagenesis and Reservoir Physical Properties by Water Environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation in Lvda 21 Structure, Bohai Bay[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 957-965.
Citation: ZHAO Guo-xiang, WANG Qing-bin, YANG Bo, LIU Feng, WANG Fei-long. The Effect of Diagenesis and Reservoir Physical Properties by Water Environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation in Lvda 21 Structure, Bohai Bay[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 957-965.

The Effect of Diagenesis and Reservoir Physical Properties by Water Environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation in Lvda 21 Structure, Bohai Bay

  • Received Date: 2013-06-27
  • Rev Recd Date: 2013-09-23
  • Publish Date: 2014-10-10
  • An analysis between the original water environment of Lvda 21-1 Structure, Bohai Oil Field and the impact of reservoir diagenesis and physical properties has been carried out in this paper. According to the result of normal thin-sections, cast thin-sections, scanning electron microscope and trace element analysis, the original water environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation is mainly brackish, mixing with fresh water in certain period. The rock type is dominated by litchi arkose sandstone, in which there are mainly soluble components. Typical alkaline diagenesis caused by brackish environment have been found in this area, such as dissolved quartz, feldspar overgrowth, chlorite, together with small amount of acidic fluids diagenetic phenomenon. Diagenetic fluid has varied from alkaline to acidic. The impact on the reservoir displays that alkaline fluid provided with a dual effect, and the corrosion caused by acidic fluids is the main reason in improving physical properties.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-06-27
  • Revised:  2013-09-23
  • Published:  2014-10-10

The Effect of Diagenesis and Reservoir Physical Properties by Water Environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation in Lvda 21 Structure, Bohai Bay

Abstract: An analysis between the original water environment of Lvda 21-1 Structure, Bohai Oil Field and the impact of reservoir diagenesis and physical properties has been carried out in this paper. According to the result of normal thin-sections, cast thin-sections, scanning electron microscope and trace element analysis, the original water environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation is mainly brackish, mixing with fresh water in certain period. The rock type is dominated by litchi arkose sandstone, in which there are mainly soluble components. Typical alkaline diagenesis caused by brackish environment have been found in this area, such as dissolved quartz, feldspar overgrowth, chlorite, together with small amount of acidic fluids diagenetic phenomenon. Diagenetic fluid has varied from alkaline to acidic. The impact on the reservoir displays that alkaline fluid provided with a dual effect, and the corrosion caused by acidic fluids is the main reason in improving physical properties.

ZHAO Guo-xiang, WANG Qing-bin, YANG Bo, LIU Feng, WANG Fei-long. The Effect of Diagenesis and Reservoir Physical Properties by Water Environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation in Lvda 21 Structure, Bohai Bay[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 957-965.
Citation: ZHAO Guo-xiang, WANG Qing-bin, YANG Bo, LIU Feng, WANG Fei-long. The Effect of Diagenesis and Reservoir Physical Properties by Water Environment of the Forth Member of Shahejie Formation in Lvda 21 Structure, Bohai Bay[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 957-965.
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