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CHEN Shi-yue, BI Ming-wei, LIU Hui-min, GAO Yong-jin, ZHANG Peng-fei. Quantitative Prediction Model for the Dongying Delta-fluxoturbidite Depositional System in the Middle Es3 Period[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 921-929.
Citation: CHEN Shi-yue, BI Ming-wei, LIU Hui-min, GAO Yong-jin, ZHANG Peng-fei. Quantitative Prediction Model for the Dongying Delta-fluxoturbidite Depositional System in the Middle Es3 Period[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 921-929.

Quantitative Prediction Model for the Dongying Delta-fluxoturbidite Depositional System in the Middle Es3 Period

  • Received Date: 2013-09-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2013-12-12
  • Publish Date: 2014-10-10
  • Delta-fluxoturbidite depositional system has been well developed for the abundant sediment supply in Dongying depression in the middle Es3 period. The study has found that fluxoturbidite thickness h(m) can be established the relationship with delta front characteristics(thickness of the front delta strata H(m), sandstone percentage content x(%) and slope angle of delta front a(°)) and distance of turbidite slip s(m). Using the control variable method to research the single factor analysis to find that distance s(m) which is primary factor, is high negative correlation with fluxoturbidite thickness h(m). The sub-factors which include thickness of the delta front strata H(m), sandstone percentage content x(%) and slope angle a(°), are positively related with h(m). Using the gray relational analysis to calculate the weight coefficients of sub-factors related to the primary factor, to ascertain the gray relation coefficient, and establishes the quantitative prediction model of thickness of fluxoturbidite h(m): h=55.359Q1.522 3,Q=0.355s'+0.223x'+0.221H'+0.201a'(Q is the comprehensive evaluation indices. s', x', H'and a' are distance of turbidite slip, sandstone percentage content, thickness of the front delta strata and slope angle of delta front, which are calculated by using maximum normalization method).
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2013-09-10
  • Revised:  2013-12-12
  • Published:  2014-10-10

Quantitative Prediction Model for the Dongying Delta-fluxoturbidite Depositional System in the Middle Es3 Period

Abstract: Delta-fluxoturbidite depositional system has been well developed for the abundant sediment supply in Dongying depression in the middle Es3 period. The study has found that fluxoturbidite thickness h(m) can be established the relationship with delta front characteristics(thickness of the front delta strata H(m), sandstone percentage content x(%) and slope angle of delta front a(°)) and distance of turbidite slip s(m). Using the control variable method to research the single factor analysis to find that distance s(m) which is primary factor, is high negative correlation with fluxoturbidite thickness h(m). The sub-factors which include thickness of the delta front strata H(m), sandstone percentage content x(%) and slope angle a(°), are positively related with h(m). Using the gray relational analysis to calculate the weight coefficients of sub-factors related to the primary factor, to ascertain the gray relation coefficient, and establishes the quantitative prediction model of thickness of fluxoturbidite h(m): h=55.359Q1.522 3,Q=0.355s'+0.223x'+0.221H'+0.201a'(Q is the comprehensive evaluation indices. s', x', H'and a' are distance of turbidite slip, sandstone percentage content, thickness of the front delta strata and slope angle of delta front, which are calculated by using maximum normalization method).

CHEN Shi-yue, BI Ming-wei, LIU Hui-min, GAO Yong-jin, ZHANG Peng-fei. Quantitative Prediction Model for the Dongying Delta-fluxoturbidite Depositional System in the Middle Es3 Period[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 921-929.
Citation: CHEN Shi-yue, BI Ming-wei, LIU Hui-min, GAO Yong-jin, ZHANG Peng-fei. Quantitative Prediction Model for the Dongying Delta-fluxoturbidite Depositional System in the Middle Es3 Period[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2014, 32(5): 921-929.
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