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Volume 42 Issue 6
Dec.  2024
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LIU YuanYuan, WANG ZiChen, MING XinYu, JIANG Lei. Profitable Diagenetic Path and Reservoir Formation Efficiency of the Sinian-Lower Cambrian Dolostone: Origins of deep dolomites and differential reservoir formation[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(6): 2159-2173. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.041
Citation: LIU YuanYuan, WANG ZiChen, MING XinYu, JIANG Lei. Profitable Diagenetic Path and Reservoir Formation Efficiency of the Sinian-Lower Cambrian Dolostone: Origins of deep dolomites and differential reservoir formation[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(6): 2159-2173. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.041

Profitable Diagenetic Path and Reservoir Formation Efficiency of the Sinian-Lower Cambrian Dolostone: Origins of deep dolomites and differential reservoir formation

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.041

The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences XDA0430202

  • Received Date: 2023-03-26
  • Accepted Date: 2023-06-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-05-23
  • Available Online: 2023-06-08
  • Publish Date: 2024-12-10
  • Objective Deep-ultra-deep carbonate rocks have great potential in oil and gas exploration, and their reservoirs are characterized by strong heterogeneity and difficult prediction, which is closely related to their complex diagenetic alterations. Therefore, clarifying the beneficial diagenetic processes in reservoir development, that is, profitable diagenetic path and reservoir formation efficiency, is the key to revealing the genesis of deep carbonate reservoirs. Methods We have systematically compared the geochemical parameters, porosity, and permeability of the Sinian to lower Cambrian dolostone from the Sichuan Basin and Tarim Basin (including a small amount of data from the Oman Basin and Siberian Platform),including carbon and oxygen isotopes (n=617), strontium isotope (n=189), rare earth elements (n=106), fluid inclusion homogenization temperature (n=161), cluster isotope temperature (n=117), and porosity and permeability (n=1 557). The geochemical feature templates of dolomite and late calcite of different origins in the two reservoirs were established. Results The results show that the geochemical characteristics of diagenetic minerals in the two reservoirs are similar, and both have undergone constructive diagenetic alterations such as dolomitization, meteoric water, fracturing, and hydrothermal fluids. Compared with the lower Cambrian dolostone reservoirs, the highest-quality reservoirs in the area (Dengying Formation) have experienced stronger seepage-reflux dolomitization, particularly the more intense hydrothermal alternations, suggesting that differential effective diagenetic alterations are the key to good carbonate reservoir formation. Conclusions Based on the above characteristics, the development of Sinian-Cambrian high-quality dolostone reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin and Tarim Basin is jointly controlled by the development of evaporite facies in the depositional period and the development of late structural hydrothermal fluids. The above findings can be used to predict deep-ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs, and have enlightenment significance for deep-ultra-deep oil and gas exploration.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Publishing history
  • Received:  2023-03-26
  • Revised:  2023-05-23
  • Accepted:  2023-06-08
  • Published:  2024-12-10

Profitable Diagenetic Path and Reservoir Formation Efficiency of the Sinian-Lower Cambrian Dolostone: Origins of deep dolomites and differential reservoir formation

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.041

The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences XDA0430202

Abstract: Objective Deep-ultra-deep carbonate rocks have great potential in oil and gas exploration, and their reservoirs are characterized by strong heterogeneity and difficult prediction, which is closely related to their complex diagenetic alterations. Therefore, clarifying the beneficial diagenetic processes in reservoir development, that is, profitable diagenetic path and reservoir formation efficiency, is the key to revealing the genesis of deep carbonate reservoirs. Methods We have systematically compared the geochemical parameters, porosity, and permeability of the Sinian to lower Cambrian dolostone from the Sichuan Basin and Tarim Basin (including a small amount of data from the Oman Basin and Siberian Platform),including carbon and oxygen isotopes (n=617), strontium isotope (n=189), rare earth elements (n=106), fluid inclusion homogenization temperature (n=161), cluster isotope temperature (n=117), and porosity and permeability (n=1 557). The geochemical feature templates of dolomite and late calcite of different origins in the two reservoirs were established. Results The results show that the geochemical characteristics of diagenetic minerals in the two reservoirs are similar, and both have undergone constructive diagenetic alterations such as dolomitization, meteoric water, fracturing, and hydrothermal fluids. Compared with the lower Cambrian dolostone reservoirs, the highest-quality reservoirs in the area (Dengying Formation) have experienced stronger seepage-reflux dolomitization, particularly the more intense hydrothermal alternations, suggesting that differential effective diagenetic alterations are the key to good carbonate reservoir formation. Conclusions Based on the above characteristics, the development of Sinian-Cambrian high-quality dolostone reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin and Tarim Basin is jointly controlled by the development of evaporite facies in the depositional period and the development of late structural hydrothermal fluids. The above findings can be used to predict deep-ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs, and have enlightenment significance for deep-ultra-deep oil and gas exploration.

LIU YuanYuan, WANG ZiChen, MING XinYu, JIANG Lei. Profitable Diagenetic Path and Reservoir Formation Efficiency of the Sinian-Lower Cambrian Dolostone: Origins of deep dolomites and differential reservoir formation[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(6): 2159-2173. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.041
Citation: LIU YuanYuan, WANG ZiChen, MING XinYu, JIANG Lei. Profitable Diagenetic Path and Reservoir Formation Efficiency of the Sinian-Lower Cambrian Dolostone: Origins of deep dolomites and differential reservoir formation[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2024, 42(6): 2159-2173. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2023.041
  • 碳酸盐岩的油气产量占全球总产量的60%以上,并且半数以上为白云岩储层。深层(>4 500 m)含油气盆地碳酸盐岩的探明油气储量占全球总储量的1/3以上,其白云岩储层的成因是近年来国内外石油勘探的研究热点与重点[1]。寒武系—前寒武系油气藏以白云岩储层为主[23],只有少数油气产出于碎屑岩和岩浆岩[45],是近年来国内外深层油气勘探的重点,例如我国的四川盆地、塔里木盆地和阿曼的南阿曼盐盆(South Oman Salt Basin)等。特别是我国在塔里木盆地和四川盆地的勘探实践充分表明了深层—超深层碳酸盐岩潜力巨大,油气地质理论研究向万米深层进军乃大势所趋[610]。然而,深层碳酸盐岩储层成因复杂,受成岩及裂隙化改造程度高且过程复杂。因此,厘清储层成岩演化过程及其与孔隙形成的关系,对深部储层发育规律的认识及储层预测等颇有裨益[1116]


    基于上述问题,本研究系统对比了四川盆地和塔里木盆地的震旦系—下寒武统白云岩储层地球化学特征及孔渗特征,并对国外西伯利亚台地Parshino组、Byuk组、Uspun组、Kudulakh组、Yuryakh组[2324],阿曼盆地Huqf组[25]和Ara群[2627]的地球化学特征进行对比。统计包括四川盆地、塔里木盆地、阿曼盆地和西伯利亚台地早寒武统和震旦系(埃迪卡拉系)各类白云石和方解石的碳氧同位素(n=617)、锶同位素(n=189)、稀土元素(n=106)、流体包裹体均一化温度(n=161)、团簇同位素温度(n=117)、孔隙度与渗透率(n=1 557)数据[2350]


  • 四川盆地地处中国西南部,位于上扬子地台中上部,属华南板块西北部,面积约2.3×105 km2。四川盆地震旦系—寒武系地层可划分为陡山沱组、灯影组、筇竹寺组、沧浪铺组、龙王庙组、高台组以及洗象池群(图1)。陡山沱组直接不整合覆盖于南沱组之上,广泛发育代表深水—半深水的黑色页岩、浅水泥晶碳酸盐岩以及局部磷块岩[52],与上覆灯影组以陡山沱组顶部黑色页岩、粉砂岩为界。四川盆地震旦系灯影组自下而上划分为灯一段、灯二段、灯三段、灯四段。研究区曾经历多期次构造运动,其中震旦纪晚期桐湾运动对灯影组储层发育起重要作用[50]。筇竹寺组主要岩性为深灰色粉砂质泥岩、深灰—灰黑色页岩、泥晶灰岩等。沧浪浦组岩性可以划分为上下两段,下段岩性主要为含砾砂岩、粉砂岩紫红色砂岩;上段岩性为灰质细砂岩、含泥质条带灰岩[53]。龙王庙组主要岩性为泥晶白云岩、砂级内碎屑颗粒云岩、鲕粒云岩以及膏质云岩等。高台组沉积总体上继承了龙王庙组的沉积格局,洗象池群主要沉积了大套碳酸盐岩沉积,沉积岩性为浅灰—深灰色泥粉晶白云岩,可见薄层粉砂岩、砂砾屑白云岩夹层。

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the geographical location (a) and a typical stratigraphic column (b) of the study area (modified from references [50⁃51])

    塔里木盆地面积约56×104 km2,是中国最大的含油气盆地。塔里木盆地构造格局受其北部天山、西南部昆仑山及东南部阿尔金山等造山带的构造活动影响[54]。上震旦统奇格布拉克组及上覆中下寒武统均为碳酸盐岩沉积(图2)。奇格布拉克组为一套分布在中央隆起带以北地区的以蓝细菌藻白云岩、颗粒白云岩为主的地层,可见大量叠层石。寒武纪开始,塔里木盆地进入裂后沉降阶段,呈现出东西分异[55]。下寒武统自下而上划分为玉尔吐斯组、肖尔布拉克组及吾松格尔组。玉尔吐斯组是一套以黑色泥页岩、薄层含磷结核硅质泥岩为主的海泛期沉积;肖尔布拉克组可划分为三个岩性段,下段为深灰色—黑灰色薄层泥晶云岩、中段发育薄层—中厚层(藻)颗粒白云岩/泡沫棉层白云岩及藻云岩、上段则发育薄层泥质藻(纹层)白云岩夹薄层颗粒滩云岩;吾松格尔组表现出薄—中层泥质白云岩与泥粉晶白云岩互层的特征,局部见薄—中厚层膏盐岩。中寒武统发育了巨厚的蒸发岩,最厚在400 m以上,垂向上划分为沙依里克组和阿瓦塔格组,除沙依里克组顶部发育一套40~60 m厚灰岩外,均表现为中—厚层膏盐岩夹膏云岩或含泥云岩[56]图2)。

    Figure 2.  Sinian and Cambrian geological characteristics in Tarim Basin (modified from reference [54])

  • 已有研究表明四川盆地灯影组和龙王庙组储层及塔里木盆地奇格布拉克组经历了较为类似的成岩作用过程(图3),包括早期渗透回流白云石化及白云石胶结和晚期多期的埋藏或热液白云石化、早期的大气水作用、油气充注与有机酸溶蚀、晚期裂缝相关的石英与方解石充填及热化学硫酸盐活动,且晚期成岩流体具有较高的87Sr/86Sr比值特征等。以上说明不同地区两个层系经历了相似的埋藏及成岩流体改造过程,两地储层的成因模式可能类似,而目前差异性成储效应的原因可能是优势成岩改造的强度不一致造成的。鉴于此,本研究统计了国内外震旦系—下寒武统碳酸盐岩的地球化学特征,用于判别成岩矿物成因、成岩过程及发育的强度,且本论文重点探讨了储层中发育的五期白云石及一期晚期方解石,其成因分类综合并沿用了前人的分类标准[34,37,39,42,53]。五期白云石按照其成岩先后顺序依次为:(1)泥微晶白云石基质(D1);(2)早期白云石胶结物(D2),其在震旦系中表现为粗—巨晶(几百微米至毫米级)的纤维状白云石,而在下寒武统中表现为晶粒状白云石,其晶体大小大多在100 μm以内;(3)浅埋藏白云石胶结物(D3),以中—粗晶为主(100~300 μm);(4)中—深白云石胶结物(D4),以粗晶为主,晶体大小一般为几百个微米,少数可达毫米级;(5)构造热液白云石(D5),晶体一般大于500 μm,可高达2 mm。而晚期方解石(LC)一般与热液白云石具有紧密的共生关系,以巨晶、嵌晶状为主,方解石晶体一般大于500 μm,可高达毫米级。

    Figure 3.  Comparison of diagenetic evolution patterns among different formations from this study

  • 统计了国内外典型盆地中震旦系(埃迪卡拉系)—下寒武统白云岩及晚期方解石的碳氧同位素数据,包括四川盆地下寒武统龙王庙组[2829]、震旦系灯影组[3031],塔里木盆地下寒武统玉尔吐斯组[32]、肖尔布拉克组[3239],震旦系苏盖特布拉克组[32]、奇格布拉克组[32,3538],江汉盆地埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组[39],西伯利亚台地Parshino组、Byuk组、Uspun组、Kudulakh组、Yuryakh组[2324],阿曼盆地Huqf组[25]和Ara群[2627]。其中下寒武统数据243个,震旦系数据374个。通过δ13C和δ18O同位素[37]协变图将不同成岩阶段白云石和晚期方解石区分,并结合矿物学特征建立了五期成岩白云石和一期晚期方解石的碳氧同位素分布特征。总体而言,基质白云石(D1)和早期白云石胶结物(D2)具有最大的δ13C(-3‰~+8‰)和δ18O(-7‰~0),与同时期海相碳酸盐岩的碳同位素类似,而氧同位素相对偏正,表明流体具有蒸发海水特征,可能为渗透回流白云石化的产物[13];浅埋藏白云石胶结物(D3)较同期海水更负的δ13C(-8‰~0)和δ18O(-12‰~-8‰),指示其可能经历大气淡水和/或重结晶作用[13];相比之下深埋藏白云石(D4)具有类似于同期海水的δ13C(-2‰~+3‰)和偏负的δ18O(-12‰~-7‰),表明为高温海源流体沉淀的产物;而热液白云石(D5)与D4相比具有略微偏负的δ13C(-4‰~+2‰)和更负的δ18O值(-13‰~-8‰),同时D5常具有鞍形白云石特征,指示其为高温热液的产物。晚期方解石(LC)具有相对最低的δ13C(-14‰~0)和δ18O(-13‰~-8‰),说明其与高温、富有机质流体相关。


    Figure 4.  Cross plots for δ13C and δ18O values of various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite


    Figure 5.  Cross plots for δ13C and δ18O values of various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite across the global Sinian⁃lower Cambrian profiles

  • 统计了四川盆地和塔里木盆地震旦系—下寒武统白云岩及晚期方解石的Sr同位素数据,包括四川盆地龙王庙组[28]、灯影组[3031],塔里木盆地玉尔吐斯组[32]、肖尔布拉克组[32,34]、苏盖特布拉克组[34]、奇格布拉克组[35,37,39]。其中下寒武统87Sr/86Sr数据71个,震旦系87Sr/86Sr比值数据118个。总体上,下寒武统的早成岩白云石(D1、D2)具有同期海水87Sr/86Sr比值特征,说明白云石化流体主要来自同沉积海水;而D3白云石的87Sr/86Sr比值分布从同期海水87Sr/86Sr比值特征增高至0.711 0,表明局部有富87Sr流体的贡献,说明白云石重结晶流体有来自淋滤了陆源碎屑87Sr的贡献;深埋藏白云石(D4)具有海源87Sr/86Sr比值特征;而热液白云石(D5)和晚期方解石(LC)均具有较高的87Sr/86Sr比值,表明成岩流体淋滤了陆源碎屑富87Sr(图6)。相比之下,震旦系早成岩白云石(D1、D2)的87Sr/86Sr比值分布极广,海水特征高达0.710 0,说明经历了后期富87Sr流体的改造;埋藏和热液白云石(D4、D5)87Sr/86Sr比值分布范围很广,海源特征高达0.713 0(图6)。下寒武统的晚期成岩方解石(LC)具有超出海水的87Sr/86Sr比值特征(>0.710 0),而震旦系白云石具有比同时期海水略高的87Sr/86Sr比值(<0.709 5)。值得注意的是,与下寒武统白云岩储层相比,震旦系中主要的白云石类型,包括渗透回流白云石(D1、D2)、埋藏白云石(D4)和热液白云石(D5)具有更高的87Sr/86Sr比值,指示震旦系储层经历更强程度的埋藏成岩改造(图6)。

    Figure 6.  87Sr/86Sr range for various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite


    Figure 7.  Comparison of the Sr isotopic values for various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite across the Sinian⁃lower Cambrian profiles from this study


    Figure 8.  Cross plot of 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O for various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite

  • 本研究统计了四川盆地和塔里木盆地震旦系—下寒武统白云岩及晚期方解石的稀土微量元素数据,包括四川盆地下寒武统龙王庙组[28]、震旦系灯影组[4041],塔里木盆地下寒武统肖尔布拉克组[34]、震旦系奇格布拉克组[39]。其中包括下寒武统微量元素数据65组,震旦纪微量元素数据41组,并对其进行了后太古代平均页岩(Post-Archean Average Shale,PAAS)标准化来绘制了稀土元素分配曲线,用以识别各类白云石、方解石的稀土元素丰度和分布形态。相较而言,早成岩白云石(D1、D2),包括渗透回流白云石和正常海水白云石具有类似海水,即Ce*负异常和右上扬的稀土配分曲线特征;深埋藏白云石(D4)具有比较平缓的稀土配分曲线特征并显示Ce*负异常;热液白云石(D5)具有明显的重稀土富集和Eu*正异常特征;而晚成岩方解石(LC)具有明显的轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损及Eu*正异常(图9)。总体上,早寒武世和震旦纪两个年代地层不同成岩阶段碳酸盐岩矿物的稀土配分曲线具有很好的相似性。相比之下,震旦系早成岩白云石(D1、D2)较下寒武统具有更明显的海源特征(Ce*负异常和右上扬的稀土配分曲线);而寒武系热液白云石(D5)较震旦系更具热液特征(Eu*正异)(图9)。

    Figure 9.  Rare earth element +yttrium (REY) distribution pattern for various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite for the Sinian and lower Cambrian profiles

  • 收集统计了国内外典型盆地中震旦系—下寒武统白云岩及晚期方解石的流体包裹体均一温度和团簇同位素温度(TΔ47)数据。数据涵盖四川盆地下寒武统龙王庙组[28]、震旦系灯影组[31,39],塔里木盆地下寒武统肖尔布拉克组[37]、震旦系奇格布拉克组[38],江汉盆地埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组[33]和阿曼盆地Ara群[27]。统计的温度数据包括下寒武统流体包裹体均一温度数据42个、碳酸盐岩团簇同位素温度数据41个,震旦系流体包裹体均一温度数据119个,碳酸盐岩团簇同位素温度数据76个。将统计数据综合分析,建立了各期成岩白云石和晚期方解石的成岩温度分布特征图(图10,11)。数据表明,早成岩白云石(D1、D2)温度最低,一般低于80 °C;而浅埋藏白云石(D3)具有略高的成岩温度特征,主要介于60 ℃~120 ℃;相比之下,深埋藏白云石(D4)的成岩温度主要介于100 ℃~150 ℃,平均值约为120 ℃;而热液白云岩(D5)和晚期方解石(LC)具有更高的温度特征,均主要介于140 ℃~180 ℃,平均值约为155 ℃(图10)。与下寒武统相比,震旦系中的各类碳酸盐岩成岩矿物具有更为宽泛的成岩温度范围,表明经历了温度更高、更广泛的成岩流体改造(图10)。

    Figure 10.  Diagenetic temperature for various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite

    Figure 11.  Diagenetic temperature for various types of dolomite and late diagenetic calcite from different formations

    对比本次研究涉及的两个盆地、四个层系及国外Ara群成岩矿物的温度分布特征(图11),结果显示肖尔布拉克组与龙王庙组具有类似的平均成岩温度(120 ℃~160 ℃),相比之下,肖尔布拉克组成岩矿物温度分布范围更广。灯影组显示出最宽泛且最高的成岩温度范围(120 ℃~180 ℃)。而齐格布拉克组的成岩温度范围最低(60 ℃~120 ℃)。相对高的成岩温度可能指示了更广泛的晚期成岩改造,反之,则预示了储层后期成岩不发育,说明原生孔隙在早期成岩至浅埋藏成岩过程中已消失殆尽。因此,储层中晚期成岩改造的发育程度可以间接指示其孔隙的相对发育程度。

    为了揭示震旦系—下寒武统储层质量差异性成因及其与成岩演化的内在联系,进而统计了两个盆地的孔隙度与渗透率数据共1 557个[4249]。结果显示两个盆地、四个层系的白云岩储层孔隙度的分布区间类似,而渗透率的差异显著(图12)。总体上灯影组的储层性能最佳,表现为中低孔—高渗;龙王庙组储层的储层质量次之,孔渗的分布范围跨度大;肖尔布拉克组的储层质量劣于前两者,表现为中—低孔、中—高渗;而奇格布拉克组的储层质量最差,以低孔—低渗为主要特征。值得注意的是,这些储层具有比较类似的沉积相[21,2830,33,38],说明沉积环境差异不是导致储层孔隙差异的主要原因。因此,上述分析间接指示差异性成岩作用可能是造成储层质量差异的主要控制因素。

    Figure 12.  Comparison of porosity vs. permeability distribution patterns among different formations from this study

  • 上述对储层地球化学特征的系统分析充分说明塔里木盆地和四川盆地震旦系—下寒武统的白云岩储层经历了相似的成岩改造过程,这亦体现在四个目的储层灯影组、龙王庙组、奇格布拉克组、肖尔布拉克组具有相似的成岩共生序列上(图3)。概括来说,自原始灰岩沉积后两套地层均经历了广泛的渗透回流白云石化作用并形成基质白云岩。由于新元古海水以高Mg/Ca比值为特征,导致震旦系中富含纤维状白云石胶结,其在下寒武统中缺失可能与当时海水的Mg/Ca比值显著降低有关[57]。此后,地层经历构造抬升与大气水淋滤等的影响,导致储层的物理与化学性质显著改变。其中,各层位一些基质白云石的87Sr/86Sr比值显著升高可能与大气水淋滤陆源碎屑物质相关,指示附近出露古陆及其风化剥蚀作用增加。地层在进一步的埋藏压实过程中发育多期白云石胶结(D3、D4)充填了部分孔隙空间。在晚期构造抬升过程中,白云岩储层被油气充注并伴有一期热液活动,并在储层中沉淀了鞍形白云石(D5)、方解石(LC)、萤石、石英等热液矿物及一些沥青充填。值得注意的是,这些热液矿物的87Sr/86Sr比值显著升高,表明热液为外部流体,可能来自盆地深部并淋滤了富87Sr的碎屑岩地层[1114]

    岩石薄片中可见热液矿物(鞍型白云石、方解石、石英等)充填于裂隙内,并基本堵塞了孔隙空间。同时,热液矿物主要分布在断裂区域附近,可见其在区内的分布主要受断裂活动控制。这种断裂表现出非组构选择性特征,即在各个岩相类型中,如潮坪、潟湖、滩相复合体以及中缓坡等均发育。另外,受热液改造的储层段以低孔隙度(皆小于2%,平均值为0.92%)、低渗透率(<0.1×10-3 μm2)为特征,表现为减孔效应。这类现象在龙王庙组尤为突出并与经典断控热液溶蚀型储层类型存在差异[58],如塔里木盆地奥陶系顺北油气田,说明热液流体未能持续带走体系内溶解组分从而表现为胶结物沉淀[59];而灯影组一些受热液影响的井位其孔隙度明显优于未受热液影响的井位[31]。综合来看,热液活动主要影响断裂周边区域,且对不同地区与层位影响相差迥异,主要表现为在溶蚀区明显增孔,而在沉淀区明显减孔。因此,构造活跃期相对开放、广泛的流体活动(包括热液)对研究区白云岩储层的改造程度越高,储层质量被改善的可能性亦越大。从而得到四个目的层位成岩流体温度越高、经历成岩改造时间越长的结论。因此,储层所经历的成岩改造程度和范围越强、储层质量亦越好(图12,13)。

    Figure 13.  Comparison of precipitation temperatures for diagenetic minerals from the Sinian⁃lower Cambrian profiles


  • (1) 对比四川盆地和塔里木盆地震旦系—下寒武统储层中五期白云石和一期晚期方解石的地球化学特征(碳、氧、锶同位素、稀土元素、成岩温度),并提出两个层系的各类碳酸盐岩成岩改造过程高度相似。

    (2) 与下寒武统白云岩储层相比,震旦系储层经历了蒸发程度更强的渗透回流白云石化作用,说明早期白云石可能更发育。另外,四川盆地震旦系灯影组经历了更广泛、程度更高的构造成岩改造过程,其储层质量最好,说明构造成岩作用对研究区的储层质量具有正面意义。

    (3) 阐明了白云石化、大气水、裂隙、热液等优势成岩作用对储层质量的提升具有建设意义,并揭示出差异性构造热液活动的发育及与之相关流体对储层的改造决定了成储效应的优劣。这一认识能够助力研究区深层的高效油气勘探。

Reference (59)



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