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Volume 41 Issue 1
Feb.  2023
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ZHAO XiaoMing, LIU Fei, GE JiaWang, FENG XiaoFei, Bouchakour Massine, ZHANG Xi, ZHANG WenBiao, YANG BaoQuan, YANG Li. Sedimentary Architecture Unit Classification and Structural Style of Deep-water Channels[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(1): 37-51. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.048
Citation: ZHAO XiaoMing, LIU Fei, GE JiaWang, FENG XiaoFei, Bouchakour Massine, ZHANG Xi, ZHANG WenBiao, YANG BaoQuan, YANG Li. Sedimentary Architecture Unit Classification and Structural Style of Deep-water Channels[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(1): 37-51. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.048

Sedimentary Architecture Unit Classification and Structural Style of Deep-water Channels

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.048

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41872142

National Natural Science Foundation of China 42072183

  • Received Date: 2022-01-17
  • Accepted Date: 2022-05-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-04-08
  • Available Online: 2022-05-19
  • Publish Date: 2023-02-10
  • Architecture configuration classification of deep-water channel sediments is an important technical means and guideline for the efficient development of deep-water oil and gas resources. At present, the lack of a unified architecture classification system may result in ambiguities of scale and origin for the architecture of a particular sedimentary unit, which may in turn restrict the development of deep-water sedimentation theory and the exploration and development processes. In view of the current research use of deep-water channel sedimentary body architecture classification schemes based on sedimentary scale, overlapping relationship, time span and genetic evolution conditions of different architectural units, the proposed system adopts the reverse-order classification principle to establish a relatively systematic description of deep-water channel sedimentary bodies. The proposed grading scheme is analyzed and compared with existing configuration grading schemes. The proposed classification scheme divides channel sediments into 11 structural units: (1) sedimentary grain properties (pore heterogeneity, particle heterogeneity, interstitial heterogeneity); (2) laminar layer (straight, wavy, curved, lenticular, irregular); (3) homogeneous sections within the strata, e.g. a particular section of the Bouma sequence; (4) strata sequence, e.g. the complete Bouma sequence; (5) strata grouping (single-rhythm superposition, sandbody-mudstone interbedding); (6) secondary channel unit, mostly lens type and wedge-shaped; (7) five types of single channel infill (layered, bundle, lateral accumulation, cut-and-stack, block); (8) channel complex; (9) channel complex set (units 8 and 9 are each in three types: discrete, splicing and compact type, depending on how their internal water channels are combined and the relationship between them); (10) three types of channel system (restricted, semi-restricted, non-restricted); and (11) three types of channel system set (sand-rich, mud-rich mixed sand-mud). Units 1-9 are useful for oil and gas development; units 10 and 11 are appropriate for exploration. This study provides a theoretical basis for the analogy between surface/underground and modern/ancient channel deposits, and also contains the geological basis for analyzing heterogeneous deep-water channel oil and gas reservoirs of different scales.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2022-01-17
  • Revised:  2022-04-08
  • Accepted:  2022-05-19
  • Published:  2023-02-10

Sedimentary Architecture Unit Classification and Structural Style of Deep-water Channels

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.048

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41872142

National Natural Science Foundation of China 42072183

Abstract: Architecture configuration classification of deep-water channel sediments is an important technical means and guideline for the efficient development of deep-water oil and gas resources. At present, the lack of a unified architecture classification system may result in ambiguities of scale and origin for the architecture of a particular sedimentary unit, which may in turn restrict the development of deep-water sedimentation theory and the exploration and development processes. In view of the current research use of deep-water channel sedimentary body architecture classification schemes based on sedimentary scale, overlapping relationship, time span and genetic evolution conditions of different architectural units, the proposed system adopts the reverse-order classification principle to establish a relatively systematic description of deep-water channel sedimentary bodies. The proposed grading scheme is analyzed and compared with existing configuration grading schemes. The proposed classification scheme divides channel sediments into 11 structural units: (1) sedimentary grain properties (pore heterogeneity, particle heterogeneity, interstitial heterogeneity); (2) laminar layer (straight, wavy, curved, lenticular, irregular); (3) homogeneous sections within the strata, e.g. a particular section of the Bouma sequence; (4) strata sequence, e.g. the complete Bouma sequence; (5) strata grouping (single-rhythm superposition, sandbody-mudstone interbedding); (6) secondary channel unit, mostly lens type and wedge-shaped; (7) five types of single channel infill (layered, bundle, lateral accumulation, cut-and-stack, block); (8) channel complex; (9) channel complex set (units 8 and 9 are each in three types: discrete, splicing and compact type, depending on how their internal water channels are combined and the relationship between them); (10) three types of channel system (restricted, semi-restricted, non-restricted); and (11) three types of channel system set (sand-rich, mud-rich mixed sand-mud). Units 1-9 are useful for oil and gas development; units 10 and 11 are appropriate for exploration. This study provides a theoretical basis for the analogy between surface/underground and modern/ancient channel deposits, and also contains the geological basis for analyzing heterogeneous deep-water channel oil and gas reservoirs of different scales.

ZHAO XiaoMing, LIU Fei, GE JiaWang, FENG XiaoFei, Bouchakour Massine, ZHANG Xi, ZHANG WenBiao, YANG BaoQuan, YANG Li. Sedimentary Architecture Unit Classification and Structural Style of Deep-water Channels[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(1): 37-51. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.048
Citation: ZHAO XiaoMing, LIU Fei, GE JiaWang, FENG XiaoFei, Bouchakour Massine, ZHANG Xi, ZHANG WenBiao, YANG BaoQuan, YANG Li. Sedimentary Architecture Unit Classification and Structural Style of Deep-water Channels[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(1): 37-51. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2022.048
  • 深水(深海、深湖)水道是深水沉积体系最主要的沉积物(含有机质、污染物、塑料等)运移通道,也是粗粒碎屑沉积场所,为全球重要深水油气储集层[13]。纵观已发现深水水道油气藏,即便其有较高的孔隙度和渗透率,但受沉积结构复杂多变的影响,其储层连通性在侧向较短的几千米距离内也会有较大变化,这极大限制了该类油气藏的高效开发和采收率的提高[46]。“沉积构型”是研究储层非均质性的先进理论和技术手段,也是当今油气田开发地质学的研究热点和难点。

    深水沉积构型的概念最早由Mutti和Normark于1987年提出[7],之后国内外学者先后基于野外露头、现代沉积和地球物理数据等不同研究资料提出了相应的深水水道级次划分方案[716],笔者对全球主要深海水道沉积构型分级方案进行了梳理和级次对应(表1)。虽然人们对深水水道构型系统的理解不断深入,但不同构型级次划分方案存在较大差异,各构型单元级次亦存在不对应性。如Pickering et al.[9]基于现代和古代沉积,提出了7级级次划分方案,并指出不是所有的构型级次都会出现在深海沉积体系中;Prather et al.[10]基于地震资料将深海水道划分为7级,包括4个地震可识别级次和3个亚地震级次(低于传统地震分辨率的级次);Mayall et al.[15]以限制性水道为研究对象,开展3~5级沉积构型要素研究,与其他学者不同,他强调每条水道及其内部充填物的独特性;Pickering et al.[16]根据内部相组合、构型几何形态及其束缚界面,提出了由纹层到水道体系的8级构型单元划分方案,尺度涵盖了地震到岩心或露头。

    Mutti et al.[7]Ghosh et al.[8]Pickering et al.[9]Gardner et al.[11]Gardner et al.[12]Navarre et al.[13]Sprauge et al.[14]Pickering et al.[16]
    1级:颗粒、 构造变化段0级:层系界面1级:纹层
    3级:水道沉积单元3级:大型侵蚀面2级:水道复合体2级:复合水道6级:水道充填4级:水道充填和朵叶5级:水道充填或 块状搬运单元
    3级:水道 复合体5级:单一水道5级:水道/朵叶复合体6级:水道复合体
    3级:扇体亚阶段4级:水道复合体4级:盆地范围 侵蚀接触面3级:海底扇通道4级:海底水道通道4级:水道复合体6级:水道复合体系列
    2级:单一扇体5级:扇体沉积5级:单个扇体系 界面4级:海底扇通道 复合体3级:水道体系7级:水道复合体体系7级:砂岩沉积体
    1级:扇复合体6级:扇复合体6级:盆地充填 层序界面2级:巨层序沉积8级:水道复合体 体系系列8级:水道体系



  • 针对当前深水水道构型级次研究存在的问题,结合深水沉积环境特点,综合利用地质、地球物理等多种信息,提出了11级深水水道沉积构型分级新方案(表2)。方案充分厘定了构型单元的级次、类型、成因、形成时间跨度、结构样式、非均质性、界面规模及其地下识别资料分辨性等,并将其与Vail et al.[23]、Cross[24]和米兰科维奇旋回[25]进行了统一和对比。

  • 构型级次划分是开展沉积(储层)构型研究的关键。国际上构型级次划分方式通常为正序或倒序两种,此次采用正序方案,即数字越大,构型单元级别越大[26]。方案将深水水道储层构型单元级次划分为11级,按照规模由小到大依次为:微观开发尺度(1~3级)、宏观开发尺度(4~9级)和勘探尺度(10~11级)。因此,该构型单元级次划分能够做到宏观构型与微观构型的融合,实现地面露头与地下沉积体之间的类比,确保构型单元级次的完整性。


    Figure 1.  Classification model of sedimentary body configurations in deep⁃water channels

    (1) 微观开发尺度


    (2) 宏观开发尺度


    (3) 宏观勘探尺度


  • (1) 构型单元成因



    (2) 构型单元形成时间跨度




  • 构型单元结构样式决定了各级沉积体的渗流屏障和渗流差异空间分布,其对油气成藏条件、油气藏高效开发和提高采收率具有重要实际意义。基于前述的多维度、多时间域和多尺度综合信息,厘定了1~11级深水水道分级次构型单元结构样式。


    Figure 2.  Microscopic characteristics of turbidite mineral particles in channel from Gannan


    Figure 3.  Sedimentary characteristics of 1⁃3⁃order configuration of deep⁃water outcrop in Gannan



    Figure 4.  Sedimentary characteristics of deep⁃water outcrop strata in Gannan (after Huang et al.[30])


    Figure 5.  Sedimentary model of strata fabric structure hierarchy


    Figure 6.  Secondary channel unit architecture, grade sedimentation model


    Figure 7.  Sedimentary model of single channel configuration


    Figure 8.  Architecture and deposition models of complex channel types


    Figure 9.  Architecture and deposition model of complex channel set types


    Figure 10.  Architecture and deposition model of channel system(after Liu et al.[5])


  • 构型单元规模是确定地下油气藏勘探开发各阶段研究目标的重要依据。基于全球范围内有文献记载且出露较好的26处深水水道野外露头沉积规模[36],以及地下油藏的实际构型解剖结果[3738],明晰了深水水道各级构型单元的厚度及宽度,具体如下。

    1级单元为微观构型,属微米级尺度(图2)。2级单元厚度大小不一,常介于数毫米到数厘米,侧向宽度一般介于数厘米到数米(图3c)。3级单元厚度介于数厘米到数十厘米,侧向宽度一般介于数十米到数百米(图3a,b)。4级单元顶底被小型侵蚀面或加积面约束,厚度变化区间较大,可为小于十厘米薄层,也可为大于一百厘米的厚层,侧向宽度介于数十米到数百米(图4)。5级单元顶底被小型侵蚀面或加积面约束,厚度数米级,侧向宽度介于数十米到数百米(图5)。6级单元顶底通常被侵蚀面或加积面约束,其厚度数米到数十米,侧向宽度介于数十米到数百米(图6)。7级单元底部通常被大型侵蚀面约束,顶部在未被侵蚀的情况下多发育泥质细粒沉积,对应Cross的超短期旋回[24](岁差周期),其厚度数米到数十米,一般以10~50 m居多,侧向宽度介于数十米到数百米,一般以100~500 m居多(图7)。8级单元底部可发育大型侵蚀面,对应Vail的5级层序[23]和Cross的短期旋回[24](偏心率短周期),厚度数十米,以20~80 m为主,侧向宽度介于数百米到数千米,一般以500~1 000 m居多(图8)。9级单元底部通常发育大型侵蚀面,顶部为厚层深水细粒沉积物,表明水道体系活动性暂时停止,该级单元可直接与一个沉积层序的低位体系域相比较,对应Vail的4级层序[23]和Cross的中期旋回[24](偏心率长周期);厚度数十米到百余米,以40~100 m为主,侧向宽度介于数百米到数千米,一般为1 000~5 000 m(图9)。10级单元底部通常发育巨型侵蚀面(不整合面),顶部发育厚层深水细粒沉积物,为海侵或高位体系域产物,对应Vail的3级层序[23]和Cross的长期旋回[24];其厚度数十米到数百米,以100~300 m为主,侧向宽度一般为数千米,可在盆地范围内进行追踪对比(图10)。11级单元顶/底部通常发育大面积的不整合面(削截),对应Vail的2级层序[23]和Cross的超长期旋回[24],其厚度数百米,侧向宽度数千米到数万米,可在盆地范围内进行追踪对比。


  • 纵观现有深水水道沉积构型划分方案,由于不同学者的研究方法及划分依据差异,致使不同沉积构型单元在规模尺度、勘探开发及实现方法等方面难以统一和对比。鉴于此,可综合不同构型单元识别资料以及地下深水油藏实际应用,对新划分方案的适用性展开分析。

  • 不同级别的构型单元在沉积规模上存在较大尺度差异,故新构型分级方案在实际应用过程中往往需要不同的研究数据对其进行识别;同时在进行野外露头、地下数据分析时,受资料分辨率的限制,其识别不同级别构型单元能力存在差异。为此,新的构型方案基于构型单元规模约束,结合不同数据资料探测能力和分辨率,厘清了地下油气藏范围内不同级次深水水道储层结构识别资料依据,包括岩心、测井、三维地震等,同时,实现了本构型单元级次化分系统在地上和地下、古代和现代沉积体之间的类比。不同级次沉积单元所适用研究资料具体如下。

    1级单元为微观尺度,主要针对矿物、基质类型、孔隙和微裂缝等,仅能在显微镜镜下(光学、电子、偏光)研究;2~3级单元尺度相对较小,可借助放大镜或者肉眼进行识别,其研究对象主要为岩心以及野外露头;4级单元一般通过岩心及野外露头进行识别,或当厚度大于0.5 m时,在测井曲线上有一定的响应特征,可用测井资料识别;5~6级单元在地震尺度上相对较小,常规地震资料(主频小于30 Hz)往往难以识别,一般通过测井资料、钻井取心以及一些野外露头进行识别;7级单元为地震资料可分辨的最小构型单元,一般可用高频地震资料(主频大于30 Hz)识别;8级单元可用常规地震资料开展表征,但地震资料需进行预处理前分辨该级次单元;9~11级单元一般可用深层油藏范围常规地震资料开展表征。

  • 为进一步展示本方案在地下油气藏中的实际应用,特以西非尼日尔三角洲盆地陆坡区X油藏水道储层为例,阐述新的构型划分方案在油气勘探开发方面的适用性。

    X油藏位于西非尼日尔三角洲盆地陆坡区,构造上位于拉张带与挤压带过渡区域,水深1 300~1 500 m,目的层为中新统阿格巴达组,整体沉积环境为海退下的三角洲前缘,沉积相以深海水道及朵叶沉积体为主[3940]。基于新的构型分级方案指导,综合三维地震、测井信息、钻井取心及镜下薄片资料,对研究区进行如图11所示的沉积构型单元级次划分[41]

    Figure 11.  Sedimentary architecture grading styles of deep⁃water channels of X reservoir in the continental slope area of the deep⁃water basin, Niger Delta, West Africa



  • (1) 基于沉积体规模、成因及时间跨度等,提出了深水水道沉积体11级构型分级方案,从小到大依次为微观开发尺度:1级沉积颗粒段、2级纹层段、3级岩层内均质段;宏观开发尺度:4级岩层、5级岩层组、6级次级水道单元、7级单一水道、8级复合水道、9级复合水道系列;勘探尺度:10级水道体系、11级水道体系系列。

    (2) 不同构型级次单元在成因及时间跨度上存在差异,1级单元为数分钟下沉积颗粒快速沉积产物,2~3级单元为数小时内单一重力流事件产物,4~7级单元为数百年内不同规模沉积事件产物,8级单元为数千年内自旋回事件产物,9~10级单元为单个百万年内不同规模异旋回事件产物,11级单元为数百万年内构造—地层旋回事件产物。

    (3) 根据沉积规模及特征差异,不同构型单元所适用研究资料不同:1级单元为镜下薄片资料,2~3级单元为岩心资料,4~6级单元为测井资料,7~11级单元为地震资料,确保不同构型单元适用性的同时,实现了露头与地下数据、现代沉积与古代沉积的类比。

    (4) 此次深水水道沉积体构型划分方案基本概括了现阶段所关注的所有构型级次单元,但受深水水道沉积构型样式复杂性及沉积环境限制程度影响,实际发育的水道沉积体中可能不会出现所有的构型单元级次。

Reference (41)



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