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Volume 40 Issue 5
Oct.  2022
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CHEN Xu, HU MingYi, SONG Hao, ZHANG JunLong, JIN JiNeng. Sedimentary Evolution of Microbial Mound in Cambrian Regression Background, Southeastern Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2022, 40(5): 1313-1322. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.091
Citation: CHEN Xu, HU MingYi, SONG Hao, ZHANG JunLong, JIN JiNeng. Sedimentary Evolution of Microbial Mound in Cambrian Regression Background, Southeastern Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2022, 40(5): 1313-1322. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.091

Sedimentary Evolution of Microbial Mound in Cambrian Regression Background, Southeastern Tarim Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.091

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41804120

Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province 2020CFB372

College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program DK2021030

  • Received Date: 2020-04-22
  • Publish Date: 2022-10-10
  • As a new type of carbonate reservoir, microbial mounds are becoming the focus of deep oil and gas exploration and research. This study of a Cambrian microbial mound in the southeastern Tarim Basin included an analysis of the microfacies composition and external morphology, the developmental stages, stacking patterns and sedimentary evolution against a Cambrian regressive background using high-resolution 3D seismic data from a newly drilled well. The results are as follows: (1) The Cambrian system in the study area is located in a relatively high-energy platform-edge facies belt, which is conducive to the growth and development of microbial mounds. Drilling data revealed that the physical properties in the core of the microbial mound are relatively suitable as a hydrocarbon reservoir. The lithology is bacteria-algal microbe particle dolomite with local silicification, containing intercrystal (dissolution) pores, dissolution pores, and fractures. (2) In the middle and upper Cambrian, four stages of microbial mound body complexes are evident, successively superimposed over a vast sea area of more than 1 400 km2, occurring in north-south planar stripes. (3) The first mound body was formed on a gentle slope platform in the Early Cambrian. Large-scale “sandwich-like” vertical accretions grew and eventually formed a symmetrical mound shape. The second mound body was developed on steeply sloping pre-mound colluvial rock, and contains a large volume of accommodation space. The hydrodynamic condition is strong. The mound body character is vertical accretion with weak forward growth, forming an asymmetrical mound. With the rapid fall in sea level, three more laterally superposed mound bodies developed, wedged on the seaward side of the original mound body. The last of these shows smaller-scale inherited development. The mound bodies ceased developing as the transgression was strengthened at the end of the Cambrian, reflecting the gradual evolution process of a carbonate platform from a low-angle sloping edge platform to a submerged platform in a regression environment.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2020-04-22
  • Published:  2022-10-10

Sedimentary Evolution of Microbial Mound in Cambrian Regression Background, Southeastern Tarim Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.091

National Natural Science Foundation of China 41804120

Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province 2020CFB372

College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program DK2021030

Abstract: As a new type of carbonate reservoir, microbial mounds are becoming the focus of deep oil and gas exploration and research. This study of a Cambrian microbial mound in the southeastern Tarim Basin included an analysis of the microfacies composition and external morphology, the developmental stages, stacking patterns and sedimentary evolution against a Cambrian regressive background using high-resolution 3D seismic data from a newly drilled well. The results are as follows: (1) The Cambrian system in the study area is located in a relatively high-energy platform-edge facies belt, which is conducive to the growth and development of microbial mounds. Drilling data revealed that the physical properties in the core of the microbial mound are relatively suitable as a hydrocarbon reservoir. The lithology is bacteria-algal microbe particle dolomite with local silicification, containing intercrystal (dissolution) pores, dissolution pores, and fractures. (2) In the middle and upper Cambrian, four stages of microbial mound body complexes are evident, successively superimposed over a vast sea area of more than 1 400 km2, occurring in north-south planar stripes. (3) The first mound body was formed on a gentle slope platform in the Early Cambrian. Large-scale “sandwich-like” vertical accretions grew and eventually formed a symmetrical mound shape. The second mound body was developed on steeply sloping pre-mound colluvial rock, and contains a large volume of accommodation space. The hydrodynamic condition is strong. The mound body character is vertical accretion with weak forward growth, forming an asymmetrical mound. With the rapid fall in sea level, three more laterally superposed mound bodies developed, wedged on the seaward side of the original mound body. The last of these shows smaller-scale inherited development. The mound bodies ceased developing as the transgression was strengthened at the end of the Cambrian, reflecting the gradual evolution process of a carbonate platform from a low-angle sloping edge platform to a submerged platform in a regression environment.

CHEN Xu, HU MingYi, SONG Hao, ZHANG JunLong, JIN JiNeng. Sedimentary Evolution of Microbial Mound in Cambrian Regression Background, Southeastern Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2022, 40(5): 1313-1322. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.091
Citation: CHEN Xu, HU MingYi, SONG Hao, ZHANG JunLong, JIN JiNeng. Sedimentary Evolution of Microbial Mound in Cambrian Regression Background, Southeastern Tarim Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2022, 40(5): 1313-1322. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.091
  • 微生物因数量巨大、分布广泛和类型多样在地球演化中发挥极其关键的作用,自寒武纪生命大爆发到奥陶纪是微生物生长发育最为富集、活跃的时期,引起地质学家的广泛关注和思考[1-8]。与此同时,全球范围内不断有与微生物碳酸盐岩相关的油气田被勘探发现,其中,位于我国西部塔里木盆地寒武系深层微生物丘也成为了勘探的热点[5-8]。微生物丘是指由藻类或菌类微生物岩形成的碳酸盐岩局部建隆,作为新型的碳酸盐岩油气储层,由于其独特的沉积建造和演化过程,成为碳酸盐岩油气研究的重要方向,也是深层找寻商业油气的重要领域。2020年,在塔里木盆地部署的亚洲第一深探井—轮探1井在寒武系微生物丘储层中获得高产轻质原油,证实了微生物丘沉积体是有利的勘探目标,具有极大的油气潜力。



  • 塔里木盆地是在前震旦纪变质岩之上,经历了多期次构造—沉积演化而形成的大型复合式叠合盆地[4]。塔东南地区位于盆地东南部的古城低凸起以东地区,为一持续继承性隆起,呈现向西北倾斜的大型宽缓鼻状构造[2-5]。北部为平缓斜坡向满加尔坳陷过渡,西部以塔中I号断裂为界与塔中隆起相邻,南部与塘古孜巴斯凹陷和塔南隆起相接,东部以古城台缘坡折带为界毗邻塔东隆起(图1a)。塔里木盆地寒武纪—早奥陶世处于弱伸展的构造背景下,西部为台地相区,为碳酸盐岩沉积环境,而东部盆地相区沉积了暗色泥岩,塔东南地区处于台缘相带,为微生物丘广泛发育提供广阔空间[3-7]。奥陶纪末构造活动形成古城凸起的雏形,总体上为东南高、西北低的构造形态,并于海西早期定形至今。

    Figure 1.  (a) Structural unit divisions in southeastern Tarim Basin; and (b) Cambrian composite column diagram

    研究区块处于塔东南地区古城低凸起东侧,三维工区面积约4 000 km2,钻井揭示古城地区沉积厚度巨大,自震旦系到第四系均有发育,寒武系为深层油气勘探的重点层系,岩性为碳酸盐岩,细分为6个组。其中下统的玉尔吐斯组为厚层黑色泥岩、泥灰岩沉积,全盆分布稳定,为深层优质烃源岩。中、上寒武统发育多套储盖组合,储层岩性主要为藻(礁)微生物云岩(图1b)。

  • 研究区中、上寒武统发育多期微生物丘沉积,目前仅有CT1、CT2两口探井钻遇。利用研究区少量钻井的岩心、测井和分析测试资料,分析微生物丘的岩性构成、储集性及分布特征,将微生物丘划分为丘核、丘翼和丘基三种微相类型。

  • 发育在微生物丘底部,多呈现中厚层、板状沉积。钻井揭示岩性为含砂屑、球粒结构的粉、细晶白云岩,颗粒间泥亮晶—亮晶胶结,有机质含量高,储层孔隙欠发育,指示了微生物丘初始沉积水体较深,能量较弱的水动力环境(图23)。

    Figure 2.  Rock structure types and reservoir porosity of microbial mound

    Figure 3.  Single well sedimentary facies analysis and reservoir properties of microbial mound

  • 在丘基之上、微生物丘中部形成厚层、丘状沉积。钻井揭示岩性为砂屑球粒粉晶云岩、砂屑细晶云岩或残余鲕粒砂屑云岩,粒度变粗。去铀GR值较低,变化范围为1.21~11.75 API,平均约2.94 API,曲线形状由高幅尖峰状变为低缓平值状。δ13C自下而上数值由正偏逐渐变换为负偏,变化范围为-1.05‰~0.29‰,平均-0.226‰,表明海平面下降,水体变浅、能量较强的沉积环境。此外,该期微生物丘核部顶端GR能谱测井的TH/U比急剧变大(大于7),揭示顶部为氧化环境形成的风化层,反映了海退环境下微生物丘核部暴露遭受剥蚀作用。储层岩性为球粒或砂屑粉、细晶云岩,在溶塌角砾岩中发育角砾间的溶蚀孔洞或裂缝。储层孔隙度范围在1.3%~7.2%之间,平均约3.4%,渗透率为(0.06~3.62)×10-3 μm2,为中低孔、中低渗性储层(图23)。

  • 发育于丘核边缘或侧翼位置。钻井揭示岩性由深色砂屑球粒粉晶云岩、(藻黏结)砂屑粉细晶云岩组成,粒度偏细。对应的去铀GR(KTH)值域范围为1.67~21.81 API,平均约6.16 API,自下而上由微齿状、低平值特征变为尖峰状高值。δ13C(碳同位素)表现为正偏,值域范围为0.036‰~1.41‰,平均约0.724‰,反映了海平面上升,海水加深、水体能量弱的沉积环境。有效储层岩性为细晶白云岩,储集空间为晶间孔隙为主,少量构造溶蚀缝或晶间溶孔。储层孔隙度低,变化范围0.8%~2.1%,平均约1.3%,测井渗透率为(0.02~1)×10-3 μm2,为低孔、低渗储层(图23)。

  • 在微生物丘合成记录标定及地震反射特征分析基础上,对其外部形态和内幕结构进行精细识别和刻画,预测微生物丘展布特征。与围岩相比,微生物丘复合体垂向上表现为地层厚度显著变大,横向上出现多期微生物丘沉积体横向迁移叠置,大小不一,地震相表现为明显的丘状、楔状或透镜状[16-18]。丘复合体速度高于上覆的围岩,顶界面处形成强的波阻抗差,对应强波峰反射,而向海盆方向出现极性反转或者同相轴尖灭现象,反映了向海洋一侧生长推进的边界,具有包络面的特征。因此通过微生物丘标定和地震反射结构分析,采用振幅包络面分析的方法,理清微生物丘的外部轮廓和分布范围。

    微生物丘的振幅包络面多表现为中—强振幅、连续—较连续反射,包络面之上、之下和内部反射特征明显,易于识别和追踪。界面之上常见披覆和上超反射,界面之下局部有顶超或削截的接触关系。而包络面内部为低频、较弱振幅、前积或局部杂乱反射,并具有向翼部收敛。通过上述特征对微生物丘的顶界振幅包络面(Ty1、Ty2、Ty3、Ty4)进行精细追踪解释,不难发现,中、上寒武统发育了4个期次的大型微生物丘复合体(图4a,b)。通过不同期次微生物丘预测范围立体展示,清楚的看到微生物丘依次向广海方向进积。叠合范围大于1 400 km2,平面上近南北向、条带状展布(图4c)。

    Figure 4.  (a) Seismic reflection characteristics of platform margin belt past CT1⁃CT2 well; (b) flat base of Cambrian seismic interpretation section; and (c) 3D view of microbial mound

  • 微生物丘多由藻类或菌类微生物格架形成,其内部地震反射振幅能量弱,多为断续、空白或杂乱结构[18]。然而在微生物原地生长过程中,由于古地貌和相对海平面变化会出现丘、滩互层,垂向上会出现多种叠置样式,如加积、进积或退积等[19]。根据上述特点,分析研究区中、上寒武统微生物丘的发育期次及叠置样式(图5表1)。

    Figure 5.  Internal seismic reflection records for microbial mound at the platform margin

    ④期晚寒武世晚期80~5603202.3~8.14.46 300~7 625
    ③期晚寒武世早期130~5803605.8~9.27.16 500~7 750
    ②期中寒武世晚期120~6003807~15.310.46 650~7 625
    ①期中寒武世早期220~6604006.8~12.19.57 025~8 300
  • 顶界面为低频、强振幅和高连续反射,区域分布稳定,所构成的包络面形态完整、轮廓清楚,容易对比追踪。外部结构为对称的丘形反射,两端向翼部收敛。内部为较弱振幅、低频、中等连续反射,趋于成层性,垂向上表现为“三明治”式加积型叠置。这种结构样式揭示了该时期古地貌坡度宽缓,海平面上升速率与微生物丘生长速率大体一致的沉积环境。①期微生物丘形态清晰,生长高度约400 m,宽约9.5 km,近南北向、条带状展布,礁前塌积岩长度约3.1 km。因构造位置较低,且可能存在盖层遮挡风险,目前尚未钻井钻遇[20]

  • 在紧邻①期的丘前翼及斜坡上开始生长,其发育明显受到①期微生物丘沉积后地貌的影响。早期在坡度背景下,横向上微生物丘相带分布狭窄,水动力作用强劲,以垂向加积生长为主,地震反射连续性差、较杂乱。随着微生物丘的快速生长繁育,晚期地震反射结构变为弱连续、平缓的前积反射。形成了不对称丘状反射,垂向上加积—弱前积样式。该时期受①期微生物丘体微古地貌的影响,陡坡背景下微生物的生长速率略大于或等于海平面上升速率。沉积厚度大,生长高度超过380 m,宽度约10.4 km。

  • 与前两期显著不同,微生物丘体楔状前积于丘前斜坡之上,揭示了陡坡背景下,水动力条件较强,微生物丘逐渐向海推进的过程。地震内幕反射结构呈中弱振幅、中等连续、层状反射特征,其中顶部同相轴见削截现象,稳定的丘核不发育。CT1钻井也揭示微生物丘顶部存在风化层,反映了海平面下降导致的暴露、剥蚀作用(图3)。此时微生物丘分布规模变小,生长高度约360 m,主体宽度7.1 km。

  • 在③期微生物丘基础上,继承性发育。顶界面为低频、强振幅反射,易于追踪、刻画。形态不完整,规模也变小。生长高度约320 m,长度约4.4 km。

  • 微生物丘生长发育常常受到古地貌、构造沉降速率、海平面变化和洋流作用等因素的共同制约[20-21]。在寒武纪漫长的地质演化过程中,塔东南地区处于开阔台地沉积环境,基底稳定沉降,断层较少发育,在海退背景下发育台缘缓坡型微生物丘沉积,研究区西部地区发育开阔台地、半局限台地和台地边缘相沉积,发育台内生屑滩和台地边缘微生物丘等高能相带,东部发育斜坡—盆地相沉积[21-23]


  • 研究区目前钻遇寒武系的钻井稀少(仅数口),然而研究区拥有大量的区域二维测线和满覆盖微生物丘发育区的三维地震数据,通过层位追踪对比和解释,比较容易获得目的层位的横向展布特征,为古地貌恢复提供大量的信息。


    Figure 6.  Microbial mound growth and evolution at the Cambrian platform margin

  • 寒武纪—早奥陶纪,研究区碳酸盐岩台地由低角度斜坡—镶边型台地—淹没型台地的变化特征,生长发育了4期的微生物丘复合体沉积,依次向广海方向进积、叠置,其沉积演化特征如下(图6)。







  • (1) 塔东南地区中、上寒武统处于海退背景下、相对高能的台地边缘沉积环境,发育微生物丘沉积复合体,呈现近南北向条带状展布特征,依次向广海方向进积叠置。有利的储层岩性为菌藻类微生物颗粒云岩(局部硅化),储集空间多为晶间(溶)孔或溶蚀孔洞。

    (2) ①期微生物丘形成于早寒武世缓坡台地地貌上,形成较对称的丘状外形,随后的②期微生物丘发育在前期丘前塌积岩之上,古地貌变陡峭,为不对称的丘状结构,垂向上为加积—弱前积生长。③期楔状前积于②期靠海一侧,侧向叠置分布。④期体生长具有继承性,但规模变小。寒武纪末期海侵作用再次加强,微生物丘停止发育。

Reference (23)



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