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Volume 41 Issue 2
Apr.  2023
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QU Tong, GAO Gang, XU XinDe, HUANG ZhiLong, GAN Jun, LIANG Gang, YOU JunJun. Sedimentary Simulation Experiment Study on the Distribution of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Delta-shallow Sea Sedimentary System: A case study of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(2): 584-600. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.085
Citation: QU Tong, GAO Gang, XU XinDe, HUANG ZhiLong, GAN Jun, LIANG Gang, YOU JunJun. Sedimentary Simulation Experiment Study on the Distribution of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Delta-shallow Sea Sedimentary System: A case study of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(2): 584-600. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.085

Sedimentary Simulation Experiment Study on the Distribution of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Delta-shallow Sea Sedimentary System: A case study of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.085

CNOOC 13th Five-Year Plan Oil and Gas Resources Evaluation Project YXKY-2018-KT-01

Oil and Gas Resources Evaluation of CNOOC Mineral Rights Area in the “13th Five-Year” National Oil and Gas Resource Evaluation Project 2017YQZYPJ0109

  • Received Date: 2020-05-17
  • Accepted Date: 2021-07-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-07-01
  • Available Online: 2021-07-30
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-10
  • Terrestrial organic matter plays an important role in the delta-shallow sea sedimentary system. More and more oil and gas exploration practices find the contribution of terrestrial organic matter in deep-water areas. In the Yacheng Formation of the Qiongdongnan Baisn, the source rocks are dominated by terrestrial organic matter, which has attracted the attention of many scholars. However, due to the deep buried depth of the source rock and the lake in the deep-water area, the research and exploration progress of the source rock in this area is greatly restricted. Based on the geological background of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin, this study designed a flume experiment of terrestrial organic matter, which is a “forward modeling” method, to observe the deposition process of terrestrial organic matter and sample the sedimentation results. Particle size and total organic carbon (TOC) analyses were carried out on the samples, establishing a terrestrial organic carbon content prediction model through a large amount of analytical test data and applying the model to an actual research area with less data. We combine the qualitative observation of the experimental process and quantitative calculation results to establish a terrestrial organic matter distribution pattern. The results show that the terrigenous organic matter is mainly deposited in the low-lying parts with a weak hydrodynamic force. From the source area to the deep water area, due to the interaction between the river and the sea water, the transport capacity of the river is reduced, and the organic carbon content increases obviously in the shallow water. In a certain range of the shallow water area, due to the gradual decline of river transport capacity, organic carbon content decreased. Using the change of sediment grain size to reflect the hydrodynamic conditions, the correlation between hydrodynamic conditions and transport organic carbon content was explored, and the changing trend of terrigenous organic carbon content was predicted. This is consistent with the distribution characteristics of terrigenous organic matter in modern estuarine sediments. According to the prediction, for Experiment 1 (slope 3°-5°), the longest distance of terrigenous organic matter transport is 6.66 m, and the maximum of terrigenous organic carbon content is 4.4 m; for Experiment 2 (slope 1°-3°), the maximum distance of terrigenous organic matter transport is 6.00 m, and the maximum content of terrigenous organic carbon is 4.12 m; for the Yacheng Formation (slope < 0.1°), the maximum transport distance of terrigenous organic matter is 47.7 km, and the maximum content of terrigenous organic carbon is at 30 km. With the decrease of the paleotopography slope, the maximum transport distance of terrigenous organic matter also decreases, and the high value area of organic carbon content migrates to the source direction. The dominant distribution area of terrigenous organic matter is near the delta front shallow sea area. Based on the observation of the experimental process and the prediction of the changing trend of terrigenous organic carbon content, a single source "single peak" terrigenous organic matter distribution model map was established. In the delta plain area, the organic carbon content was mainly controlled by the growth and enrichment of in-situ organisms, which was the main control area of in-situ organic carbon. In the delta front littoral shallow sea area, terrigenous organic matter is deposited in large quantities, and its contribution may exceed that of shallow sea organisms, which is the main control area of terrigenous organic carbon. In the coastal shallow sea deep sea area, marine organisms are the main suppliers of organic matter, which is the main control area of marine organic carbon. The main control area of terrigenous organic carbon is the most favorable area for the development of terrigenous marine source rocks. With multi-source intersection, the distribution characteristics of terrigenous organic matter are superimposed for a single source, and the terrigenous organic carbon content in the source intersection area will be higher than that of a single source supply, which can also be used as the dominant area for the development of terrigenous marine source rocks. Using the first mock exam, we can predict the distribution of organic carbon for the Yancheng Formation in the Yanan Sag. The source of the northwest part of the Yanan Sag can transport the organic matter 47.7 km, that is, the transported organic matter can be transported to the center of the depression. The content of terrigenous organic carbon gradually increased from well Y1 to the center of the depression, and reached the maximum at well Y4. Since then, the content of terrigenous organic carbon gradually decreased to the center of the depression. The content of terrigenous organic carbon rapidly decreased from well Y6 to 0 in the center of the depression. This method can also be used to predict the distribution of terrigenous organic matter in other deep-water basins.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Received:  2020-05-17
  • Revised:  2020-07-01
  • Accepted:  2021-07-30
  • Published:  2023-04-10

Sedimentary Simulation Experiment Study on the Distribution of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Delta-shallow Sea Sedimentary System: A case study of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin

doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.085

CNOOC 13th Five-Year Plan Oil and Gas Resources Evaluation Project YXKY-2018-KT-01

Oil and Gas Resources Evaluation of CNOOC Mineral Rights Area in the “13th Five-Year” National Oil and Gas Resource Evaluation Project 2017YQZYPJ0109

Abstract: Terrestrial organic matter plays an important role in the delta-shallow sea sedimentary system. More and more oil and gas exploration practices find the contribution of terrestrial organic matter in deep-water areas. In the Yacheng Formation of the Qiongdongnan Baisn, the source rocks are dominated by terrestrial organic matter, which has attracted the attention of many scholars. However, due to the deep buried depth of the source rock and the lake in the deep-water area, the research and exploration progress of the source rock in this area is greatly restricted. Based on the geological background of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin, this study designed a flume experiment of terrestrial organic matter, which is a “forward modeling” method, to observe the deposition process of terrestrial organic matter and sample the sedimentation results. Particle size and total organic carbon (TOC) analyses were carried out on the samples, establishing a terrestrial organic carbon content prediction model through a large amount of analytical test data and applying the model to an actual research area with less data. We combine the qualitative observation of the experimental process and quantitative calculation results to establish a terrestrial organic matter distribution pattern. The results show that the terrigenous organic matter is mainly deposited in the low-lying parts with a weak hydrodynamic force. From the source area to the deep water area, due to the interaction between the river and the sea water, the transport capacity of the river is reduced, and the organic carbon content increases obviously in the shallow water. In a certain range of the shallow water area, due to the gradual decline of river transport capacity, organic carbon content decreased. Using the change of sediment grain size to reflect the hydrodynamic conditions, the correlation between hydrodynamic conditions and transport organic carbon content was explored, and the changing trend of terrigenous organic carbon content was predicted. This is consistent with the distribution characteristics of terrigenous organic matter in modern estuarine sediments. According to the prediction, for Experiment 1 (slope 3°-5°), the longest distance of terrigenous organic matter transport is 6.66 m, and the maximum of terrigenous organic carbon content is 4.4 m; for Experiment 2 (slope 1°-3°), the maximum distance of terrigenous organic matter transport is 6.00 m, and the maximum content of terrigenous organic carbon is 4.12 m; for the Yacheng Formation (slope < 0.1°), the maximum transport distance of terrigenous organic matter is 47.7 km, and the maximum content of terrigenous organic carbon is at 30 km. With the decrease of the paleotopography slope, the maximum transport distance of terrigenous organic matter also decreases, and the high value area of organic carbon content migrates to the source direction. The dominant distribution area of terrigenous organic matter is near the delta front shallow sea area. Based on the observation of the experimental process and the prediction of the changing trend of terrigenous organic carbon content, a single source "single peak" terrigenous organic matter distribution model map was established. In the delta plain area, the organic carbon content was mainly controlled by the growth and enrichment of in-situ organisms, which was the main control area of in-situ organic carbon. In the delta front littoral shallow sea area, terrigenous organic matter is deposited in large quantities, and its contribution may exceed that of shallow sea organisms, which is the main control area of terrigenous organic carbon. In the coastal shallow sea deep sea area, marine organisms are the main suppliers of organic matter, which is the main control area of marine organic carbon. The main control area of terrigenous organic carbon is the most favorable area for the development of terrigenous marine source rocks. With multi-source intersection, the distribution characteristics of terrigenous organic matter are superimposed for a single source, and the terrigenous organic carbon content in the source intersection area will be higher than that of a single source supply, which can also be used as the dominant area for the development of terrigenous marine source rocks. Using the first mock exam, we can predict the distribution of organic carbon for the Yancheng Formation in the Yanan Sag. The source of the northwest part of the Yanan Sag can transport the organic matter 47.7 km, that is, the transported organic matter can be transported to the center of the depression. The content of terrigenous organic carbon gradually increased from well Y1 to the center of the depression, and reached the maximum at well Y4. Since then, the content of terrigenous organic carbon gradually decreased to the center of the depression. The content of terrigenous organic carbon rapidly decreased from well Y6 to 0 in the center of the depression. This method can also be used to predict the distribution of terrigenous organic matter in other deep-water basins.

QU Tong, GAO Gang, XU XinDe, HUANG ZhiLong, GAN Jun, LIANG Gang, YOU JunJun. Sedimentary Simulation Experiment Study on the Distribution of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Delta-shallow Sea Sedimentary System: A case study of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(2): 584-600. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.085
Citation: QU Tong, GAO Gang, XU XinDe, HUANG ZhiLong, GAN Jun, LIANG Gang, YOU JunJun. Sedimentary Simulation Experiment Study on the Distribution of Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Delta-shallow Sea Sedimentary System: A case study of the Yacheng Formation in the Yanan Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2023, 41(2): 584-600. doi: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2021.085
  • 三角洲—浅海沉积体系作为同时接受陆源碎屑和海洋物质输入的特殊体系,同时具有陆源有机质和海洋有机质。近年来,随着我国东南沿海盆地、西非、澳大利亚、东南亚陆缘盆地等深水区油气勘探开发研究的推进[1-5],三角洲—浅海沉积体系陆源有机质对油气的贡献越来越受到重视。由于深水区烃源岩埋深大,且钻遇井少,因此对于陆源有机质分布规律的研究十分困难。现有的关于陆源有机质分布特征的研究主要集中在现代入海河口沉积[6-9],对古代三角洲—浅海沉积体系陆源有机质分布的研究相对较少。李丹等[5]通过少量统计数据对澳大利亚北卡那封盆地中上三叠统Mungaroo组陆源有机质分布特征进行了分析,但并未对其分布规律及分布模式进行研究。


  • 琼东南盆地位于南海北部海域,是重要的新生代含油气盆地,面积约3×104 km2,可划分为北部坳陷、北部隆起、中央坳陷、南部隆起4个一级构造单元,进一步可划分为20多个二级构造单元(图1a)[12-15]。盆地以第三系和第四系沉积为主,经历了多期构造演化与沉积演化,自下而上可划分为始新统、渐新统崖城组和陵水组、中新统三亚组、梅山组和黄流组、上新统莺歌海组和第四系。始新统—渐新统崖城组沉积时期处于断陷期,新近纪—第四纪处于拗陷期。渐新世早期,主要为海陆过渡相沉积,之后逐渐转变为海洋沉积环境(图1b)[12-14]。渐新统崖城组是该盆地的主力烃源岩之一,崖城组沉积时期经历了一个水体由浅变深再变浅、沉积物由粗变细再变粗的完整层序演化过程。

    Figure 1.  (a) Geological map of the structural unit division in Qiongdongnan Basin (modified from Hu[15]); (b) stratigraphic development histogram of Qiongdongnan Basin (modified from Li et al.[12]; Li et al.[14])]; (c) structure and well location distribution of the Yanan Sag (modified from Wu et al.[18])


  • 实验所用有机质模拟材料需要同时满足两个基本条件:1)具有一定的有机质丰度;2)具有足够大的密度在水中能够自然沉降。经调研现代泥样、泥炭土、油页岩、褐煤、煤矸石等多种材料,综合实验地点及运输情况最终选用煤矸石作为有机质模拟材料。由于自然界陆源有机质供应可分为颗粒有机碳及溶解有机碳,其含量比例约为2∶3[22],为最大限度与自然规律相符,选用颗粒状煤矸石与粉末状煤矸石按2∶3混合作为有机质的实验材料(图2),煤矸石材料的各项基本参数见表1

    Figure 2.  Photos of granular (a) and powdered (b) coal gangue materials

    材料泥/%(<0.004 mm)粉砂/%(0.004~0.063 mm)细砂/%(0.063~0.250 mm)中砂/%(0.250~0.500 mm)粗砂/%(0.500~2.000 mm)砾石/%(>2.000 mm)TOC/%
  • 由崖南凹陷已有钻井的取心及分析测试资料可得,崖城组沉积物粒度整体较粗,各粒级平均含量为:泥质含量7.63%,粉砂含量20.49%,细砂含量32.35%,中砂含量17.69%,粗砂含量19.12%,砾石含量2.72%(图3a)。崖城组烃源岩包括煤、炭质泥岩及泥岩,其中煤与炭质泥岩的形成与原地有机质有关,有机碳含量较高,实验条件下难以模拟,而深水区陆源有机质为搬运有机质,因此不在本次研究考虑范围之内,仅对崖13-1气田地区崖城组陆源海相泥岩沉积进行模拟。崖城组泥岩有机碳含量相对较低(图3b),泥岩有机碳含量平均约1.19%,有机质类型以II~III型为主,有机质成熟度达到成熟—高成熟阶段。

    Figure 3.  (a) Box⁃shaped statistic chart for the content distribution of samples in the Yacheng Formation; (b) relationship between total organic carbon (TOC) and S1+S2 of the Yacheng Formation

    本次研究以琼东南盆地崖南凹陷崖13-1气田区崖城组地质背景为实验原型,在长江大学湖盆沉积模拟实验室进行,实验设计遵循几何相似、动力相似、运动相似等相似准则[24]。根据实验装置实际情况,设置实验水槽有效范围为长5 m,宽3 m(图4),实验模拟的工区范围长50 km,宽30 km,几何比尺λL= LH/Lm≈10 000∶1(H代表原型,m代表沉积模型,L代表长度,m)。由于实际研究区古地形坡度极缓,在短时间实验条件下不利于三角洲沉积体的发育,因此分别设计底型坡度为1°~3°和3°~5°的两次坡度相对较陡的对比实验,与实际研究区进行不同坡度条件下的对比分析。两次实验仅坡度不同,其他条件均一致。

    Figure 4.  Photos (a) and schematic diagram (b) of the flume experimental device


    Figure 5.  Grain size distribution of provenance in each sedimentary period


    实验过程中,对有机质搬运与富集过程进行观察,对最终沉积体进行切片精细刻画和采取样品,并对取样位置坐标、层位、特征等信息进行记录,采取样品234样次,其中实验一(坡度3°~5°)163样次,实验二(坡度1°~3°)71样次。对样品分别进行粒度分析和总有机碳含量测定,粒度分析由Malvern Mastersizer3000型激光粒度仪测定,有机碳含量由Leco-CS-230碳硫分析仪测定。

  • 通过观察沉积模拟实验过程发现,由三角洲平原向前缘方向,陆源有机质富集程度明显增加(图6a,b),三角洲平原近物源区有机质沉积较少,远离物源方向的三角洲前缘存在明显的有机质富集带(图6a)。在水流直接流经的河道部位,有机质以沉积过路作用为主,而在河道两侧的河漫部位明显富集(图6b),这是由于河流水动力在远离物源方向上逐渐损耗减弱,使得三角洲前缘部位更易富集有机质,而河漫部位水流呈漫溢流动状态,水动力环境较弱,相对更易富集有机质。值得注意的是,在沉积过程中河道不断摆动,早期河漫部位已沉积的有机质在后期河道改道时会被后期河道冲刷破坏(图6c)。三角洲平原地区常存在砾石,水流越过砾石时会对背水面下切形成地势低洼区(图6d),这些地势相对较低的冲沟在后期沉积过程中处于相对闭塞的环境,有利于有机质的沉积和保存。综上所述,陆源有机质主要沉积于水动力较弱、地势较低的部位。

    Figure 6.  Photos of organic matter deposition process

  • 对实验所采的234个样品分别进行粒度分析及TOC测定,实验结果见表3。粒度分析测试结果显示,两次实验粒度中值与物源距离的相关性均较强。坡度较缓时,水动力环境相对较弱,粒度衰减速率较快,顺物源方向上三角洲延伸距离较短,在海平面以下,泥质含量向浅海方向迅速增大(图7)。

    泥/%(<0.004 mm)0~14.0660.202[85]0~0.5240.084[28]0~62.61543.875[50]0~0.4860.050[40]0~1.8320.146[16]19.862~74.02550.683[15]
    粉砂/%(0.004~0.063 mm)0~40.2733.658[85]0~16.1614.448[28]1.486~49.15141.173[50]0~23.6096.246[40]1.167~43.3109.223[16]25.307~56.90841.866[15]
    细砂/%(0.063~0.250 mm)2.708~72.52627.348[85]5.508~62.88537.491[28]1.892~39.5556.715[50]2.289~50.53226.672[40]4.386~49.92330.984[16]0.668~15.8814.519[15]
    中砂/%(0.250~0.500 mm)11.009~62.64640.651[85]16.962~56.97944.799[28]0~24.2942.526[50]8.374~56.54339.907[40]8.510~52.83737.543[16]0~5.7861.495[15]
    粗砂/%(0.500~2.000 mm)0.174~66.04825.709[85]1.914~52.38312.247[28]0~27.0654.249[50]3.547~67.38823.544[40]0.519~63.11920.366[16]0~5.3721.352[15]
    砾/%(>2.000 mm)0~15.9212.432[85]0~14.6060.932[28]0~24.6661.463[50]0~26.6143.580[40]0~11.8571.738[16]0~0.6750.085[15]

    Figure 7.  Variation of sediment grain size median with transportation distance


    Figure 8.  Variation of each particle level for sediments with a transportation distance at a slope of 3°⁃5°

    Figure 9.  Variation of each particle level for sediments with a transportation distance at a slope of 1°⁃3°


    Figure 10.  Relationship between TOC content and transport distance of sediments

  • 河流流动过程中,水流能量会由于能量的损耗或转换而减小或增大,水流能量的改变使得其自身运载能力也相应改变,沉积物粒度的配比也相应改变,因此沉积物粒度配比的变化是水动力条件变化的最直观的反映。陆源有机质与物源一起随河流搬运,水动力条件也控制着陆源有机质的搬运与沉积,因此陆源有机碳含量与粒度参数之间必然存在某种联系。经拟合发现,泥质含量、粉砂含量、细砂含量及中粗砂含量与TOC均具有较好的相关性(图11)。

    Figure 11.  Relationship between TOC content and sediment grain size content


    TOC=b+a1Cm+a2CS+a3Cf+a4Cme (1)



    Figure 12.  Schematic diagram of the sedimentary sequence in its ideal state

    Figure 13.  Relationship between sediment particle content and transport distance

    TOC=b+a1Cm+a2CS+a3Cf+a4CmeCm=n1en2x,0<x<x0;Cm=100-n1en2(2x0-x),0<x<x0CS=n3Cm2+n4Cm+n5Cf=n6Cme2+n7Cme+n8Cme=n9x2+n10x+n110  C* 100;0  C* 100 (2)

    式中:TOC为陆源有机碳含量,%;Cm为泥质含量,%;CS为粉砂含量,%;Cf为细砂含量,%;Cme为中粗砂含量,%;x为搬运距离;C*为各粒级含量,%;∑C*为各粒级含量之和,%;a1,a2,a3,a4,b,n ii=1,2,…,11)均为常量系数。

    通过模型式(2)分别对两次实验及崖南凹陷的陆源有机碳含量变化趋势进行预测(图14)。结果表明陆源有机碳含量随搬运距离的增加呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,这与诸多学者在对现代入海河口沉积中陆源有机质的分布特征是一致的,在近物源区通常由于水动力环境过强使得陆源有机质难以保存,但阵发性洪水导致沉积物快速堆积也可使得陆源有机碳含量相对较高。实验一(坡度3°~5°)时陆源有机质搬运最远距离6.66 m,陆源有机碳含量在4.40 m处达到最大值(图14a);实验二(坡度1°~3°)陆源有机质搬运最远距离6.00 m,陆源有机碳含量在4.12 m处达到最大值(图14b);崖城组(坡度<0.1°)陆源有机质搬运最远距离47.7 km,陆源有机碳含量在30 km处达到最大值(图14c)。将实际研究区按比例缩小后进行对比,随古地形坡度的减小,陆源有机质最大搬运距离也在减小,有机碳含量高值区向物源方向迁移,陆源有机质优势分布区域位于三角洲前缘—浅海区域附近(图14d)。两次实验条件下,地形坡度不同、供水量相同,陡坡度条件下重力在物源搬运方向的分力更大,使得水流流速更大(即水动力环境更强),同时沉积物可以搬运更远的距离,因此,随古地形坡度的减小,陆源有机质最大搬运距离减小这一规律,是古地形和水动力环境共同控制的结果。

    Figure 14.  Prediction results and comparison chart of terrigenous organic carbon content in the experiment and Yacheng Formation

  • 关于地质历史时期沉积地层中陆源有机质分布规律的研究相对较少,主要集中在对澳大利亚北卡那封盆地中上三叠统Mungaroo组三角洲的研究[5,25],李丹等[5]将Mungaroo组三角洲划分为近端三角洲平原、远端三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、前三角洲4个沉积亚相,陆源有机碳含量平均为1.59%、4.11%、1.05%和1.16%(图15),陆源有机碳含量整体呈先增大后减小的趋势,与上述预测模型分析结果一致。与实验和崖城组分析结果不同的是,陆源有机碳含量在远端三角洲平原出现了最高值,这可能主要由两方面原因导致。一方面北卡那封盆地上三叠统沉积时期受三叠纪环特提斯洋巨型季风的影响,阵发性洪水频发,冲散了块状陆源有机质使得泥岩中多含炭屑,从而导致煤层相对发育的远端三角洲平原的暗色泥岩陆源有机碳含量偏高;另一方面可能是由于烃源岩岩性划分标准的差异,在近端三角洲平原和远端三角洲平原暗色泥岩陆源有机碳含量最高可达18%和26.8%,这类泥岩实际上应该属于炭质泥岩范畴,统计方法的不同使得陆源有机碳含量的高值区位置有差异。此外,这一差异还与后期成岩演化过程中的保存条件有关。

    Figure 15.  Distribution pattern of terrigenous organic matter in the delta of the Mungaroo Formation in the North Carnarvon Basin (modified from Li et al.[5])


    Figure 16.  Change pattern of indicator parameters for terrestrial organic matter in modern estuaries


  • 结合实验过程观察与陆源有机碳含量变化趋势预测结果,建立陆源有机质分布模式。单一物源条件下,随搬运距离的增加,陆源有机质含量呈先增大后减小的“单峰型”变化趋势。在近物源区一定范围内由于水动力环境过强,以侵蚀作用为主,使得陆源有机质无法保存,为陆源侵蚀区;在凹槽、冲沟等下切低地势部位为陆源有机质偏高区域,为低洼部位陆源有机质富集区;河流一旦入海,水动力会快速下降,在海平面附近形成陆源有机质的快速沉积带,即有机质快速沉降带;当河流水动力强度被削减到一定程度时,较大颗粒的陆源有机质将无法被搬运,可被搬运的那一部分有机质的量将逐渐减少,因此会出现陆源有机质含量的消减区。在水动力环境被海水削弱的同时,基底地势逐渐升高,对有机质的迁移形成阻挡,在水动力环境与地形的双重控制作用下,出现陆源有机碳含量的骤减区。在三角洲平原区,常因原地植被及生物的存在形成泥炭沼泽,其中在未受海平面影响的近物源处可形成煤层,煤层有机碳含量可达90%,而泥炭沼泽大量发育炭质泥岩,直至滨浅海部位,煤层及沼泽逐渐欠发育,因此,原地有机碳含量由物源区向浅海方向呈先缓慢增长后急速下降的趋势,但其有机碳含量通常较大。滨浅海区域是底栖生物及浮游生物的生存之所,向海洋方向逐渐过渡为海洋生物及浮游生物,生物死后遗体大量堆积是海洋有机质的主要来源。因此,在三角洲平原区域,有机碳含量主要受控于原地生物的生长富集,为原地有机碳主控区;在三角洲前缘—滨浅海区域,陆源有机质大量沉积,其贡献可能超过浅海生物的贡献,为陆源有机碳主控区;在滨浅海—深海区域,海洋生物是有机质的主要供应者,为海洋有机碳主控区(图17)。

    Figure 17.  Distribution pattern of "unimodal" terrigenous organic matter from a single source


    Figure 18.  Distribution pattern of terrestrial organic matter enriched in “source⁃sink area” from multiple sources

  • 结合预测模型计算结果及单物源“单峰型”陆源有机质分布模式,对崖南凹陷崖城组搬运陆源有机碳含量分布进行预测,崖南凹陷西北部物源可输送陆源有机质至47.7 km处,即搬运的陆源有机质可输送到凹陷中央处,Y1井处向凹陷中央方向陆源有机碳含量逐渐增大,在Y4井处陆源有机碳含量达到最大,自此向凹陷中央方向陆源有机碳含量逐渐降低,Y6井处为陆源有机碳含量快速下降区,直至凹陷中央下降为0(图19)。

    Figure 19.  Prediction map of terrestrial organic matter distribution in the Yanan Sag

  • (1) 陆源有机质主要沉积于水动力较弱、地势较低的部位,最远搬运距离及搬运量受水动力环境控制。地形坡度越陡,水动力环境越强,陆源有机质最大搬运距离越大,搬运量越大。

    (2) 陆源有机碳含量向远离物源方向呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,在三角洲前缘—浅海沉积区附近出现高值区。单一物源条件下,远离物源方向依次为原地有机质主控区、陆源有机质主控区及海洋有机质主控区;多物源条件下,远离物源方向依次为原地有机质主控区、陆源有机质主控区及混和有机质主控区。其中陆源有机质主控区及混合有机质主控区是陆源海相烃源岩发育有利区,这一区域通常位于三角洲前缘—浅海范围内。

    (3) 崖南凹陷崖城组陆源有机质最远搬运距离约47.7 km,在距物源区约30 km处达到陆源有机碳含量的最大值1.4%,即崖南凹陷陆源有机质最远可搬运至Y6井附近,在Y4井附近达到最大值,Y4井区域是陆源海相烃源岩的有利发育区。

Reference (39)



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